Technological Solutions for Renewable Energy in the Western Balkans

From energypedia

This project component focuses on familiarising grid operators and, to a lesser extent, national ministries with solutions for handling large shares of variable RE. This will be achieved primarily through training and workshops, for example on renewable energy generation forecasting.

Outputs: Solutions for network integration of higher RE shares

  • Jointly shaping and training of Western Balkans grid operators on technological innovations and good practices for dealing with increasing shares of RE (including generation/capacity forecasting, digitalization and flexibility options, dispatching, grid analysis and grid expansion planning).
  • Enhancing Western Balkans grid operators' capacities on good practices for communication & coordination between distribution and transmission grids operators
  • Skilling-up Western Balkans grid operators abilities for creating viable business models for dealing with prosumers, administrative handling of a variety of grid connection issues, and the implications of decentralized consumption/generation such as electromobility/charging
  • Raise joint awareness of grid operators or ministries responsible for energy in the Western Balkan countries on good practices regarding integration of RE expansion planning and land use planning, as well as options for repurposing the existing grid infrastructure for RE integration


A total of 4 four solutions for the grid integration of high proportions of RE were analysed by network operators or ministries responsible for energy from 4 Western Balkan countries in regional exchanges.

Main Activities

  • Regional exchange between regulators and ministries responsible for energy on good practice examples for efficient approval, ad-ministration and data management processes for the expansion and operation of RE
  • Working-out options for the establishment of grid stability criteria, grid codes for the mass expansion of PV at distribution network level by prosumers and energy communities

Expected Impacts

  • Key actors in the electricity sector are familiar with solu-tions for the grid integration of high proportions of renewable energy
  • Key actors in the electricity sector are familiar with options to shape conducive framework conditions for the transition to renewable energies in the Western Balkans.

Project Deliverables