Publication - The Benefits and Risks of Solar-Powered Irrigation - A Global Overview

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The Benefits and Risks of Solar-Powered Irrigation - A Global Overview
The Food & Agriculture Organization of the Unied Nations & Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Hans Hartung & Lucie Pluschke
Published in
August 2018
In 2015, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH hosted an exploratory workshop to better understand the potential of solar-powered irrigation systems (SPIS) for developing countries. During the workshop, representatives from nineteen countries shared their experiences and knowledge of solar pumping technologies, covering large to small-scale systems in tropical to arid climate zones, for vegetable gardens, orchards and livestock watering, using surface and groundwater. Now in 2018, this report takes stock of the experiences with SPIS around the world. What are the real costs and benefits of SPIS compared with other technologies? What rules, regulations and policies are needed to manage the risks and realize the potential of such systems? What are viable business models? How can smallholders benefit? How can the risk of groundwater depletion be addressed effectively? How can SPIS help to empower women and promote gender equity? What types of capacity development programmes are needed to support farmers, extension workers, local private sectors and others? What are the opportunities for knowledge exchange and technology transfer?


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