Publication - Electrifying the energy sector: The case of Slovakia and the Czech Republic
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Electrifying the energy sector: The case of Slovakia and the Czech Republic
Queen Mary University of London, School of Law
Rafael Leal-Arcas, Brian Burstein, Maria Eugenia Mattera
Published in
February 2020
This article explores the current picture of Slovakia’s and the Czech Republic’s domestic energy market, the national reality concerning decentralization efforts as well as their suitability to achieve it. It assesses the current situation of new technologies, namely smart grids, electric mobility, demand response, and electricity storage technologies. Further, it looks at data protection concerns in the development of new technologies.
The article then critically analyses the relevant novel policies in place and projected promising policies for the oncoming years in terms of encouraging regional cooperation, interconnection, consumer empowerment, decentralization, and the deployment of new technologies towards a more secure and “smarter grid”. The article concludes that Slovakia depends largely on its domestic production of nuclear energy and the import of primary energy sources to meet its primary demand. In such a position, the implementation of decentralized electricity generation becomes a priority.
In terms of legal environment, Slovakia offers remarkable and suitable conditions to continue developing new technologies in the energy sector. Its regulatory framework presents a valuable basis − although not developed enough − to drive this paradigm shift. As for Czechia’s electricity sector, it is highly competitive, enjoys a relatively low energy dependence (compared to the average of EU countries), and its high level of grid interconnection contributes to energy security. However, in terms of smartening and decentralization, there is still room for policy improvement.URL
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