Public Private Partnership For Rural Household Energy Supply - Nepal Biogas Support Program
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Public Private Partnership For Rural Household Energy Supply - Nepal Biogas Support Program
Title | Public Private Partnership For Rural Household Energy Supply - Nepal Biogas Support Program |
Author | Sundar Bajgain, Indira Shakya |
Year | 2005 |
Region/Country | South Asia - Nepal |
Topics | Finance |
Document Type | Study & Report |
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Language(s) | English |
Abstract | Biogas was first introduced to Nepal on an experimental basis in 1955. The initial experiences showed the feasibility of this technology for meeting a significant portion of rural household energy needs. The Nepal Biogas Support Program (the BSP) is a successful model of development coope-ration, technological innovation, financial engineering and market development that nave helped address some of the social, economic, energy and environmental needs of the rural areas of Nepal. The BSP also represents a working partnership between His Majestys Government of Nepal (HMG/N), the Dutch Development Cooperation (DGIS), the German Financial Cooperation through the German Development Bank (KfW), the Agricultural Development Bonk of Nepal (ADB/N), the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV), the Gobar Gas Company (GGC), the private sector of Nepal and the rural farmers of Nepal. As a result, there are a number of lessons to be learned from the BSP that can be applied to other development assistance programs targeted at the dissemination of small-scale rural and renewable energy technologies. |