Publication - Gender-Responsive Electric Cooking in Nepal
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The MECS programme is a partnership between researchers, innovators, policy makers, and ESMAP. It draws on expertise and work from around the world to co-construct new knowledge with practitioners and the private sector. It is led by Loughborough University, UK. MECS is a five-year programme funded by UK Aid (DFID), which aims to spark a revolution by rapidly accelerating the transition from biomass to clean cooking on a global scale. By integrating modern energy cooking services into energy planning, MECS looks to leverage investment in renewable energies, particularly, electricity access—both grid and off-grid—to address the clean cooking challenge. Modern energy cooking is Tier 5 clean cooking, and, therefore, MECS also supports new innovations in other relevant cooking fuels, such as biogas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and ethanol. The intended outcome is a market-ready range of innovations (technology and business models) which lead to improved choices of affordable, reliable, and sustainable modern energy cooking services for consumers. We seek to have the MECS principles adopted in the SDG 7.1 global tracking framework and hope that participating countries will incorporate modern energy cooking services in their energy policies and planning.
The other partners of the programme are Practical Action Consulting-Nepal, which has expertise in implementation and research of clean cooking programmes in Nepal and 60 Decibels, an impact measurement company with wide international expertise in the field of energy access and other sectors, including agriculture and financial inclusion.
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