SPIS Market

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Module Aim and Orientation

The MARKET Module aims to provide high level theory on how to conduct market potential assessments for solar powered irrigation systems within a country or region. It provides parameters for consideration that may be applied by varying stakeholders (including private SPIS companies, policy-makers, financial institutions and development practitioners) in assessing the market potential of SPIS. The Module recognizes that, in order to carry out the market potential assessment, the user must have identified a target area for evaluation. Chapter 1: Identifying a potential market provides factors for consideration in identifying the market and provides tools that can be used. read more

Additionally, the Module identifies two over-arching categories of parameters that are key to conducting a high-level assessment of the market potential for SPIS in a target country or region: 1) geophysical attributes and 2) business environment. Chapters 2 – evaluate geophysical parameters and Chapter 3 – evaluate the business environment expound on the specific parameters under each category. These chapters provide the definitions of the parameters and highlight why these parameters are considered key to the market assessment.

The parameters identified under geophysical attributes include: land cover land use, solar radiation, water availability, topography, crop and livestock and ambient temperature.

Parameters affecting the business environment include: government and non-governmental interventions, financing, cost and availability of alternative sources of power, level of SPIS related technical capacity, awareness levels of solar PV and irrigation technologies, significance of agriculture to the economy, land use rights and tenure and transport and communication infrastructure.

The Module is also supplemented by the MARKET - Market Assessment Tool, which considers basic geophysical parameters, and provides guidelines and weights to evaluate parameters that inform an enabling business environment for SPIS.


1. Identify a potential market
2. Evaluate geophysical parameters
3. Evaluate the business environment
4. Decide on market potential

Supplementary Tools

Further Readings

  • A.W Worqlul, J. Jeong, Y. Dile, J. Osorio Assessing potential land suitable for surface irrigation using groundwater in Ethiopia, Applied Geography 85 (2017) 1-13

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