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=== '''<span style="color: rgb(135, 150, 55);">1. Understanding Groundwater</span>''' ===
===== '''Groundwater within the Hydrological Cycle''' =====
[[File:Ciclo.jpg|thumb|right|300px|The Hydrologic Cycle (Source: BGR)]] SPIS is based on the abstraction of ground-water from open wells or tube wells. Therefore, it is necessary to understand groundwater systems to manage groundwater in a sustainable manner. Groundwater is the water found underground in the cracks and pores in soil, sand and rock, called aquifer. Aquifers store high amounts of groundwater and are therefore an important reservoir and buffer within the hydrologic cycle (see figure).
Groundwater is naturally recharged by precipitation or by infiltration from rivers and lakes. The underground water movement from areas of recharge to areas of aquifer discharge through springs and seepage to rivers, lakes, wetlands and coastal zones is called groundwater flow. The natural flow of groundwater occurs, generally at low velocities, through pore spaces and fractures in rock materials. Depending on the aquifer geological composition, water flow velocity varies from 1 meter per day to 1 meter per year or per decade. In contrast, velocities of river flow are much faster and expressed in meter per second. Groundwater levels may vary seasonally and annually. They are then high after the wet season and low at the end of the dry season.
'''Groundwater within the hydrogeological cycle'''
===== '''Groundwater Balance''' =====
SPIS is based on the abstraction of groundwater from open wells or tube wells. Therefore, it is necessary to understand groundwater systems to manage groundwater in a sustainable manner. Groundwater is the water found underground in the cracks and pores in soil, sand and rock, called aquifer. Aquifers store high amounts of groundwater and are therefore an important reservoir and buffer within the hydrologic cycle (see figure).
Groundwater is naturally recharged by precipitation or by infiltration from rivers and lakes. The underground water movement from areas of recharge to areas of aquifer discharge through springs and seepage to rivers, lakes, wetlands and coastal zones is called groundwater flow. The natural flow of groundwater occurs, generally at low velocities, through&nbsp; pore spaces and fractures in rock materials. Depending on the aquifer geological composition, water flow velocity varies from 1 meter per day to 1 meter per year or per decade. In contrast, velocities of river flow are much faster and expressed in meter per second. Groundwater levels may vary seasonally and annually. They are then high after the wet season and low at the end of the dry season.
[[File:HydroCicle.jpg|thumb|center|500px|The Hydrologic Cycle.]]
'''Groundwater balance'''
Under natural conditions, groundwater storage within the aquifer is in balance. It recharges in wet seasons and provides water for the base flow of rivers, lakes and wetland throughout the year. This balance can be disturbed by human interventions that may affect both the amounts of recharge and discharge.
Under natural conditions, groundwater storage within the aquifer is in balance. It recharges in wet seasons and provides water for the base flow of rivers, lakes and wetland throughout the year. This balance can be disturbed by human interventions that may affect both the amounts of recharge and discharge.
'''<span style="color: rgb(135, 150, 55);">Important agricultural activities with effects on the groundwater balance</span>'''
<span style="color:#696969">Important agricultural activities with effects on the groundwater balance</span>
{| style="width: 100%;" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="5"
| style="background-color: rgb(135, 150, 55);" colspan="3" | '''<span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Recharge</span>'''
| style="width: 139px; text-align: center;" |
'''Agricultural activity'''
| style="width: 343px; text-align: center;" |
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'''Examples for regulative measures'''
| style="background-color: rgb(153, 153, 102)" | <span style="color:#FFFFFF">Recharge</span>
{| style="width: 100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0"
| style="width: 142px; text-align: center" | '''Agricultural activity'''<br/>
| style="width: 139px; text-align: center;" | '''Land use'''<br/>
| style="width: 289px; text-align: center" | '''Process'''<br/><br/><br/>
| style="width: 343px; text-align: center;" | Soil sealing accelerates surface runoff on the cost of infiltration of rain- and surface water, whereas increased vegetation cover retards runoff and favors infiltration.<br/>
| style="width: 312px; text-align: center" | '''Examples for regulative measures'''<br/>
| style="width: 235px; text-align: center;" | Land use planning that procures local rainwater infiltration.<br/>
| style="width: 142px; text-align: center" | '''Land use'''<br/>
| style="width: 139px; text-align: center;" | '''Crop choice'''<br/>
| style="width: 289px" | Soil sealing accelerates surface runoff on the cost of infiltration of rain- and surface water, whereas increased vegetation cover retards runoff and favors infiltration.<br/>
| style="width: 343px; text-align: center;" | As crops have different effects on soil moisture and surface runoff, crop choice influences the amount of rainwater infiltration and thereby the recharge, especially of shallow groundwater.<br/>
| style="width: 312px" | Land use planning that procures local rainwater infiltration.<br/>
| style="width: 235px; text-align: center;" | Prescribed cropping arrangements and planting patterns.<br/>
| style="width: 142px; text-align: center" | '''Crop choice'''<br/>
| style="width: 139px; text-align: center;" | '''Soil compaction'''<br/>
| style="width: 289px" | As crops have different effects on soil moisture and surface runoff, crop choice influences the amount of rainwater infiltration and thereby the recharge, especially of shallow groundwater.<br/>
| style="width: 343px; text-align: center;" | Due to natural conditions of drying and wetting, heavy machineries and inappropriate tillage top- and subsoil is compacted and groundwater recharge decreases.<br/>
| style="width: 312px" | Prescribed cropping arrangements and planting patterns.<br/>
| style="width: 235px; text-align: center;" | Regulations for tillage practices and machinery use.<br/>
| style="width: 142px; text-align: center" | '''Soil compaction'''<br/>
| style="width: 139px; text-align: center;" | '''Excess irrigation'''<br/>
| style="width: 289px" | Due to natural conditions of drying and wetting, heavy machineries and inappropriate tillage top- and subsoil is compacted and groundwater recharge decreases.<br/>
| style="width: 343px; text-align: center;" | Irrigation itself can be an important factor, as surplus irrigation water may infiltrate and recharge groundwater.&nbsp;<br/>
| style="width: 312px" | Prescribed cropping arrangements and planting patterns.<br/>
| style="width: 235px; text-align: center;" | Sound irrigation scheduling and appropriate techniques.<br/>
| style="width: 142px; text-align: center" | '''Soil compaction'''<br/>
| style="background-color: rgb(135, 150, 55);" colspan="3" | '''<span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Discharge</span>'''
| style="width: 289px" | Due to natural conditions of drying and wetting, heavy machineries and inappropriate tillage top- and subsoil is compacted and groundwater recharge decreases.<br/>
| style="width: 312px" | Regulations for tillage practices and machinery use.<br/>
| style="width: 142px; text-align: center" | '''Excess irrigation'''<br/>
| style="width: 139px; text-align: center;" | '''Groundwater abstraction'''
| style="width: 289px" | Irrigation itself can be an important factor, as surplus irrigation water may infiltrate and recharge groundwater.&nbsp;<br/>
| style="width: 343px; text-align: center;" | Groundwater pumping from wells lowers the water table.<br/>
| style="width: 312px" | Sound irrigation scheduling and appropriate techniques.<br/>
| style="width: 235px; text-align: center;" | Groundwater abstraction quotas, licensing of drilled wells.<br/>
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<br/>In order to maintain balanced and plannable groundwater conditions, sustainable groundwater management should be based on the basin's recharge capacity. This capacity is called sustainable yield (or safe yield) of a groundwater system and means the amount that can be extracted without harming ecosystems and communities that depend on it. To determine the sustainable yield it is important to quantify the groundwater recharge.
| style="background-color: rgb(153, 153, 102)" | <span style="color:#FFFFFF">Discharge</span>
{| style="width: 100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0"
| style="text-align: center;  width: 142px" | '''Groundwater abstraction'''
| style="width: 289px" | Groundwater pumping from wells lowers the water table.
| style="width: 312px" | Groundwater abstraction quotas, licensing of drilled wells.
In order to maintain balanced and plannable groundwater conditions, sustainable groundwater management should be based on the basin's recharge capacity. This capacity is called sustainable yield (or safe yield) of a groundwater system and means the amount that can be extracted without harming ecosystems and communities that depend on it. To determine the sustainable yield it is important to quantify the groundwater recharge.
As recharge processes are complex and dependent of numerous hydrogeological processes, the responsible water authorities and managers need to have as-accurate-as-possible data on the following aspects:
As recharge processes are complex and dependent of numerous hydrogeological processes, the responsible water authorities and managers need to have as-accurate-as-possible data on the following aspects:
*Total extraction of groundwater by human activities (groundwater pumping) and natural springs
*Total extraction of groundwater by human activities (groundwater pumping) and natural springs.<br/>
*Whenever possible, the estimation of discharge should rely on metered pumping records and measured spring discharge
*Whenever possible, the estimation of discharge should rely on metered pumping records and measured spring discharge
*To estimate the recharge, high-resolution data on precipitation, evapotranspiration and runoff are needed. In addition, hydrogeological data on the groundwater flow and underground storage characteristics (e.g. derived from pumping tests) have to be taken into account.
*To estimate the recharge, high-resolution data on precipitation, evapotranspiration and runoff are needed. In addition, hydrogeological data on the ground-water flow and underground storage characteristics (e.g. derived from pumping tests) have to be taken into account.<br/>
*Land-use and vegetation/crop mapping of the groundwater basin helps to quantify more exactly the evapotranspiration and runoff variables.
*Land-use and vegetation/crop mapping of the groundwater basin helps to quantify more exactly the evapotranspiration and runoff variables.<br/>
*Depending on the available data and resources, the recharge can be estimated via standard formulas and expert knowledge, but also by more sophisticated hydrological (computer) models
*Depending on the available data and resources, the recharge can be estimated via standard formulas and expert knowledge, but also by more sophisticated hydrological (computer) models.
In some instances, groundwater may also be subject to artificial recharge, which means the planned technical infiltration of water to groundwater bodies. Some progressive communities are presently practicing the artificial recharge of their aquifers in order to conserve the groundwater resource. For example, in the Terai region of North Bengal (India), gully plugs and bunds have been constructed by local farmer committees to retain rainwater and increase groundwater recharge. This stabilized the water tables and reduced the impact of drought periods on rain-fed paddy cultivation. As a result, the cropping intensity could be doubled and yields as well as farmers’ income improved[[#_ftn1|[1]]].
In some instances, groundwater may also be subject to artificial recharge, which means the planned technical infiltration of water to groundwater bodies. Some progressive communities are presently practicing the artificial recharge of their aquifers in order to conserve the groundwater resource. For example, in the Terai region of North Bengal (India), gully plugs and bunds have been constructed by local farmer committees to retain rainwater and increase groundwater recharge. This stabilized the water tables and reduced the impact of drought periods on rain-fed paddy cultivation. As a result, the cropping intensity could be doubled and yields as well as farmers’ income improved <ref>Tuinhof et al. 2012.Profit from storage. The cost and benefits of water buffering. Wageningen: 3R Water Secretariat.</ref>.
===== '''Groundwater Overexploitation''' =====
'''Groundwater overexploitation'''
[[File:GWPumping.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Effect of Groundwater Pumping (Source: Thomas V. Cech)]] If the extraction of groundwater is higher than the long-term recharge, groundwater decline regionally. This process is called groundwater over-exploitation. In practice however, over-exploitation is invariably much more concerned with the consequences of intensive groundwater abstraction than about its absolute level. Thus the most appropriate definition for over-exploitation is probably that it is reached when the overall costs of the negative impacts of groundwater exploitation exceed the net benefits of groundwater use, although these impacts are not always easy to predict and/or to quantify in monetary terms. It is also important to stress that some of these negative impacts can arise well before the groundwater abstraction rate exceeds long-term average recharge.
If the extraction of groundwater is higher than the long-term recharge, groundwater decline regionally. This process is called groundwater over-exploitation. In practice however, over-exploitation is invariably much more concerned with the consequences of intensive groundwater abstraction than about its absolute level. Thus the most appropriate definition for over-exploitation is probably that it is reached when the overall costs of the negative impacts of groundwater exploitation exceed the net benefits of groundwater use, although these impacts are not always easy to predict and/or to quantify in monetary terms. It is also important to stress that some of these negative impacts can arise well before the groundwater abstraction rate exceeds long-term average recharge.
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'''Important''': Excessive pumping can lead to groundwater depletion. This means that groundwater is extracted at a rate faster than it can be replenished. Aquifer depletion can lead to loss of ecosystems and wetlands, increased greenhouse gas emissions, land subsidence and social conflicts with other water users.<span style="color:#A9A9A9"></span><br/>Even within the same country, substantial regional differences may be found!<br/>
'''Important''': Excessive pumping can lead to groundwater depletion. This means that groundwater is extracted at a rate faster than it can be replenished. Aquifer depletion can lead to loss of ecosystems and wetlands, increased greenhouse gas emissions, land subsidence and social conflicts with other water users.<br/>
Pumping groundwater causes a drop of the water table. The water table is the surface of the area saturated with groundwater. When groundwater is pumped, the water table drops in the surroundings of the well develop-ing. Cones of depression appear in uncon-fined aquifers as a lowering of water levels (see figure below). In confined aquifers, that means that aquifers overlain by a geological layer of low permeability (aquitard or aqui-clude), the pressure in the surroundings of the pumped well reduces when water is abstracted.
Pumping groundwater causes a drop of the water table. The water table is the surface of the area saturated with groundwater. When groundwater is pumped, the water table drops in the surroundings of the well developing. Cones of depression appear in ''unconfined aquifers'' as a lowering of water levels (see figure below). In ''confined aquifers'', that means that aquifers overlain by a geological layer of low permeability (aquitard or aquiclude), the pressure in the surroundings of the pumped well reduces when water is abstracted.
[[File:GWPumping.jpg|thumb|center|500px|Effect of Groundwater Pumping.]]
===== '''Well Interference''' =====
'''''Well interference'''''
If two cones of depression overlap, there is interference between the wells and the flow of water available to each well reduces. Well interference can be a problem when wells are too close to each other and compete for water from the same aquifer, particularly if they are at the same depth.
If two cones of depression overlap, there is interference between the wells and the flow of water available to each well reduces. Well interference can be a problem when wells are too close to each other and compete for water from the same aquifer, particularly if they are at the same depth.
'''''Disconnecting groundwater from surface water flow'''''
===== '''Disconnecting Groundwater from Surface Water Flow''' =====
Ground- and surface water systems often interact closely. Groundwater provides river base flow even in dry periods and supplies freshwater ecosystems. When groundwater is pumped excessively, discharges as springs, base flows and seepages tend to dry out, sometimes permanently. Also groundwater dependent ecosystems are damaged and groundwater availability to user communities is reduced.
Ground- and surface water systems often interact closely. Groundwater provides river base flow even in dry periods and supplies freshwater ecosystems. When groundwater is pumped excessively, discharges as springs, base flows and seepages tend to dry out, sometimes permanently. Also groundwater dependent ecosystems are damaged and groundwater availability to user communities is reduced.
'''''Groundwater salinization'''''
===== '''Groundwater Salinization''' =====
A serious thread accompanied with excessive pumping is groundwater salinization. This oc-curs by up-coning of saline water and mixing with fresh water, giving rise to an irreversible aquifer salinization. Saline water may be mo-bilized of paleo-saline or connate waters at depth. Special attention has to be paid in coastal areas, as saline seawater may intrude into the freshwater zones of aquifers. The figure below shows a simplified view of the process of seawater intrusion, which can im-pede groundwater use for agriculture for decades.<br/>
A serious thread accompanied with excessive pumping is groundwater salinization. This occurs by up-coning of saline water and mixing with fresh water, giving rise to an irreversible aquifer salinization. Saline water may be mobilized of paleo-saline or connate waters at depth. Special attention has to be paid in coastal areas, as saline seawater may intrude into the freshwater zones of aquifers. The figure below shows a simplified view of the process of seawater intrusion, which can impede groundwater use for agriculture for decades.
<br/>[[File:CondicionesN.jpg|thumb|center|600px|Groundwater salinization (Source: USGS (https://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/gw/images/Intrusion.gif)]]
'''Relevance of sustainable management'''
Despite the risks mentioned, sustainably managed groundwater is ''the'' crucial resource for agriculture, food security and rural livelihoods. In many regions, it is relatively easy to access and extract, even more if decentralized solar power supply is available. Groundwater has the potential to buffer droughts and increase agricultural production in water-scarce regions, as it is less sensitive to climate variability and change than surface water.<br/>
===== <br/>'''Relevance of Sustainable Management''' =====
However, groundwater users - and hence the farmer operating a SPIS – share the responsibility for a sustainable management of the resources. Beyond that, in order to take long-term advantage from groundwater, it is rather ''self-interest'' of the SPIS farmer to avoid aquifer overexploitation and consequent socio-economic and legal conflicts. For the farmer this entails some crucial responsibilities and duties:
Despite the risks mentioned, sustainably managed groundwater is the crucial resource for agriculture, food security and rural livelihoods. In many regions, it is relatively easy to access and extract, even more if decentralized solar power supply is available. Groundwater has the potential to buffer droughts and increase agricultural production in water-scarce regions, as it is less sensitive to climate variability and change than surface water.
However, groundwater users - and hence the farmer operating a SPIS – share the responsibility for a sustainable management of the resources. Beyond that, in order to take long-term advantage from groundwater, it is rather self-interest of the SPIS farmer to avoid aquifer overexploitation and consequent socio-economic and legal conflicts. For the farmer this entails some crucial responsibilities and duties:
*Compliance to the legal and regulatory framework in obtaining user rights and permits and the &nbsp;conditions and quantities they define;
*Compliance to the legal and regulatory framework in obtaining user rights and permits and the &nbsp;conditions and quantities they define;
*If no water regulation is in place, farmers should lobby for setting up a regulatory framework in order to get planning and production security (see also step 4);
*If no water regulation is in place, farmers should lobby for setting up a regulatory framework in order to get planning and production security (see step 4);<br/>
*Monitoring and documentation of water use water based on rights and permits.
*Monitoring and documentation of water use based on rights and permits.
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'''Important''': Any SPIS development must therefore be integrated into the prevailing legal and regulatory frameworks and into the local water/groundwater management planning and monitoring.<span style="color:#A9A9A9"></span><br/>Water resource management is the activity of planning, developing, distributing and managing the use of water resources. Sustainable water resource management has regard to all the competing demands for water and seeks to allocate water on an equitable basis to satisfy all uses and demands. Observing the principal of a sustainable yield of aquifers is the foundation for the long-term sustainability of water resources development and use.
'''Important''': Any SPIS development must therefore be integrated into the prevailing legal and regulatory frameworks and into the local water/groundwater management planning and monitoring.<span style="color: rgb(169, 169, 169);"></span>
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[[#_ftnref1|[1]]] Tuinhof et al. 2012.Profit from storage. The cost and benefits of water buffering. Wageningen: 3R Water Secretariat.
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Latest revision as of 19:28, 21 July 2020

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1. Understanding Groundwater

Groundwater within the Hydrological Cycle
The Hydrologic Cycle (Source: BGR)

SPIS is based on the abstraction of ground-water from open wells or tube wells. Therefore, it is necessary to understand groundwater systems to manage groundwater in a sustainable manner. Groundwater is the water found underground in the cracks and pores in soil, sand and rock, called aquifer. Aquifers store high amounts of groundwater and are therefore an important reservoir and buffer within the hydrologic cycle (see figure).

Groundwater is naturally recharged by precipitation or by infiltration from rivers and lakes. The underground water movement from areas of recharge to areas of aquifer discharge through springs and seepage to rivers, lakes, wetlands and coastal zones is called groundwater flow. The natural flow of groundwater occurs, generally at low velocities, through pore spaces and fractures in rock materials. Depending on the aquifer geological composition, water flow velocity varies from 1 meter per day to 1 meter per year or per decade. In contrast, velocities of river flow are much faster and expressed in meter per second. Groundwater levels may vary seasonally and annually. They are then high after the wet season and low at the end of the dry season.

Groundwater Balance

Under natural conditions, groundwater storage within the aquifer is in balance. It recharges in wet seasons and provides water for the base flow of rivers, lakes and wetland throughout the year. This balance can be disturbed by human interventions that may affect both the amounts of recharge and discharge.

Important agricultural activities with effects on the groundwater balance


Agricultural activity


Examples for regulative measures

Land use
Soil sealing accelerates surface runoff on the cost of infiltration of rain- and surface water, whereas increased vegetation cover retards runoff and favors infiltration.
Land use planning that procures local rainwater infiltration.
Crop choice
As crops have different effects on soil moisture and surface runoff, crop choice influences the amount of rainwater infiltration and thereby the recharge, especially of shallow groundwater.
Prescribed cropping arrangements and planting patterns.
Soil compaction
Due to natural conditions of drying and wetting, heavy machineries and inappropriate tillage top- and subsoil is compacted and groundwater recharge decreases.
Regulations for tillage practices and machinery use.
Excess irrigation
Irrigation itself can be an important factor, as surplus irrigation water may infiltrate and recharge groundwater. 
Sound irrigation scheduling and appropriate techniques.
Groundwater abstraction Groundwater pumping from wells lowers the water table.
Groundwater abstraction quotas, licensing of drilled wells.

In order to maintain balanced and plannable groundwater conditions, sustainable groundwater management should be based on the basin's recharge capacity. This capacity is called sustainable yield (or safe yield) of a groundwater system and means the amount that can be extracted without harming ecosystems and communities that depend on it. To determine the sustainable yield it is important to quantify the groundwater recharge.

As recharge processes are complex and dependent of numerous hydrogeological processes, the responsible water authorities and managers need to have as-accurate-as-possible data on the following aspects:

  • Total extraction of groundwater by human activities (groundwater pumping) and natural springs.
  • Whenever possible, the estimation of discharge should rely on metered pumping records and measured spring discharge
  • To estimate the recharge, high-resolution data on precipitation, evapotranspiration and runoff are needed. In addition, hydrogeological data on the ground-water flow and underground storage characteristics (e.g. derived from pumping tests) have to be taken into account.
  • Land-use and vegetation/crop mapping of the groundwater basin helps to quantify more exactly the evapotranspiration and runoff variables.
  • Depending on the available data and resources, the recharge can be estimated via standard formulas and expert knowledge, but also by more sophisticated hydrological (computer) models.

In some instances, groundwater may also be subject to artificial recharge, which means the planned technical infiltration of water to groundwater bodies. Some progressive communities are presently practicing the artificial recharge of their aquifers in order to conserve the groundwater resource. For example, in the Terai region of North Bengal (India), gully plugs and bunds have been constructed by local farmer committees to retain rainwater and increase groundwater recharge. This stabilized the water tables and reduced the impact of drought periods on rain-fed paddy cultivation. As a result, the cropping intensity could be doubled and yields as well as farmers’ income improved [1].

Groundwater Overexploitation
Effect of Groundwater Pumping (Source: Thomas V. Cech)

If the extraction of groundwater is higher than the long-term recharge, groundwater decline regionally. This process is called groundwater over-exploitation. In practice however, over-exploitation is invariably much more concerned with the consequences of intensive groundwater abstraction than about its absolute level. Thus the most appropriate definition for over-exploitation is probably that it is reached when the overall costs of the negative impacts of groundwater exploitation exceed the net benefits of groundwater use, although these impacts are not always easy to predict and/or to quantify in monetary terms. It is also important to stress that some of these negative impacts can arise well before the groundwater abstraction rate exceeds long-term average recharge.

Important: Excessive pumping can lead to groundwater depletion. This means that groundwater is extracted at a rate faster than it can be replenished. Aquifer depletion can lead to loss of ecosystems and wetlands, increased greenhouse gas emissions, land subsidence and social conflicts with other water users.

Pumping groundwater causes a drop of the water table. The water table is the surface of the area saturated with groundwater. When groundwater is pumped, the water table drops in the surroundings of the well developing. Cones of depression appear in unconfined aquifers as a lowering of water levels (see figure below). In confined aquifers, that means that aquifers overlain by a geological layer of low permeability (aquitard or aquiclude), the pressure in the surroundings of the pumped well reduces when water is abstracted.

Well Interference

If two cones of depression overlap, there is interference between the wells and the flow of water available to each well reduces. Well interference can be a problem when wells are too close to each other and compete for water from the same aquifer, particularly if they are at the same depth.

Disconnecting Groundwater from Surface Water Flow

Ground- and surface water systems often interact closely. Groundwater provides river base flow even in dry periods and supplies freshwater ecosystems. When groundwater is pumped excessively, discharges as springs, base flows and seepages tend to dry out, sometimes permanently. Also groundwater dependent ecosystems are damaged and groundwater availability to user communities is reduced.

Groundwater Salinization

A serious thread accompanied with excessive pumping is groundwater salinization. This occurs by up-coning of saline water and mixing with fresh water, giving rise to an irreversible aquifer salinization. Saline water may be mobilized of paleo-saline or connate waters at depth. Special attention has to be paid in coastal areas, as saline seawater may intrude into the freshwater zones of aquifers. The figure below shows a simplified view of the process of seawater intrusion, which can impede groundwater use for agriculture for decades.

Groundwater salinization (Source: USGS (https://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/gw/images/Intrusion.gif)

Relevance of Sustainable Management

Despite the risks mentioned, sustainably managed groundwater is the crucial resource for agriculture, food security and rural livelihoods. In many regions, it is relatively easy to access and extract, even more if decentralized solar power supply is available. Groundwater has the potential to buffer droughts and increase agricultural production in water-scarce regions, as it is less sensitive to climate variability and change than surface water.

However, groundwater users - and hence the farmer operating a SPIS – share the responsibility for a sustainable management of the resources. Beyond that, in order to take long-term advantage from groundwater, it is rather self-interest of the SPIS farmer to avoid aquifer overexploitation and consequent socio-economic and legal conflicts. For the farmer this entails some crucial responsibilities and duties:

  • Compliance to the legal and regulatory framework in obtaining user rights and permits and the  conditions and quantities they define;
  • If no water regulation is in place, farmers should lobby for setting up a regulatory framework in order to get planning and production security (see step 4);
  • Monitoring and documentation of water use based on rights and permits.

Important: Any SPIS development must therefore be integrated into the prevailing legal and regulatory frameworks and into the local water/groundwater management planning and monitoring.

  1. Tuinhof et al. 2012.Profit from storage. The cost and benefits of water buffering. Wageningen: 3R Water Secretariat.

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