Power Africa Off-grid Project (PAOP) Uganda Mini-Grid Consultant

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Power Africa Off-grid Project (PAOP) Uganda Mini-Grid Consultant

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Job title
Power Africa Off-grid Project (PAOP) Uganda Mini-Grid Consultant
USAID Power Africa

Type of job
consultancy contract

Language of description
Job description
The Power Africa Off-grid Project (PAOP) Uganda Mini-Grid Consultant is responsible for providing technical assistance to mini-grid projects in Uganda, including a grant window for Mini-Grids projects in refugee settlement settings in Uganda. Specifically, the Consultant will lead on the provision of business focused technical assistance to Mini-Grid companies to help develop and implement their business models in Uganda. In addition, the Consultant will support the monitoring and evaluation of grants to mini-grid projects, including those in support of the Smart Communities Coalition. PAOP is supporting the implementation of the Smart Communities Coalition initiative co-chaired by Power Africa and Master Card. SCC is implementing pilots to integrate private sector off-grid offering in refugee settlements in Uganda and Kenya. The Consultant will successfully support the mini-grid activities in PAOP where grants are implemented.
Application deadline

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