What You Need to Know Before Installing Solar Energy System

From energypedia

Installing a photovoltaic system is a decision that should involve a lot of consideration. After all, in addition to the investment, some knowledge is needed to help you take advantage of everything the photovoltaic solar energy system offers for much longer.

To help you in this mission, I have included what you should know before installing a photovoltaic solar energy system.

1. How a photovoltaic system works

Responsible for generating solar energy, the photovoltaic system has a simple operation. First, its solar panels absorb sunlight and convert it into energy.

However, this energy is not yet ready to be used. For this, it must pass through the solar inverter. A device that converts direct current to alternating current. From there, the energy is ready to be distributed in the property.

2. Photovoltaic systems have a return greater than savings

Did you know that investing in a photovoltaic solar energy system yields more than investing in savings? That’s because savings yields, on average, 6% per year. While solar energy appliances are getting more and more valued. And they offer a return that can vary between 8% and 18% annually!

3. Solar energy adds value to your property

Renters and buyers are increasingly selective about the properties they seek. In addition to a good location, area, and layout of the rooms, they also prefer sustainable and economical options.

And this is where installing a photovoltaic system makes your property stand out. After all, what do you prefer: a property that depends 100% on the electricity grid and is subject to tariff flags and abusive increases? Or one that has an efficient system that generates up to 95% savings.

I bet you chose the second option, right? And it is precisely this preference that has guaranteed properties with a photovoltaic system an appreciation of up to 30%.

4. Be sure to take out insurance

Some think it’s silly, but good insurance for your solar panels can protect you from the possible losses inherent in this segment.

Good damage insurance, for example, covers damage to equipment already installed and in use. It usually covers risks related to rain, wind, fire, lightning, explosion, etc.

In addition, some insurances guarantee that consumers are repaid in case of damage to their equipment and damage to third parties, according to the contracted coverage.

5. A photovoltaic system can generate energy credits for another property

The photovoltaic solar system usually produces more energy than the consumer needs.

In these cases, excess energy is sent to the utility grid. In turn, it transforms this surplus into energy credits. They can be used in the months of lower incidence of solar rays when energy production is lower.

Or, they can be sent to another property as long as it is registered with the same CPF and is supplied by the same company as the main property.

6. It is possible to save regardless of your location

Globally, one of the main difficulties in installing photovoltaic systems is the incidence of sunlight. In some European countries, for example, the coldest months have shorter days. In which sun exposure is reduced and compromises the economy generated by the device.

Thinking about it, researchers studied placements capable of increasing the efficiency of these devices. Photovoltaic systems must face North, with an inclination similar to the local latitude.

7. Pay attention to warranties

Every manufacturer offers a specific warranty period for the photovoltaic solar energy system. It usually lasts between 25 and 30 years. However, for your device to last longer than the guarantee, it is essential to ensure the installers are good quality.

In addition, it is also essential that the solar company responsible for the installation is responsible for possible structural damage. Like, for example, holes in your roof, causing leaks, or structures that were not correctly fixed.

8. Research about maintenance

Despite being cheap and infrequent, good maintenance makes a lot of difference in solar energy. When done right, it prolongs the useful life of the photovoltaic system and ensures maximum savings.

That’s because, over time, solar panels get dirty. And they can be partially or entirely blocked by branches and leaves, thus impairing their solar capture and energy production.

Solar panels should be cleaned once a year or every six months in regions with a lot of rain. But this frequency may vary slightly according to the characteristics of your neighborhood.

Were you in doubt? Take a look at your boards. Delicate dust layers can cause an energy loss of 5%. But thicker layers can result in a reduction of up to 20%!

9. Savings of up to 95% on your electricity bill

Furthermore, in cases where you produce more energy than the total consumed, this excess is sent to the utility company. And later, it is converted into credits that can be used for up to 5 years.

10. Make a conscious choice

Before hitting the hammer, research the amounts charged in your region. And, if possible, also research about the companies that serve your city. See what past customers have to say about them.

After all, hiring a photovoltaic system is a significant investment. And you don’t want to be surprised by a poorly done service, right?