Publication - PRODUSE II: Measuring Impact of Electrification on Micro and Small Enterprises in Nepal
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PRODUSE II: Measuring Impact of Electrification on Micro and Small Enterprises in Nepal
Anna Bruederle, Jenny Tracy, Witold Leipitz, Kilian Reiche, Monika Rammelt
Published in
October 2017
The study analysis, in a sound quantitative manner, impacts of electrification on local economic development and firm performance in rural Nepal. By doing so, it sheds light on the complexity of interconnections between economic development and electriciation and underligns the importance of further quantative research of the matter. The report is structured as follows. First, it presents a theory of change of electricity impacts on local economic development. It then reviews relevant literature on evidence of such impacts and provides some background information on the study context, both general background on the Nepal country context and specific information about the Community Rural Electrification Program. It then explains in detail our empirical strategy for causal inference and presents our results on various community and firm level outcomes. Finally, results are discussed and conclusions drawn.
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