Technical Advisor, Solar Energy
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Technical Advisor, Solar Energy
Job title
Technical Advisor, Solar Energy
Addis Ababa
- Ethiopia
Sub-Saharan Africa
Type of job
permanent contract
Language of description
Job description
For smallholders, the lack of access to modern energy sources for productive use is a main limitation to development and improved livelihoods. Energy related costs often represent one of the highest agribusiness operating costs. Some renewable energy technologies have been developed already, however, very few can be called “accessible” to smallholder farmers to date due to high investment costs. A major reason for this situation is the lack of scalable, innovative business cases which ensure that already available PUE technologies and services reach smallholder farmers and local agribusiness enterprises. Energising Development (EnDev) is a global multi-donor partnership program implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) that facilitates market-based access to modern energy services in 20 countries worldwide.
In Ethiopia, EnDev cooperates closely with the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy (MoWIE) in providing access to modern energy services to Ethiopian households, social institutions and SMEs through market development for solar PV, mini-grid, hydro and energy efficient cook stoves. In line with its work on productive use of solar energy (PUE), EnDev Ethiopia will implement a project on sustainable energy for smallholder farmers. The focus will be on developing and implementing sustainable business cases for PUE in the horticulture and dairy value chain in Ethiopia, i.e. solar cooling, renewable energy hub, through capacity building, awareness-creation and piloting business cases. GIZ is looking for a Technical Advisor, Energy Solar to support in the implementation of its programme.
Application deadline
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