Water Filter Media and Systems of Packed Particle Beds

From energypedia

Water filter media of packed particle beds - PPBs, could get safe drinking water to more of those in need than what is otherwise possible.  PPB water filters can be large-scale, point-of-use.  The PPB filters depend on mechanical energy only, of gravity, water input being clear water.  In low-income communities, these filter systems should be a short walk from homes.  PPB filter systems could be sustainable as highly effective (log 5 reduction or better), user-friendly and affordable to the poorest.

There are two kinds of PPB filters, those of granulated ceramic filter media and those of glass micro beads.  Both are treated with silver or copper as disinfectant through oligodynamic action (Reference 1). Both have the advantage that they can be produced at low cost almost anywhere. Following is a link to a schematic of a PPB system for 2,000 beneficiaries, whether granulated ceramic or glass microbeads, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WEuo6wj5RBk9qz3kh2JN1Z3TguB102xn/view?usp=drivesdk

In municipal water treatment, regardless of location, PPB filter media could substitute for slow sand treatment, with little or no subsequent need of UV or RO disinfection. Here is the article, *Filtering safe drinking water through granulated ceramics.* https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RWJEKLHQu697EFcx0RAC-LyNWHBNP5se/view?usp=drivesdk

Reference 1: Oligodynamic Action of Silver, Copper and Brass on Enteric Bacteria Isolated from Water of Kathmandu Valley



….This study suggested the promotion of use of water pots made of oligodynamic metals such as silver and copper, and alloy such as brass to control the gram negative enteric pathogens in drinking water. Key words: Oligodynamic action; Heavy metals; Enteric bacteria…