Publication - Solar photovoltaic (PV) in West Africa : Learnings from Bénin

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Solar photovoltaic (PV) in West Africa : Learnings from Bénin
Innogence Consulting - Africa Renewable Energy System & Solution (ARESS)
Innogence Consulting - Africa Renewable Energy System & Solution (ARESS)
Published in
October 2020
With an electrification rate of around 30%, the Beninese government has decided to bet on renewable energies and particularly photovoltaic solar energy, to solve its problem of energy deficiency. The many measures taken, in particular the exemption from import taxes and VAT on the sale of solar equipments, have made it possible to considerably reduce the costs of solar installations and restore purchasing power to the populations. In this brief from Innogence Consulting in collaboration with the Beninese energy company ARESS, is presented an evolution of the costs of solar installations in Benin, the incentives taken by the local authorities and recommendations to boost a strategic sector of the economy of the country and the continent.


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