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= Green People's Energy for Africa - Knowledge Hub=
= '''Green People's Energy for Africa'''<br/>Knowledge Hub=
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Appui à la politique de promotion des énergies renouvelables et de l'efficacité énergétique et interface avec les finances publiques.
Using energy not only for consumption but also for productive purposes allows members of rural communities to provide for themselves and creates new and sustainable business opportunities. Green People's Energy measures contribute to the awareness distribution of PUE technologies.  
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== Contenu ==
== Table of Contents ==
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[[#I. Objectif Global du Volet "Cadre Politique"|I. Objectif Global du Volet "Cadre Politique"]]<br/>
[[#I. Overview|I. Overview]]<br/>
[[#II. Axes d'intervention|II. Axes d'intervention]]<br/>
[[#II. Case Studies|II. Case Studies]]<br/>
[[#III. Documents|III. Documents]]<br/>
[[#III. Publications|III. Publications]]<br/>
[[#IV. Countries|IV. Countries]]<br/>
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==I. Objectif Global du Volet "Cadre Politique"==
== I. Overview ==
Le Sénégal aspire à rendre fiable son alimentation en électricité, malgré les nombreux problèmes liés entre autres, à l’utilisation peu efficace, au prix très élevé et à la disparité entre zones urbaines et rurales (Dans les zones rurales, seuls 48 % des ménages ont accès à l'électricité en 2022). La politique sénégalaise en matière d’énergie est en pleine transformation. L’Etat veut remplacer les importations d’énergie par l’exploitation de ses propres réserves de pétrole et de gaz, et par l’utilisation des énergies renouvelables. D’ici 2023 le taux de pénétration des énergies renouvelables hors hydroélectricité (11,5% en 2017) devrait être porté à 18% au moins. De même, les économies d'énergie mobilisées sur les consommations finales en 2023 devraient augmenter à hauteur de 10% par rapport à 2018. En 2025, l’accès universel à l’électricité devrait être une réalité au Sénégal selon les objectifs de l’Etat sénégalais décrits dans la Lettre de Politique de Développement du Secteur de l’Energie (LPDSE, 2019-2023).
Malgré les efforts déployés par les autorités, des contraintes majeures sont notées au niveau des cadres politiques, institutionnels et financiers, qui ralentissent l’atteinte des objectifs fixés.
80% of the people in SSA without electricity live in rural areas and therefore mostly work in agriculture. Their productivity level is often low which can largely be attributed to their lack of energy access. Other members of rural communities also struggle to find business opportunities or generate income because of this.
Providing access to energy through productive use of energy (PUE) appliances can improve the economic development of local enterprises. There are various types of PUE appliances with the most common ones being solar water pumps, solar cooling devices and solar dryers. But also mills, sewing machines and other productive tools have proven successful across GBE’s projects. Benefits include increased income possibilities (solar water pumps have been found to have the potential for up to 50% income increases for rural farmers), more reliable production due to independence from weather conditions and new business opportunities which can also positively impact the local community.  
In order to increase PUE appliance dissemination, multiple challenges have to be addressed. Awareness raising campaigns often play a decisive role in such initiatives as smallholder farms are often unaware of the benefits of solar technology devices. Rural communities often also suffer from access to finance to cover high initial costs for appliances. This is enhanced by solar companies only providing their services to well-connected and economically viable areas leaving rural communities underserved.
'''Green People’s Energy for Africa promotes energy access and productive use of energy by following a threefold approach: Providing support for solar (PUE) companies, improving framework conditions, and supporting end-users. Activities include the following:'''
'''PUE companies'''
* Promoting PUE technologies in rural areas through results-based financing (RBF) programmes with solar companies, i.e. incentivising the sales of systems to rural customers
* Professionalising local solar companies through business development support
* Training technical staff of solar companies in operating and maintaining solar systems
'''Framework conditions'''
Par ailleurs, de nombreux défis sont à relever ; notamment dans le renforcement des capacités des acteurs au niveau institutionnel et dans la coordination efficace des interventions dans le secteur pour une meilleure synergie (en effet, les acteurs et les domaines d’interventions sont diversifiées).
* Assessing the quality of PUE appliances and making their quality transparent for customers with the VeraSol database
* Implementing pilot installations for demonstration purposes and awareness raising among political partners and stakeholders
La composante Cadre Politique du P.E.D, dans le cadre de sa mission d’appui à la politique du Ministère du Pétrole et des énergies pour la promotion de l'accès à l'énergie pour tous et à moindre coût surtout pour les populations les plus défavorisées, a défini les grands axes d’intervention :
# '''Appui à l'amélioration du cadre Législatif et Réglementaire'''
* Awareness-raising campaigns in rural areas, sensitisation of rural enterprises on the economic potentials of PUE
# '''Appui à l’élaboration de la politique sectorielle et renforcement des outils de planification'''
* Business development support to rural enterprises incl. energy assessments to understand the business case of acquiring and using PUE appliances
# '''Renforcement des Capacités Humaines'''
* Supporting access to finance e.g., by establishing guarantee funds or offering incentive payments for microfinance institutions (MFIs) so rural populations can buy solar technologies
# '''Renforcement des Outils et Moyens Techniques'''
* Supporting community-based approaches by building the capacities of communities and cooperatives to jointly purchase, operate and maintain PUE appliances
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==II. Case Studies==
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The following case studies and Small Projects Fund project factsheets illustrate the practical implementation of the three PUE pillars within the GBE project scope. They further showcase different examples of PUE equipment types and how to organise their distribution sustainably.
== <center>II. Axes d'intervention</center> ==
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'''<u>Case Studies</u>''' 
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*[[Results-Based Financing Mechanism for Productive Equipment Sales in Benin]]
<center>[[file:icon-policy2.svg|100px|link=Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Cadre Politique - Appui à l'amélioration du cadre Législatif et Réglementaire|]]</center>
*[[Solar Drying for Farmer-Clusters and Cooperatives in Ethiopia]]
<center>[[Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Cadre Politique - Appui à l'amélioration du cadre Législatif et Réglementaire|1. Appui à l'amélioration du cadre Législatif et Réglementaire]]</center>
*[[Increasing Crop Yields through Solar Cooling in Rural Ethiopia]]
*[[Fostering Investments into Solar Powered Irrigation through Results Based Financing in Ghana]]
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*[[Making Solar Equipment for Productive Use Available in Rural Areas in Ivory Coast]]
<center>[[file:icon-ped-planification.svg|100px|link=Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Cadre Politique - Appui à l’élaboration de la politique sectorielle et renforcement des outils de planification]]</center>
*[[Developing an Innovative Solar Irrigation Business Case in Gaza Province]]
<center>[[Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Cadre Politique - Appui à l’élaboration de la politique sectorielle et renforcement des outils de planification|2. Appui à l’élaboration de la politique sectorielle et renforcement des outils de planification]]</center>
*[[Positive Effects of Access to Renewable Energy in the Banana Value Chain in Senegal]]
*[[Empowering Women through Productive Use in the Agricultural Value Chain in the Villages of Nguidjilone in Senegal]]
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*[[Energy for Resilience of Small Producers in the Milk Value Chain in Senegal]]
<center>[[file:icon-human-capacity.svg|100px|link=Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Cadre Politique - Renforcement des Capacités Humaines]]</center>
*[[Improving the Energy Supply for Ugandan Tea factories]]
<center>[[Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Cadre Politique - Renforcement des Capacités Humaines|3. Renforcement des Capacités Humaines]]</center>
*[[Productive Use Promotion for Rural Entrepreneurs and Smallholder Farmers in Uganda]]
'''<u>Small Projects Fund projects</u>'''
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<center>[[file:icon-outils.svg|100px|link=Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Cadre Politique - Renforcement des Outils et Moyens Techniques]]</center>
* [[Access to Solar-Powered Water Pumps in Laikipia|Access to Solar-Powered Water Pumps in Laikipia in Kenya]]
<center>[[Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Cadre Politique - Renforcement des Outils et Moyens Techniques|4. Renforcement des Outils et Moyens Techniques]]</center>
* [[Agrivoltaics for Sustainable Development|Agrivoltaics for Agriculture Training Center in Benin]]
* [[Biogas Saves Women Time and Fosters Their Independence|Biogas Saves Beninese Women Time and Fosters Their Independence]]
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*[[Solar Power Lights Up a Village and Enables Productive Use|Energy Access and Agriculture Productive Use in Benin]]
Dans le cadre de sa mission d’appui à l’amélioration du cadre législatif et règlementaire pour renforcer le développement des énergies renouvelables et l’efficacité énergétique au Sénégal, le P.E.D. a défini deux grandes échelles d’intervention. [[Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Cadre Politique - Appui à l'amélioration du cadre Législatif et Réglementaire|En savoir plus...]]
*[[Enhancing the Role of Solar Irrigation for Poverty Reduction Near Mt. Kilimanjaro|Enhancing the Role of Solar Irrigation for Poverty Reduction near Mt. Kilimanjaro]]
* [[Improvement of Milk Storage Using Solar Powered Coolers|Improvement of Milk Storage Using Solar Powered Coolers in Zambia]]
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* [[Renewable Energy for Agriculture|Productive Use of Energy for Women's Farming Cooperative in Malawi]]
Afin d’appuyer l’Etat du Sénégal à atteindre les objectifs fixés dans le sous-secteur des énergies durables et de l’Efficacité Energétique, le Programme P.E.D. de la GIZ a mis en place des actions et mécanismes qui ont permis de renforcer l’accès à l’Energie propre au Sénégal à travers l’appui à l’amélioration des conditions cadres. [[Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Cadre Politique - Appui à l’élaboration de la politique sectorielle et renforcement des outils de planification|En savoir plus...]]
* [[Maa Green Energy Project|Promotion of Solar Energy and Productive Use for Kenyan Communities]]
* [[Solar for Improved Rural Health Systems|Solar Electricity and Chlorine Production for Improved Rural Health Systems]]
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* [[SOLARED Coffee Project|Solar Driers to Improve Production in the SOLARED Coffee Project in Kenya]]
Pour répondre à la forte demande de renforcement des capacités des acteurs clés du secteur, mieux les outiller et leur permettre d’améliorer les conditions cadres propices à la promotion et au développement des ENR et à l’EE, le P.E.D. en collaboration avec les acteurs clés (MPE, ASER, ANER, AEME, CRSE…) à élaborer une stratégie et un plan de renforcement des capacités y compris 6 mesures prioritaires. [[Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Cadre Politique - Renforcement des Capacités Humaines|En savoir plus...]]
* [[Solar Pumping System for Women Farmers|Solar Pumping System for Women Farmers Association to Foster Productive Use in Senegal]]
* [[Women and Youths Take Off]]
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Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre des différents axes d’intervention, le P.E.D. prête une attention soutenue au développement des compétences des partenaires en rapport avec le développement des processus mis en œuvre mais aussi avec les besoins spécifiques du secteur afin de permettre d’avoir des connaissances et compétences nécessaires pour exécuter les différentes missions assignées avec succès. [[Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Cadre Politique - Renforcement des Outils et Moyens Techniques|En savoir plus...]]
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Pour toutes informations complémentaires, Veuillez contacter la responsable du volet : '''Mme Magatte Diop FALL.'''
<big>Adresse email : '''magatte.fall@giz.de'''</big>
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==III. Publications==
[[File:GBE Knowledge Product Productive Use of Energy in the Agricultural Sector GIZ 2024.pdf|thumb|243x243px]] 
The GBE '''Thematic Knowledge Products''' are designed to share the knowledge and learnings about the topics gathered during the implementation and to make them accessible for practicioners. The following knowledge product outlines the latest approaches to PUE projects at the time of project implementation as well as learnings and recommendations from the GBE projects.
== Heading ==
Unterpunkte zu den Icons (alle Texte aus KP abgeleitet)
-      Overview
-      Case Studies
-      Publications
-      Countries
[MJG1]Vorschlag 3 Überschriften pro Kategorie (PUE, Financing, Gender, etc):
·      Overview (Text Website)
·      Case Studies (Links zu allen Projekten, Case studies und KPF Factsheets)
·      Publications (Knowledge products)
Verlinkt wird jeweils eine Seite auf der die jeweilige Case study /KPF Factsheet / Knowledge product liegt. Struktur der Seite (Vorschlag)
·      Summary
·      Publication
Irgendwo sollte ein Reiter Countries verfügbar sein, so dass man die Projekte den Ländern zugeordnet sieht (ob auf einer Weltkarte oder TAB)
[OK2]Danke für den Hinweis
==IV. Countries==
Blue flags show the location of the relevant Small Projects Fund projects. The relevant case studies can be seen by hovering over the green highlighted countries. {{#ask:[[Category:GBE ProjectDB]] [[GBE category produse::Productive Use]]
|?GBE locationSPF
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|polygons={{Polygon Senegal Produse}};{{Polygon Ghana Produse}};{{Polygon Ethiopia Produse}};{{Polygon Benin Produse}};{{Polygon Uganda Produse}};{{Polygon Mozambique Produse}};{{Polygon Namibia Produse}};{{Polygon Zambia Produse}};{{Polygon Ivory Coast Produse}}
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Latest revision as of 14:27, 29 May 2024


Green People's Energy for Africa
Knowledge Hub

Productive Use

Using energy not only for consumption but also for productive purposes allows members of rural communities to provide for themselves and creates new and sustainable business opportunities. Green People's Energy measures contribute to the awareness distribution of PUE technologies.

I. Overview

80% of the people in SSA without electricity live in rural areas and therefore mostly work in agriculture. Their productivity level is often low which can largely be attributed to their lack of energy access. Other members of rural communities also struggle to find business opportunities or generate income because of this.

Providing access to energy through productive use of energy (PUE) appliances can improve the economic development of local enterprises. There are various types of PUE appliances with the most common ones being solar water pumps, solar cooling devices and solar dryers. But also mills, sewing machines and other productive tools have proven successful across GBE’s projects. Benefits include increased income possibilities (solar water pumps have been found to have the potential for up to 50% income increases for rural farmers), more reliable production due to independence from weather conditions and new business opportunities which can also positively impact the local community.

In order to increase PUE appliance dissemination, multiple challenges have to be addressed. Awareness raising campaigns often play a decisive role in such initiatives as smallholder farms are often unaware of the benefits of solar technology devices. Rural communities often also suffer from access to finance to cover high initial costs for appliances. This is enhanced by solar companies only providing their services to well-connected and economically viable areas leaving rural communities underserved.

Green People’s Energy for Africa promotes energy access and productive use of energy by following a threefold approach: Providing support for solar (PUE) companies, improving framework conditions, and supporting end-users. Activities include the following:

PUE companies

  • Promoting PUE technologies in rural areas through results-based financing (RBF) programmes with solar companies, i.e. incentivising the sales of systems to rural customers
  • Professionalising local solar companies through business development support
  • Training technical staff of solar companies in operating and maintaining solar systems

Framework conditions

  • Assessing the quality of PUE appliances and making their quality transparent for customers with the VeraSol database
  • Implementing pilot installations for demonstration purposes and awareness raising among political partners and stakeholders


  • Awareness-raising campaigns in rural areas, sensitisation of rural enterprises on the economic potentials of PUE
  • Business development support to rural enterprises incl. energy assessments to understand the business case of acquiring and using PUE appliances
  • Supporting access to finance e.g., by establishing guarantee funds or offering incentive payments for microfinance institutions (MFIs) so rural populations can buy solar technologies
  • Supporting community-based approaches by building the capacities of communities and cooperatives to jointly purchase, operate and maintain PUE appliances

II. Case Studies

The following case studies and Small Projects Fund project factsheets illustrate the practical implementation of the three PUE pillars within the GBE project scope. They further showcase different examples of PUE equipment types and how to organise their distribution sustainably.

Case Studies

Small Projects Fund projects

III. Publications

GBE Knowledge Product Productive Use of Energy in the Agricultural Sector GIZ 2024.pdf

The GBE Thematic Knowledge Products are designed to share the knowledge and learnings about the topics gathered during the implementation and to make them accessible for practicioners. The following knowledge product outlines the latest approaches to PUE projects at the time of project implementation as well as learnings and recommendations from the GBE projects.

IV. Countries

Blue flags show the location of the relevant Small Projects Fund projects. The relevant case studies can be seen by hovering over the green highlighted countries.
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