TUEWAS Toolbox - Market-based & Tariff-based Solutions

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VPP and aggregators (market integration of DERs)

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Demand Response

ID Number Year Title Author Type of Entry Main Category Country Location within Country File Reference project name Journal or conference name URL Active management of distribution grid Enabling distributing technologies Market-based and Tariff-based solutions Connection agreement solutions Distribution planning Operation and maintenance Information exchange
10 2021 Grid Management Solutions to Support the Optimal Operation of Renewable Energy Sources in Power System Fichtner GmbH; RCEE-NIRAS Study Report Active management of distribution grid Viet Nam 010_Grid Management Solutions to Support the Optimal Operation of Renewable Energy Sou.pdf Smart Grids for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SGREEE) https://smart-grid.vn/cus_event/final-workshop-on-grid-management-solutions-to-support-the-optimal-operation-of-renewable-energy-in-power-system/
  • Congestion Management
  • Smart grids (AMI, smart meters, etc.) increase
  • Battery Energy Storage Systems
  • Demand Response
11 2021 SGREEE-AA1: Promoting Implementation of Demand Response Programs in Vietnam CPCS Transcom Limited Study Report Market-based and tariff-based solutions Viet Nam 011_SGREEE-AA1 Promoting Implementation of Demand Response Programs in Vietnam.pdf Smart Grids for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency project
  • Demand Response
37 2019 Demand-side flexibility for power sector transformation International Renewable Energy Agency Study Report Market-based and tariff-based solutions 037_Demand-side flexibility for power sector transformation.pdf
  • Demand Response
38 2019 Innovation landscape brief: Time-of-use tariffs International Renewable Energy Agency Study Report Market-based and tariff-based solutions 038_Innovation landscape brief Time-of-use tariffs.pdf
  • Demand Response
72 n/a AEMO's wholesale demand response mechanism Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) Web Page Market-based and tariff-based solutions Australia No file uploaded. https://aemo.com.au/initiatives/trials-and-initiatives/wholesale-demand-response-mechanism
  • Demand Response
86 n/a Demand Response to Price: State of the Art in Europe ENTSO-E Web Page Market-based and tariff-based solutions No file uploaded. https://www.entsoe.eu/Technopedia/techsheets/demand-response-to-price
  • Demand Response
87 2018 Tucson Electric Power Project RAIN: October 2018 Update Electric Power Research Institute Study Report Active management of distribution grid 087_Tucson_Electric_Power_Project_RAIN__October_2018_Update.pdf Tucson Electric Power Project RAIN https://www.epri.com/research/products/000000003002014812
  • Demand Response
  • Interoperability and communication

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