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= Overview =
The number of people forced to leave their country and live as refugees, due to war and persecution, is really high. The total number of refugees in 2013 has even exceeded the total number of refugees after World War II and is continuously rising. <ref name="Global refugee figures highest since WW2, UN says. (2014, June 20). Retrieved December 9, 2015, from http://www.bbc.com/news/world-27921938">Global refugee figures highest since WW2, UN says. (2014, June 20). Retrieved December 9, 2015, from http://www.bbc.com/news/world-27921938</ref>In 2014, UNHCR estimated that there are around 59.5 million displaced people worldwide.<ref name="Worldwide displacement hits all-time high as war and persecution increase. (2015). Retrieved December 5, 2015, from http://www.unhcr.org/558193896.html">Worldwide displacement hits all-time high as war and persecution increase. (2015). Retrieved December 5, 2015, from http://www.unhcr.org/558193896.html </ref>
= Introduction<br/> =
A large number of people are forced to leave their country and live as refugees due to war and persecution. In 2013 the total number of refugees exceeded those after World War II. This number has continued to rise since then. <ref name="Global refugee figures highest since WW2, UN says. (2014, June 20). Retrieved December 9, 2015, from http://www.bbc.com/news/world-27921938">Global refugee figures highest since WW2, UN says. (2014, June 20). Retrieved December 9, 2015, from http://www.bbc.com/news/world-27921938</ref> According to UNHCR, there were around 68,5 million forcefully displaced people worldwide in 2017, around 25,4 million of which were refugees, 40 mio. internally displaced people, and 3.1 mio. asylum seekers. It is the highest level of human displacement on record. <ref name="UNHCR (2018) - Global Trends. Forced Displacement in 2017: http://www.unhcr.org/dach/wp-content/uploads/sites/27/2018/06/GlobalTrends2017.pdf">UNHCR (2018) - Global Trends. Forced Displacement in 2017: http://www.unhcr.org/dach/wp-content/uploads/sites/27/2018/06/GlobalTrends2017.pdf</ref>
This article aims to explore the situation of energy access among refugee camps by consolidating the information from different publications.
This article aims to explore the situation of energy access among refugee camps by consolidating the information from different publications.
We invite you to edit this article and enrich it with your valuable contributions. Please feel free to include a new publication, your personal experience as well as other information in this article.
We invite you to edit this article and enrich it with your valuable contributions. Please feel free to include a new publication, your personal experience, as well as other information in this article.
= Financial Implications =
== Setting the Context ==
'''“Without safe and reliable access to energy, it can be impossible to meet the basic needs of life.”&nbsp;<ref name="Chatham House, n.d. Moving Energy Initiative. [Online] Available at: https://mei.chathamhouse.org/?section=intro [Accessed 16 June 2016].">Chatham House, n.d. Moving Energy Initiative. [Online] Available at: https://mei.chathamhouse.org/?section=intro [Accessed 16 June 2016].</ref>'''
<span style="font-size: 13.6px; line-height: 20.4px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)">Access to food, water, shelter and medical care are the immediate priorities for people who have been forcefully displaced from their homes, either due to war and conflict or natural disasters. However, having access to energy is another very important factor for refugees and one which has, in the past, not received a lot of attention.&nbsp;</span><ref name="Chatham House, n.d. Moving Energy Initiative. [Online] Available at: https://mei.chathamhouse.org/?section=intro [Accessed 16 June 2016].">Chatham House, n.d. Moving Energy Initiative. [Online] Available at: https://mei.chathamhouse.org/?section=intro [Accessed 16 June 2016].</ref><span style="font-size: 13.6px; line-height: 20.4px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)">&nbsp;Luckily this is starting to change because safe and reliable energy access, or the lack of it, plays a central role in the life of many refugees.</span><br/>
Many refugees find shelter in camps. Refugee camps are seen as temporary establishments, because the hope is that at some point the people living there will be able to return to their homes. Therefore, long term investments, such as connecting the camps to the grid or providing them with expensive energy solutions are often discouraged. However, on average, people spend 17 years in a refugee camp. <ref name="Pyper, J., 2015. Solar Power to Light Up Syrian Refugee Camps in Jordan. [Online] Available at: http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/solar-power-to-light-up-syrian-refugee-camps-in-jordan [Accessed 16 June 2016].">Pyper, J., 2015. Solar Power to Light Up Syrian Refugee Camps in Jordan. [Online] Available at: http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/solar-power-to-light-up-syrian-refugee-camps-in-jordan [Accessed 16 June 2016].</ref>&nbsp;During this time, they usually have to rely on energy sources, such as biomass or kerosene for cooking and lighting&nbsp; which are mostly used in an unsafe, unhealthy and inefficient way. <ref name="GVEP International, n.d. The Moving Energy Initiative: Sustainable Energy for Refugees and Displaced People. [Online] Available at: http://www.gvepinternational.org/en/business/moving-energy-initiative-sustainable-energy-refugees-and-displaced-people [Accessed 15 June 2016].">GVEP International, n.d. The Moving Energy Initiative: Sustainable Energy for Refugees and Displaced People. [Online] Available at: http://www.gvepinternational.org/en/business/moving-energy-initiative-sustainable-energy-refugees-and-displaced-people [Accessed 15 June 2016].</ref>&nbsp;Replacing these energy sources or devices with sustainable energy solutions in camps would have numerous advantages for refugees as well as for the host community and the environment.
*Migration can contribute to improving access to reliable, affordable modern energy services ([[Energy and the Sustainable Development Goals|SDG target 7.1]]) through higher incomes for migrants and the sending of remittances.
*The informal or irregular status of many migrants is a barrier to universal access to modern energy services. Migrants in informal settlements and displaced people often experience a worsening in their access to modern energy services.
*Migrants require knowledge about modern energy services and markets to ensure equitable access to reliable, affordable energy in high-income countries. They may transfer this energy knowledge to their communities of origin.<ref name="Overseas Development Institute (ODI) 2018: Energy, migration and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, https://www.odi.org/publications/11157-energy-migration-and-2030-agenda-sustainable-development">Overseas Development Institute (ODI) 2018: Energy, migration and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, https://www.odi.org/publications/11157-energy-migration-and-2030-agenda-sustainable-development</ref>
= Energy for Cooking =
'''In camps in north Darfur people on average “missed three meals a week when they had food but no fuel to cook"&nbsp;<ref name="Arnold, K. et al., 2016. Energy in Emergency Settings. Boiling Point, Issue 68, p. 1.">Arnold, K. et al., 2016. Energy in Emergency Settings. Boiling Point, Issue 68, p. 1.</ref>'''
Most of the food donated to refugees by humanitarian agencies need to be cooked before it can be consumed. However, the fuel needed for cooking is usually not provided. <ref name="Arnold, K. et al., 2016. Energy in Emergency Settings. Boiling Point, Issue 68, p. 1.">Arnold, K. et al., 2016. Energy in Emergency Settings. Boiling Point, Issue 68, p. 1.</ref>&nbsp;Therefore, many refugees need to collect firewood from the area around the camp. Depleting the firewood resources in the camp’s surroundings does not only cause environmental problems, such as deforestation and spreading desertification, but also often leads to tensions between refugees and the host communities.
The dependency on firewood is also a gender problem. Collecting firewood is a task often performed my woman and girls. Especially in large camps they may have to walk for hours in order to find firewood, leaving them less time for other activities, such as looking after their children, working or supporting the refugee community. Furthermore, women and girls are often subjected to gender based violence during their search for firewood <ref name="Arnold, K. et al., 2016. Energy in Emergency Settings. Boiling Point, Issue 68, p. 1.">Arnold, K. et al., 2016. Energy in Emergency Settings. Boiling Point, Issue 68, p. 1.</ref>.
Refugees who are unable to collect firewood have to buy fuel for cooking. This can be very expensive. For example, in the Dadaab refugee camps in Kenya it was estimated that, on average, families spend 24% of their income&nbsp;on energy.&nbsp;<ref name="Chatham House, n.d. Moving Energy Initiative. [Online] Available at: https://mei.chathamhouse.org/?section=intro [Accessed 16 June 2016].">Chatham House, n.d. Moving Energy Initiative. [Online] Available at: https://mei.chathamhouse.org/?section=intro [Accessed 16 June 2016].</ref>
Cooking with biomass on open fires has severe negative health effects for refugees. The exposure to smoke from open fires is estimated to cause 20,000 premature deaths amongst refugees each year. <ref name="Chatham House, n.d. Moving Energy Initiative. [Online] Available at: https://mei.chathamhouse.org/?section=intro [Accessed 16 June 2016].">Chatham House, n.d. Moving Energy Initiative. [Online] Available at: https://mei.chathamhouse.org/?section=intro [Accessed 16 June 2016].</ref>&nbsp;A study in Nepal showed that refugees are especially vulnerable to air born respiratory infections caused by smoke. They have a 10-17 higher rate of infection in comparison to people living in non-crisis settings. <ref name="Arnold, K. et al., 2016. Energy in Emergency Settings. Boiling Point, Issue 68, p. 1.">Arnold, K. et al., 2016. Energy in Emergency Settings. Boiling Point, Issue 68, p. 1.</ref>&nbsp; Furthermore, the risk of burns or setting fire to tents is also heightened by the use of open fires for cooking.&nbsp;<ref name="Chatham House, n.d. Moving Energy Initiative. [Online] Available at: https://mei.chathamhouse.org/?section=intro [Accessed 16 June 2016].">Chatham House, n.d. Moving Energy Initiative. [Online] Available at: https://mei.chathamhouse.org/?section=intro [Accessed 16 June 2016].</ref>
Access to efficient cookstoves can provide a solution to some of these problems. Since they consume less fuel, efficient stoves result in considerable savings for refugees in terms of money, and time spent collecting firewood. Through improved combustions efficient stoves also minimize the health risks associated with [[Indoor Air Pollution (IAP)|air pollution]] caused by cooking.
Some stoves can also be used to cook with alternative fuels, such as ethanol. One&nbsp;example for this are the high performing ethanol cookstoves produced by the Ethiopian charity organization Gaia Association. The stoves are distributed to refugees living in the Jigjiga refugee camps. The ethanol is made from molasses, a by-product of the large sugar industry in the country. <ref name="Tsehayu, W. T. & Getaneh, D., 2016. Clean and safe energy for cooking: Ethiopian Jigjiga refugee camps. Boiling Point, Issue 68, pp. 16-19.">Tsehayu, W. T. & Getaneh, D., 2016. Clean and safe energy for cooking: Ethiopian Jigjiga refugee camps. Boiling Point, Issue 68, pp. 16-19.</ref>&nbsp;By providing them with efficient stoves and ethanol fuel the Gaia Association has freed refugees in the camp from their dependency on firewood, thus improving their quality of life.
<br/>Further information on energy for cooking in refugee camps can be found in the energypedia articles "[[Cooking Energy in Refugee Situations|Cooking Energy in Refugee Situations]]" and "[[Cooking Energy in Refugee Camps- Challenges and Opportunities|Cooking Energy in Refugee Camps-Challenges and Opportunities]]"
According to an assessment by the Women's Refugee Comission (WRC) in 2005, in humanitarian setting, refugees are provided with food, shelter but rarely with cooking energy. Energy access for refugees is a basic humanitarian need but has been mostly ignored/undermined. Additionally, a global total of '''US$2.1 billion''' is spend per year for energy access among displaced people.&nbsp;The majority of this cost is borne by the refugees themselves.<ref name="Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk">Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk</ref>
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= Environmental Degradation =
= Energy for Lighting =
Lack of lighting is another major problem in many refugee camps. After sunset camps are often&nbsp;completely dark. This means that many activities can only be completed during the day. For example, children cannot do their homework in the evenings reducing their chances of completing their education. Not having lights in a refugee camp also creates safety and gender based violence issues. Many people, especially woman and children, do not feel safe walking around the camp after nightfall.&nbsp;<ref name="Bleadale, M., 2012. Light Years Ahead, Geneva: UNHCR.">Bleadale, M., 2012. Light Years Ahead, Geneva: UNHCR.</ref> The satisfaction of lighting needs by the use of kerosene lamps presents a further hazard for the household members. Acute and chronic kerosene exposure causes respiratory problems, convulsions or dermatitis. <ref>Health Protection Agency (2006): Compendium of Chemical Hazards: Kerosene (Fuel Oil) fckLR[Online] Available at: http://www.who.int/ipcs/emergencies/kerosene.pdf [Accessed 04 April 2017]</ref>
80% of the 8.7 million refugees and displaced persons in camps worldwide, rely on traditional biomass for cooking and have no access to electricity. &nbsp;They rely mostly on forest nearby the camps for firewood. As a result,&nbsp;'''64,700 hectares''' of forest are cleared and burned every year in areas near refugees camps.&nbsp;<ref name="Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk"> Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. fckLRhttp://bit.ly/1l6cCEk </ref><br/>
Also, having light (as well as other electrical powered devices such as fridges) is especially important in medical stations&nbsp;. Currently many medical stations in refugee camps are powered by diesel generators, resulting in high fuel costs and environmental pollution.&nbsp;<ref name="Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk">Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk</ref>
Similarly, burning traditional biomass for cooking is one of the major cause of indoor air pollution. The WHO estimates that around&nbsp;20,000 forcibly displaced people die prematurely each year from diseases caused by&nbsp;[[Indoor_Air_Pollution_(IAP)|indoor air pollution]].<ref name="Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) in Nyarugusu, Tanzania: A Rapid Assessment Report. (2014).">Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) in Nyarugusu, Tanzania: A Rapid Assessment Report. (2014).</ref>
Connecting refugee camps to the national grid in order to provide them with lighting is often not a viable solution. This is due to their classification as temporary structures and also because refugee camps are often based in very remote locations and therefore a grid connection would be extremely expensive. Furthermore, many refugee camps are located in countries where even the local population often does not have access to electricity.
However, solar power can be a very good option for bringing lighting into refugee camps, in the form of solar street lights or pico-PV systems such as solar lanterns. While these technologies do often have a higher upfront cost they provide long terms savings. The fuel savings for a refugee family which owns a solar light can be significant.&nbsp;<ref name="Kleiman, S., 2016.">Kleiman, S., 2016. "With Light there is more life": Energy access for safety, health and well being in emergencies. Boiling Point, Issue 68, pp. 2-5.</ref>
Many solar lanterns also have a USB ports, allowing refugees to charge their mobile phones. Mobile phones are often the only way for refugees to communicate with family and friends who live outside of the camp.
= Gender based violence (GBV) =
[[File:GIZ EnDev Nepal Boy with Light-reduced02.jpg|center|500px|alt=GIZ EnDev Nepal Boy with Light-reduced02.jpg]]
In most of the refugees camps, women and children are mainly responsible for collecting firewood and in many cases, they travel up to 20 km into unsafe areas to collect firewood. This could lead to cases of sexual assault and robbery among women and children while collecting firewood. In most cases, the women and children, do not report the sexual assault as they are afraid of social stigma as well as further persecution by the police and the local security authority.&nbsp;<ref name="Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) in Nyarugusu, Tanzania: A Rapid Assessment Report. (2014).">Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) in Nyarugusu, Tanzania: A Rapid Assessment Report. (2014).</ref>
= Financial Implications =
= Solution =
According to an assessment by the Women's Refugee Commission (WRC) in 2005, in humanitarian setting, refugees are provided with food, shelter but rarely with cooking energy. Energy access for refugees is a basic humanitarian need but has been mostly ignored/undermined. Additionally, a global total of '''US$2.1 billion''' is spend per year for energy access among displaced people.&nbsp;The majority of this cost is borne by the refugees themselves.<ref name="Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk">Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk</ref>
Introducing improved cookstoves and basic solar lanterns could save&nbsp;'''US$323 million a year'''&nbsp;in fuel costs in return for a one-time capital investment of US$ 335 million for the equipment. It would also save around&nbsp;'''6.85 million tCO2'''&nbsp;per year.<ref name="Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk">Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk</ref>
= Publications =
= Environmental Degradation and Health Implications =
Publications dealing with the issue of energy access for refugees&nbsp;:
80% of the 8.7 million refugees and displaced persons in camps worldwide, rely on traditional biomass for cooking and have no access to electricity. &nbsp;They rely mostly on forest nearby the camps for firewood. As a result,&nbsp;'''64,700 hectares''' of forest are cleared and burned every year in areas near refugees camps.&nbsp;<ref name="Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk"> Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the MLahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEkoving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk </ref>&nbsp;This result in increased competition between refugees and host communities for the dwindling forest resources.<ref name="http://cleancookstoves.org/impact-areas/humanitarian/">http://cleancookstoves.org/impact-areas/humanitarian/</ref><br/>
*Heat, Light and Power for Refugees: Saving Lives, Reducing Costs​
Similarly, burning traditional biomass for cooking is one of the major cause of indoor air pollution. The WHO estimates that around&nbsp;20,000 forcibly displaced people die prematurely each year from diseases caused by&nbsp;[[Indoor Air Pollution (IAP)|indoor air pollution]].<ref name="Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) in Nyarugusu, Tanzania: A Rapid Assessment Report. (2014).">Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) in Nyarugusu, Tanzania: A Rapid Assessment Report. (2014).</ref>
To add further publications, simply edit this section.<br/>
= Gender Based Violence (GBV) =
In most of the refugees camps, women and children are mainly responsible for collecting firewood and in many cases, they travel up to 20 km into unsafe areas to collect firewood. This could lead to cases of sexual assault and robbery among women and children while collecting firewood. In most cases, the women and children, do not report the sexual assault as they are afraid of social stigma as well as further persecution by the police and the local security authority.&nbsp;<ref name="Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) in Nyarugusu, Tanzania: A Rapid Assessment Report. (2014).">Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) in Nyarugusu, Tanzania: A Rapid Assessment Report. (2014).</ref>
= Implementing Solutions =
Providing refugees with sustainable energy solutions, such of efficient stoves, alternative fuels and solar lighting, could have potential huge positive impacts on their lives as well as on the environment and the host communities. Furthermore, sustainable energy solutions could result in huge potential savings for humanitarian agencies.&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 13.6px; line-height: 20.4px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)">Introducing improved cookstoves and basic solar lanterns could save </span>'''US$323 million a year'''<span style="font-size: 13.6px; line-height: 20.4px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)">&nbsp;in fuel costs in return for a one-time capital investment of US$ 335 million for the equipment. It would also save around&nbsp;</span>'''6.85 million TCO<sub>2</sub>'''<span style="font-size: 13.6px; line-height: 20.4px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)"><sub>&nbsp;</sub>per year.</span><ref name="Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk">Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk</ref><br/>
However, humanitarian efforts and business approaches to this topic need to be coordinated. Especially in developing economies there is a risk of disrupting emerging private sector energy markets through the free distributions of products. <ref name="Kleiman, S., 2016.">Kleiman, S., 2016. "With Light there is more life": Energy access for safety, health and well being in emergencies. Boiling Point, Issue 68, pp. 2-5.</ref>&nbsp;Therefore, humanitarian aid should always be carefully planned and, wherever possible, local establishment should be integrated so that the host community can benefit.
Another important point to consider is that energy solutions need to be appropriate for the target community. They should be adapted to take into account factors such as cooking habits and social structures amongst the refugees in a camp.&nbsp;<ref name="GVEP International, n.d. The Moving Energy Initiative: Sustainable Energy for Refugees and Displaced People. [Online] Available at: http://www.gvepinternational.org/en/business/moving-energy-initiative-sustainable-energy-refugees-and-displaced-people [Accessed 15 June 2016].">GVEP International, n.d. The Moving Energy Initiative: Sustainable Energy for Refugees and Displaced People. [Online] Available at: http://www.gvepinternational.org/en/business/moving-energy-initiative-sustlaced-people [Accessed 15 Junainable-energy-refugees-and-dispe 2016].</ref>
Currently there is still not enough funding in place for sustainable energy solutions in crisis settings. Energy needs to become more of a priority in humanitarian aid projects, especially considering the huge impacts that unsafe and insufficient energy access can have on the lives of refugees. Another problem is the lack of data available on this topic. Energy projects need to be better documented. This will allow new projects to build upon previous experience, enabling better and more efficient solution to be developed in the future.&nbsp;<ref name="Chatham House, n.d. Moving Energy Initiative. [Online] Available at: https://mei.chathamhouse.org/?section=intro [Accessed 16 June 2016].">Chatham House, n.d. Moving Energy Initiative. [Online] Available at: https://mei.chathamhouse.org/?section=intro [Accessed 16 June 2016].</ref>
Recently, FAO has released a [http://www.fao.org/3/a-i5762e.pdf new handbook] on&nbsp;assessing the woodfuel supply and demand in displacement settings. The methodology presented in this handbook presents global data sources that are applicable in any country and are tailored for data collection in and around displacement camps.<ref name="FAO (2016): http://www.fao.org/3/a-i5762e.pdf">FAO (2016): http://www.fao.org/3/a-i5762e.pdf</ref><ref name="http://cleancookstoves.org/about/news/08-26-2016-un-agencies-launch-new-tool-to-help-displaced-populations-manage-fuel-needs.html">http://cleancookstoves.org/about/news/08-26-2016-un-agencies-launch-new-tool-to-help-displaced-populations-manage-fuel-needs.html</ref>
= Publications<br/> =
Publications dealing with the issue of energy access for refugees&nbsp;:
*Morales, Héctor Camilo. ‘The Role of Sustainable Energy&nbsp; Access&nbsp; in the Migration Debate’. European Union Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF), 2017. [http://www.euei-pdf.org/sites/default/files/field_publication_file/the_role_of_energy_access_in_the_migration_debate_euei_pdf_update_2017.pdf?lipi=urn:li:page:d_flagship3_pulse_read;J/MeXfTDRM+KZNL86uMCuA== Link].
*[http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk Heat, Light and Power for Refugees: Saving Lives, Reducing Costs​]
*[http://www.ifrc.org/PageFiles/95759/USAID_FES_Toolkit_July_2010.pdf Fuel-efficient stove programs in humanitarian settings: An Implementer’s Toolkit]&nbsp;by USAID 2010.
*[http://www.unhcr.org/news/agenda/2012/3/4c99fa9e6/light-years-ahead.html Light Years Ahead] by UNHCR
*[http://www.fmreview.org/solutions/grafham-lahn-lehne.html Energy solutions with both humanitarian and development pay-offs]
*[[:File:20151117PrivateSectorEngagementMEI.pdf|Moving Energy Initiative, Private Sector Engagement]]
*[[:File:20151117ReviewCookingSolutionsMEI.pdf|Moving Energy Initiative, Reviewing Cooking Solutions]]
*[[:File:Refugees and Energy Access - EnDev's position and capacities.docx|Refugees and energy access, EnDev’s position and capacities]]<br/>
*[http://www.fao.org/3/a-i5762e.pdf Assessing woodfuel supply and demand in displacement settings]<br/>
*[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211467X16300396 Energy services for refugees and displaced people]<br/>
*[http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.3766.3444 SET4food guidelines on sustainable energy technologies for food utilization in humanitarian contexts and informal settlements]
*[https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seta.2017.02.007 Cooking in refugee camps and informal settlements: a review of available technologies and impacts on the socio-economic and environmental perspective]
*[https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seta.2017.02.006 Challenges and opportunities of new energy schemes for food security in humanitarian contexts: A selective review]
*[http://orbit.dtu.dk/files/138593033/Nyarugusu_Energy_CBA_2017.pdf The true cost of using traditional fuels in a humanitarian setting: Case study of the Nyarugusu refugee camp, Kigoma region, Tanzania]
= Further Information =
Linking to Articles on energypedia
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Linking to Article Headlines<br/>
= Further Information =
Linking to External Links
*[[Cooking Energy in Refugee Situations|Cooking Energy in Refugee Situations]] - article on energypedia<br/>
*[[Preparation Guide for a Sustainable Energy Project in Refugee Settings|Preparation Guide for a Sustainable Energy Project in Refugee Settings]] - article on energypedia
*[http://www.unhcr.org/en-us/energy.html UNCHR -Energy]<br/>
*[[Gender Impacts of Energy Access|Gender Impacts of Energy Access]]
*[https://reliefweb.int/report/world/guide-market-based-livelihood-interventions-refugees Guide to Market based approaches in refugee settings]
*[http://www.safefuelandenergy.org SAFE]<br/>
*[https://mei.chathamhouse.org/?section=intro Moving Energy Initiative]<br/>
*[https://projectgaia.com/projects/ethiopia/ Project Gaia]
*[http://www.africancleanenergy.com/energymatters-refugees-deserve-better/ #EnergyMatters: Why Refugees Deserve Better]
*[[ENERGYCoP Platform|ENERGYCoP]] - a global, not-for-profit community of practice. Its purpose is to facilitate information sharing and increase collaboration among a diverse network of stakeholders who are engaged in providing Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) to crisis-affected people, such as refugees, Internally Displaced People (IDPs), and those affected by disaster caused by natural hazards.
*OCHA's&nbsp;[https://data.humdata.org/ The Humanitarian Data Exchange]
*World Bank's&nbsp;[https://energydata.info/ Energydata.info]
*World Bank’s&nbsp;[https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/17135 Live Wire: Project Database]
*ESMAP's&nbsp;[http://gtf.esmap.org/ Global Tracking Framework]
*InterAction’s&nbsp;[https://ngoaidmap.org/ NGO aid map]
*[http://onlinelearning.unitar.org/conference-energy-for-displaced-people/ Energy for Displaced People] - UNITAR Conference, Berlin, Jan 2018. The aim of the conference was to start developing a Global Plan of Action, to be launched in July 2017. The background papers can be accessed [http://energycop.safefuelandenergy.org/web/energycop/general/-/message_boards/message/54620#_com_liferay_message_boards_web_portlet_MBPortlet_message_54620 here.]
*[[Cooking_with_Clean_Fuels:_Designing_Solutions_in_Kakuma_Refugee_Camp|Cooking with Clean Fuels: Designing Solutions in Kakuma Refugee Camp]]
*[[Energy_Access_for_Displaced_People|Energy Access for Displaced People]]
*[[Cooking_Energy_in_Refugee_Situations|Cooking Energy in Refugee Situations]]
*[[Cooking_Energy_in_Refugee_Camps-_Challenges_and_Opportunities|Cooking Energy in Refugee Camps - Challenges and Opportunities]]
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Revision as of 09:23, 11 February 2019


A large number of people are forced to leave their country and live as refugees due to war and persecution. In 2013 the total number of refugees exceeded those after World War II. This number has continued to rise since then. [1] According to UNHCR, there were around 68,5 million forcefully displaced people worldwide in 2017, around 25,4 million of which were refugees, 40 mio. internally displaced people, and 3.1 mio. asylum seekers. It is the highest level of human displacement on record. [2]

This article aims to explore the situation of energy access among refugee camps by consolidating the information from different publications.

We invite you to edit this article and enrich it with your valuable contributions. Please feel free to include a new publication, your personal experience, as well as other information in this article.

Setting the Context

“Without safe and reliable access to energy, it can be impossible to meet the basic needs of life.” [3]

Access to food, water, shelter and medical care are the immediate priorities for people who have been forcefully displaced from their homes, either due to war and conflict or natural disasters. However, having access to energy is another very important factor for refugees and one which has, in the past, not received a lot of attention. [3] Luckily this is starting to change because safe and reliable energy access, or the lack of it, plays a central role in the life of many refugees.

Many refugees find shelter in camps. Refugee camps are seen as temporary establishments, because the hope is that at some point the people living there will be able to return to their homes. Therefore, long term investments, such as connecting the camps to the grid or providing them with expensive energy solutions are often discouraged. However, on average, people spend 17 years in a refugee camp. [4] During this time, they usually have to rely on energy sources, such as biomass or kerosene for cooking and lighting  which are mostly used in an unsafe, unhealthy and inefficient way. [5] Replacing these energy sources or devices with sustainable energy solutions in camps would have numerous advantages for refugees as well as for the host community and the environment.

  • Migration can contribute to improving access to reliable, affordable modern energy services (SDG target 7.1) through higher incomes for migrants and the sending of remittances.
  • The informal or irregular status of many migrants is a barrier to universal access to modern energy services. Migrants in informal settlements and displaced people often experience a worsening in their access to modern energy services.
  • Migrants require knowledge about modern energy services and markets to ensure equitable access to reliable, affordable energy in high-income countries. They may transfer this energy knowledge to their communities of origin.[6]

Energy for Cooking

In camps in north Darfur people on average “missed three meals a week when they had food but no fuel to cook" [7]

Most of the food donated to refugees by humanitarian agencies need to be cooked before it can be consumed. However, the fuel needed for cooking is usually not provided. [7] Therefore, many refugees need to collect firewood from the area around the camp. Depleting the firewood resources in the camp’s surroundings does not only cause environmental problems, such as deforestation and spreading desertification, but also often leads to tensions between refugees and the host communities.

The dependency on firewood is also a gender problem. Collecting firewood is a task often performed my woman and girls. Especially in large camps they may have to walk for hours in order to find firewood, leaving them less time for other activities, such as looking after their children, working or supporting the refugee community. Furthermore, women and girls are often subjected to gender based violence during their search for firewood [7].

Refugees who are unable to collect firewood have to buy fuel for cooking. This can be very expensive. For example, in the Dadaab refugee camps in Kenya it was estimated that, on average, families spend 24% of their income on energy. [3]

Cooking with biomass on open fires has severe negative health effects for refugees. The exposure to smoke from open fires is estimated to cause 20,000 premature deaths amongst refugees each year. [3] A study in Nepal showed that refugees are especially vulnerable to air born respiratory infections caused by smoke. They have a 10-17 higher rate of infection in comparison to people living in non-crisis settings. [7]  Furthermore, the risk of burns or setting fire to tents is also heightened by the use of open fires for cooking. [3]

Access to efficient cookstoves can provide a solution to some of these problems. Since they consume less fuel, efficient stoves result in considerable savings for refugees in terms of money, and time spent collecting firewood. Through improved combustions efficient stoves also minimize the health risks associated with air pollution caused by cooking.

Some stoves can also be used to cook with alternative fuels, such as ethanol. One example for this are the high performing ethanol cookstoves produced by the Ethiopian charity organization Gaia Association. The stoves are distributed to refugees living in the Jigjiga refugee camps. The ethanol is made from molasses, a by-product of the large sugar industry in the country. [8] By providing them with efficient stoves and ethanol fuel the Gaia Association has freed refugees in the camp from their dependency on firewood, thus improving their quality of life.

Further information on energy for cooking in refugee camps can be found in the energypedia articles "Cooking Energy in Refugee Situations" and "Cooking Energy in Refugee Camps-Challenges and Opportunities"

Collecting Firewood.JPG


Energy for Lighting

Lack of lighting is another major problem in many refugee camps. After sunset camps are often completely dark. This means that many activities can only be completed during the day. For example, children cannot do their homework in the evenings reducing their chances of completing their education. Not having lights in a refugee camp also creates safety and gender based violence issues. Many people, especially woman and children, do not feel safe walking around the camp after nightfall. [9] The satisfaction of lighting needs by the use of kerosene lamps presents a further hazard for the household members. Acute and chronic kerosene exposure causes respiratory problems, convulsions or dermatitis. [10]

Also, having light (as well as other electrical powered devices such as fridges) is especially important in medical stations . Currently many medical stations in refugee camps are powered by diesel generators, resulting in high fuel costs and environmental pollution. [11]

Connecting refugee camps to the national grid in order to provide them with lighting is often not a viable solution. This is due to their classification as temporary structures and also because refugee camps are often based in very remote locations and therefore a grid connection would be extremely expensive. Furthermore, many refugee camps are located in countries where even the local population often does not have access to electricity.

However, solar power can be a very good option for bringing lighting into refugee camps, in the form of solar street lights or pico-PV systems such as solar lanterns. While these technologies do often have a higher upfront cost they provide long terms savings. The fuel savings for a refugee family which owns a solar light can be significant. [12]

Many solar lanterns also have a USB ports, allowing refugees to charge their mobile phones. Mobile phones are often the only way for refugees to communicate with family and friends who live outside of the camp.

GIZ EnDev Nepal Boy with Light-reduced02.jpg

Financial Implications

According to an assessment by the Women's Refugee Commission (WRC) in 2005, in humanitarian setting, refugees are provided with food, shelter but rarely with cooking energy. Energy access for refugees is a basic humanitarian need but has been mostly ignored/undermined. Additionally, a global total of US$2.1 billion is spend per year for energy access among displaced people. The majority of this cost is borne by the refugees themselves.[11]

Environmental Degradation and Health Implications

80% of the 8.7 million refugees and displaced persons in camps worldwide, rely on traditional biomass for cooking and have no access to electricity.  They rely mostly on forest nearby the camps for firewood. As a result, 64,700 hectares of forest are cleared and burned every year in areas near refugees camps. [11] This result in increased competition between refugees and host communities for the dwindling forest resources.[13]

Similarly, burning traditional biomass for cooking is one of the major cause of indoor air pollution. The WHO estimates that around 20,000 forcibly displaced people die prematurely each year from diseases caused by indoor air pollution.[14]

Gender Based Violence (GBV)

In most of the refugees camps, women and children are mainly responsible for collecting firewood and in many cases, they travel up to 20 km into unsafe areas to collect firewood. This could lead to cases of sexual assault and robbery among women and children while collecting firewood. In most cases, the women and children, do not report the sexual assault as they are afraid of social stigma as well as further persecution by the police and the local security authority. [14]

Implementing Solutions

Providing refugees with sustainable energy solutions, such of efficient stoves, alternative fuels and solar lighting, could have potential huge positive impacts on their lives as well as on the environment and the host communities. Furthermore, sustainable energy solutions could result in huge potential savings for humanitarian agencies. Introducing improved cookstoves and basic solar lanterns could save US$323 million a year in fuel costs in return for a one-time capital investment of US$ 335 million for the equipment. It would also save around 6.85 million TCO2 per year.[11]

However, humanitarian efforts and business approaches to this topic need to be coordinated. Especially in developing economies there is a risk of disrupting emerging private sector energy markets through the free distributions of products. [12] Therefore, humanitarian aid should always be carefully planned and, wherever possible, local establishment should be integrated so that the host community can benefit.

Another important point to consider is that energy solutions need to be appropriate for the target community. They should be adapted to take into account factors such as cooking habits and social structures amongst the refugees in a camp. [5]

Currently there is still not enough funding in place for sustainable energy solutions in crisis settings. Energy needs to become more of a priority in humanitarian aid projects, especially considering the huge impacts that unsafe and insufficient energy access can have on the lives of refugees. Another problem is the lack of data available on this topic. Energy projects need to be better documented. This will allow new projects to build upon previous experience, enabling better and more efficient solution to be developed in the future. [3]

Recently, FAO has released a new handbook on assessing the woodfuel supply and demand in displacement settings. The methodology presented in this handbook presents global data sources that are applicable in any country and are tailored for data collection in and around displacement camps.[15][16]


Publications dealing with the issue of energy access for refugees :

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Further Information


  1. Global refugee figures highest since WW2, UN says. (2014, June 20). Retrieved December 9, 2015, from http://www.bbc.com/news/world-27921938
  2. UNHCR (2018) - Global Trends. Forced Displacement in 2017: http://www.unhcr.org/dach/wp-content/uploads/sites/27/2018/06/GlobalTrends2017.pdf
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Chatham House, n.d. Moving Energy Initiative. [Online] Available at: https://mei.chathamhouse.org/?section=intro [Accessed 16 June 2016].
  4. Pyper, J., 2015. Solar Power to Light Up Syrian Refugee Camps in Jordan. [Online] Available at: http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/solar-power-to-light-up-syrian-refugee-camps-in-jordan [Accessed 16 June 2016].
  5. 5.0 5.1 GVEP International, n.d. The Moving Energy Initiative: Sustainable Energy for Refugees and Displaced People. [Online] Available at: http://www.gvepinternational.org/en/business/moving-energy-initiative-sustainable-energy-refugees-and-displaced-people [Accessed 15 June 2016]. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "GVEP International, n.d. The Moving Energy Initiative: Sustainable Energy for Refugees and Displaced People. [Online] Available at: http://www.gvepinternational.org/en/business/moving-energy-initiative-sustainable-energy-refugees-and-displaced-people [Accessed 15 June 2016]." defined multiple times with different content
  6. Overseas Development Institute (ODI) 2018: Energy, migration and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, https://www.odi.org/publications/11157-energy-migration-and-2030-agenda-sustainable-development
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Arnold, K. et al., 2016. Energy in Emergency Settings. Boiling Point, Issue 68, p. 1.
  8. Tsehayu, W. T. & Getaneh, D., 2016. Clean and safe energy for cooking: Ethiopian Jigjiga refugee camps. Boiling Point, Issue 68, pp. 16-19.
  9. Bleadale, M., 2012. Light Years Ahead, Geneva: UNHCR.
  10. Health Protection Agency (2006): Compendium of Chemical Hazards: Kerosene (Fuel Oil) fckLR[Online] Available at: http://www.who.int/ipcs/emergencies/kerosene.pdf [Accessed 04 April 2017]
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "Lahn, G., & Grafham, O. (2015). Heat, Light and Power for Refugees Saving Lives, Reducing Costs. Chatham House Report for the Moving Energy Initiative. http://bit.ly/1l6cCEk" defined multiple times with different content
  12. 12.0 12.1 Kleiman, S., 2016. "With Light there is more life": Energy access for safety, health and well being in emergencies. Boiling Point, Issue 68, pp. 2-5.
  13. http://cleancookstoves.org/impact-areas/humanitarian/
  14. 14.0 14.1 Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) in Nyarugusu, Tanzania: A Rapid Assessment Report. (2014).
  15. FAO (2016): http://www.fao.org/3/a-i5762e.pdf
  16. http://cleancookstoves.org/about/news/08-26-2016-un-agencies-launch-new-tool-to-help-displaced-populations-manage-fuel-needs.html