Identifying Hidden Resources in Solar Home Systems as the Base for Bottom - Up Grids

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Innovating Energy Access for Remote Areas: Discovering Untapped Resources
About the International DAAD-Alumni Summer School, Sustainable Provision of Rural RE
Participants Presentations
Speaker Presentations

Identifying Hidden Resources in Solar Home Systems as the Basis for Bottom-Up Grids

Presenters: Hannes Kirchhoff, (Microenergy Research Group)


In the context of the modern energy access challenge, one new pathway towards electrification is to make use of hidden resources already in the field through small microgrids. In particular, this paper analyses the amount of energy that is dumped in a medium sized (65 Wp) solar home system (SHS) located in Bangladesh. The SHS is modeled using synthetic load curves and a sophisticated battery model that accounts for battery ageing. The simulation shows that more than 30% of the energy generated by the SHS remains unused[1].


  1. Identifying Hidden Resources in Solar Home Systems as the Basis for Bottom-Up Grids. Hannes Kirchhoff.