Publication - Electricity supply quality and use among rural and peri-urban households and small firms in Nigeria

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Electricity supply quality and use among rural and peri-urban households and small firms in Nigeria
Nature/Scientific Data
Setu Pelz 1,2, NargesChinichian2,3, Clara Neyrand2 & Philipp Blechinger2
Published in
May 2023
Rural and peri-urban populations in Nigeria continue to suffer from unreliable and expensive energy supply.

According to the World Bank, the electricity access rate in Nigeria stood at 55.4% in 2020 with a big gap between urban and rural areas (83.9% vs. 24.6%). At the same time, nearly 30 million Nigerian households depend on wood as a source of cooking fuel, the collection of which is time-consuming and mainly done by women. Where there is supply, it is typically unreliable and frequently interrupted by blackouts. The Nigeria Enterprise Survey from the World Bank showed that 27% of Nigerian firms identified the reliability of electricity supply as the main obstacle to their business. On average, 32.8 power outages were reported to occur in a typical month leading to an estimated 11% loss in sales value. The average grid-connected household receives just 6.6 hours of supply on a typical day, linked to a per capita consumption of just 144kWh per year. In comparison, the annual per capita consumption in Ghana and South Africa is respectively 351 kWh and 4,198 kWh. Plagued by issues of supply quality, many Nigerians have resorted to self-generation using petrol and diesel generators, spending approximately 1.56 trillion Naira (3.76 billion USD, using an average exchange rate in 2021) per year on fuel. While global efforts are accelerating under the banner of achieving Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) by 2030, progress in Nigeria remains hindered by limited data availability, among other barriers. Data describing the energy access deficit in Nigeria exist (see Table 1), however, there is limited disaggregate information describing the supply quality in the existing network and the unmet demand in ‘un-electrifed’ regions. In this data descriptor, we present primary survey data collected to fill this and other gaps through the ‘People Power: Optimizing of-grid electricity supply systems in Nigeria’ project (PeopleSuN).

PeopleSuN is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the funding initiative ‘Client II - International Partnerships for Sustainable Innovations. Data collection followed extensive stakeholder discussions in Nigeria under the PeopleSuN project to define the data gap and the necessary survey and sampling strategy to address this. The questionnaires used draw from specific modules within established surveys capturing energy-related data, most directly from the Multi-Tier Framework for Measuring Energy Access surveys7.
