Senior Climate Technology Specialist

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Senior Climate Technology Specialist

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Job title
Senior Climate Technology Specialist

  • Republic of Korea
Asia and Pacific
Type of job
consultancy contract

Climate Change
Language of description
Job description
The CTCN Partnership and Liaison Office in the Republic of Korea is set up-up to enhance climate technology development and transfer and to strengthen the linkages between the CTCN and the Green Climate Fund and between the CTCN and other entities working on climate technologies that are based in the Republic of Korea. The Office also serves as a Centre of excellence for collaborative RD&D on climate technologies.

A senior consultant is required to support CTCN in operationalization of the work of the CTCN Partnership and Liaison Office and largely focusing on supporting the activities to enhance collaboration with the Green Climate Fund and other climate financing institutions. The senior consultant would also upscale the work of the CTCN through the GCF Readiness Programme and continue to provide support to more countries towards transformational long-term climate actions. The consultant would also support the activities of the newly established CTCN Liaison Office, as follows:

• Capacity Building of Regional Developing Country NDEs • Provision of Service as a Centre of Excellence on RD&D for Climate Technologies • Establishment of Twinning Arrangements • Pro-bono Support of CTCN Technical Assistance by Network Members based in the Republic of Korea

• Communications and Knowledge Management
Application deadline

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