Request for Proposals: Responsible Carbon Finance Landscape Research

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Request for Proposals: Responsible Carbon Finance Landscape Research

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Job title
Request for Proposals: Responsible Carbon Finance Landscape Research
Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA)

Type of job
consultancy contract
April to August
Language of description
Job description
Scope of Work

CCA is seeking a qualified consulting firm/consortium to carry out the research and produce a report focused on developing a shared agenda for action for the sustainable development of carbon markets for clean cooking. The approach taken is through the lens of developing a shared approach to understanding and managing risks associated with carbon market expansion across various clean fuel/tool technology markets. The research will explore several evidence and knowledge gaps to answer the research questions identified above.

This research will draw on publicly available research, information, analysis of carbon market activity in clean cooking markets. It will also heavily draw on interviews with stakeholders from across carbon and clean cooking markets, including from within CCA.

CCA will also be organizing steering groups composed of key industry stakeholders, organized around the main themes of the research, namely integrity and coherence, fairness, additionality and complementarity, and levelling up and inclusiveness. This will offer additional substantive reference points for consultants to test hypothesis and assumption, and validate conclusions and recommendations.
Application deadline

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