Stakeholder: Bright Products

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General Information

Organization Description
BRIGHT is a Norwegian solar product company catering to anyone who needs to be less dependent on the electrical grid, whether by choice or by living in off-grid or bad-grid communities.
Energy Solutions Offered
  • Solar home systems
  • Solar lanterns
Country of Company HQ
Countries of Operation
Location of Retailers (Offices)
Location of Partners (Offices)
Location of Representatives (Offices)
Size of Company (Staff)
Main Activities
  • Manufacturing
  • Research and development
Target Customers
  • Community
  • Household
Company Turnover
6,670,00 M USD a year


Contact and Web Resources

Contact E-mail

Reference to Past Projects

Countries of Past Project Implementation
Burundi, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda
Past Project Activities
  • Capacity building and trainings
  • Distributing
  • Manufacturing
  • Research and development
Reference to any past experience/projects in conflict affected or displacement settings
Supplied UNHCR, IOM, UNICEF with over 2,8 million solar lanterns to over 40 different locations worldwide.

E-waste Project: greening humanitarian response through recovery, repair and recycling of solar products in displacement settings.

Education 4 sustainability in Somalia and Burundi.

"Burundi, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda" is not in the list (Worldwide, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, ...) of allowed values for the "PS country3" property.