Publication - An In-Depth Exploration of Cooking Entirely with Electricity in Kenya

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An In-Depth Exploration of Cooking Entirely with Electricity in Kenya
EED Advisory
EED Advisory
Published in
February 2023
About 2.4 billion people globally and about 1 billion in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) rely on biomass

fuel, kerosene, and coal for cooking . It is further estimated that 2 billion people will still have no access to clean cooking solutions by 2030 if there is no global political will and concerted efforts from the different stakeholders2. Cooking using traditional forms of biomass, especially fuelwood, and charcoal, is now the leading source of greenhouse gases in Sub-Saharan Africa. . This practice is also associated with widespread negative environmental and health impacts.

Although Kenya’s electrification rate as of 2018 was 75% (53.5% have access through the national grid, while 21.5% use off-grid solutions), the use of electricity for cooking is still low. According to a national survey by the Ministry of Energy in 2019, approximately 3% of the households owned a mixed LPG, electric stove, electric coil, and microwave. Table 3 below provides information on electric cooking solutions in Kenya, identified in 2019.

The low uptake of cooking with electricity has been attributed to the high up-front cost of electric stoves compared to other improved stoves, lack of awareness of efficient cooking electric appliances, and the diverse electric appliance options. Limited distribution points and the high cost of electricity in Kenya have also been cited as factors limiting e-cooking uptake.

Adoption of these solutions remains low in Kenya and Sub-Saharan Africa due to a complex mix of these factors can be conceptualized as demand-side and supply-side barriers.

The triggers, enablers, and causes of transitions in cooking fuels at the household level have been

studied extensively over the last three decades. Many studies demonstrate a correlation between a household’s socioeconomic status, a proxy indicator of disposal income, and its cooking options7,8,9.


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