Publication - The Sky's Limit Africa: the Case for a Just Energy Transition from Fossil Fuel Production in Africa

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The Sky's Limit Africa: the Case for a Just Energy Transition from Fossil Fuel Production in Africa
Oilwatch Africa, Africa Coal Network,, Health of Mother Earth Foundation, and WoMin African Alliance
Bronwen Tucker and Nikki Reisch
Published in
October 2021
The Sky’s Limit Africa assesses fossil fuel industry plans to sink USD $230 billion into the development of new extraction projects in Africa in the next decade — and USD $1.4 trillion by 2050. It finds these projects are not compatible with a safe climate future and that they are at risk of becoming stranded assets that leave behind unfunded clean-up, shortfalls of government revenue, and overnight job losses. The report also contains country-level analysis for the top 16 projected oil, gas, and coal producers in Africa for 2020-2050: Nigeria, Mozambique, Algeria, Angola, Libya, Egypt, Tanzania, Mauritania, South Africa, Republic of Congo, Senegal, Ghana, Uganda, Ethiopia, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon.
