Publication - Green Recovery for Practitioners Examples from around the World for Building Forward Better

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Green Recovery for Practitioners Examples from around the World for Building Forward Better
Juliet Phillips, Felix Heilmann
Published in
June 2021
This report presents a compilation of examples that can inspire the practical implementation of a green recovery, drawing upon measures and instruments that have been deployed in countries worldwide, particularly in developing and emerging economies. Several cross-cutting takeaways can be gained from the 23 examples featured in this report:
  • Striving for agenda coherence between climate, biodiversity, disaster risk reduction and sustainable development goals should be the guiding principle for designing and implementing green recovery measures.
  • Existing plans and frameworks such as nationally determined contributions (NDCs), biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs) or mid- to long-term sectoral and economy-wide development plans can guide economic recovery from the Covid-19 crisis to ensure they are resilient and enhance people’s wellbeing.
  • Practitioners should build upon existing initiatives as a foundation for launching green recovery measures to the extent possible to enhance their ability to deliver at speed as they benefit from existing infrastructure, staff, relationships and acceptance by stakeholders.
  • Creating initiatives from the bottom up – based on local needs, ideas, and solutions – can help improve their durability and success. Participation in decision making, planning and implementation of measures as well as fair distribution of benefits create acceptance and ownership among target groups. Moreover, transparent communication and regular information exchange are key.
  • Nature-based solutions can create large numbers of jobs and offer multiple social, environmental and economic benefits. Healthy ecosystems sustain livelihoods and create new income streams and employment opportunities while enhancing resilience to climate change. Many nature-based schemes have come under scrutiny on account of labour conditions as well as effectiveness and durability. Consequently, including all stakeholders (also local communities) in decision making and long-term project planning should be set as priorities from the outset.
  • A continuous process of project monitoring, evaluation and improvement ought to be pursued to improve the outcomes of projects, with a focus on working with labour groups and marginalised stakeholders.
  • Additional, multi-year finance from international funders can cement the long-term benefits associated with projects. Where fiscal space is limited, countries can benefit from additional support from international lenders and funders. Long-term funding can ensure programmes are sustainable through the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond.
  • Individual initiatives can serve as inspiration – but for systemic change the replication and upscaling of good practices is needed. To this end, practitioners should seek collaboration and cooperation opportunities at all levels, from the local to the international. Exchanging and learning from each other’s experiences while perceiving the Covid-19 pandemic not only as a crisis but also as an opportunity to innovate and experiment is crucial to identify and ultimately replicate or scale up best practices. Finally, the pandemic offers an opportunity to direct resources and political attention towards climate, biodiversity and sustainable development issues that have received little attention in the past.


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