Publication - Improving Policies and Instruments to Address Cumulative Impacts of Small Hydropower in the Amazon

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Improving Policies and Instruments to Address Cumulative Impacts of Small Hydropower in the Amazon

Simone Athayde, Carla G. Duarte, Amarilis L. C. F. Gallardo, Evandro M. Moretto, Luisa A. Sangoi, Ana Paula A. Dibo, Juliana Siqueira-Gay & Luis E. Sánchez
Published in
July 2019
In this perspective article, current policy challenges and options for assessing the impacts of small hydroelectric plants in the Amazon are highlighted, which deserve more attention in both academic research and public policies. It reviews environmental licensing of seven small and one large dam in the Cupari river, a Tapajós tributary, which is being challenged in Federal Courts based on inadequate cumulative impact assessment. It argues for the need of adopting good practices in cross-scale environmental assessment when applying existing or new policy instruments. The article was co-produced by researchers of the Amazon Dams Research Network/ Rede Internacional de Pesquisa em Barragens Amazônicas/ Red Internacional de Investigación en Represas Amazónicas (ADN/RBA/RIRA), in collaboration with Luisa Sangoi, Public Prosecutor of the Brazilian Prosecution Service (MPF).


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