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Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)

ID Number Year Title Author Type of Entry Main Category Country Location within Country File Reference project name Journal or conference name URL Active management of distribution grid Enabling distributing technologies Market-based and Tariff-based solutions Connection agreement solutions Distribution planning Operation and maintenance Information exchange
7 2021 Study on Project to Grid and Project to Project Interconnection of Micro Hydro Practical Action Consulting Private Limited Study Report Distribution planning No file uploaded. Renewable Energy for Rural Areas II (RERA-II) project
  • Distributed generation (small hydro)
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
9 2021 Detailed Feasibility Study of Mini/Micro Hydropower Interconnected Mini Grid in Jumla NEA Engineering Company Limited Study Report Distribution planning Jumla No file uploaded. Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihood (RERL)
  • The project is focused on creating a mini grid by interconnecting several micro/mini hydropower in the vicinity of Jumla Bazar. Till date, Jumla Bazar is deprived of grid electricity. The expansion of electrical grid in Karnali Province is ongoing. National grid has been extended till Manma bazar. Karnali Provincial Office, Surkhet is extending the 33 kV lines under Dailekh Chilkha Jumla 33 kV Transmission Line and Substation Project. Jumla is expected to be connected to the central grid within next Fiscal Year. However, the mini grid would be a suitable solution for the present time. The mini grid should be able to connect to national gird in the future.
  • Distributed generation (small hydro)
  • Mini/micro-grids (when interconnected)
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
14 2019 Revision of Grid Code and Distribution Code for facilitating Variable Renewable Energy Integration – Final Report Moeller & Poeller Engineering GmbH; VietnamMW Co., Ltd Study Report Connection agreement solutions No file uploaded. Smart Grids for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
  • In Vietnam, as is the case for many other countries around the globe, it is expected that more and more synchronous generating systems will be replaced by non-synchronous generating systems in the near future. To reflect the fact that this will cause substantial changes to the performance characteristics of the future Vietnamese power system, ERAV has proposed amendments to the Vietnamese Grid Code. These changes are considered necessary to ensure secure system operation of the future Vietnamese power system. GIZ has engaged the consultatns to review the existing grid code together with the proposed amendments.
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
16 2022 Workshop Slides: Grid Integration of Grid-Connected Photovoltaics Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG Training Material Enabling distributed technologies No file uploaded.
  • Slides of workshop “grid integration of grid-connected photovoltaics”: Session 1: From DC to AC – photovoltaic and inverter technology; Session 2: Voltage control and support strategies with grid connected rooftop PV; Session 3: Short term PV power forecast for grid operation; Session 4: Frequency control with grid connected rooftop PV.
  • Forecasting
  • Distributed generation (solar)
  • Inverter-specific aspects
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
20 2018 International Review of Residential PV Feed-in Management Electric Power Research Institute Study Report Active management of distribution grid No file uploaded. https://aemo.com.au/-/media/Files/Electricity/NEM/DER/2019/Standards-Protocols/EPRI-PV-Feed-in-Management-Report.pdf
  • The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) is investigating technological and functional solutions to the challenge of integrating large amounts of distributed, residential-scale photovoltaic (PV) generation. Information is provided on the following five key elements necessary to perform management of PV feed-in: device hardware, communication protocols, network infrastructure, a management system, and interconnection agreements. EPRI conducted interviews with representatives from entities facing similar challenges, including from the United States, Germany, Japan, and parts of Australia outside of the National Electricity Market and South West Interconnected System. The interviews and research revealed similar efforts to AEMO, yet none in widespread use that simultaneously address all three challenges of 1) high PV penetrations, 2) consisting mostly of small, distributed PV systems, and 3) on systems without strong (or any) interconnections to neighboring countries or regions. In considering solutions, a holistic view of PV management that includes more than just feed-in management (e.g. other advanced inverter functionalities and customer control of their net energy output) is likely on the horizon.
  • Control Solutions
  • Distributed generation (solar)
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
22 2018 Common Smart Inverter 8 Profile 9 IEEE 2030.5 Implementation Guide for Smart Inverters Sunspec Common Smart Inverter Profile Working Group Guidelines Information exchange No file uploaded. SunSpec IEEE 2030.5 Conformance Profiles Work Group https://sunspec.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/CSIPImplementationGuidev2.103-15-2018.pdf
  • This guide serves to assist manufacturers, Distributed Energy Resources (DER) operators, system integrators and DER aggregators to implement the Common Smart Inverter Profile (CSIP) implementation guide for IEEE 2030.5. CSIP was developed as an outgrowth of the California Rule 21 Smart Inverter process to create common communication profile for inverter communications that could be relied on by all parties to foster “plug and play” communications-level interoperability between the California IOU’s and 3rd party operated smart inverters or the systems/service providers managing those inverters.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
39 2022 Grid codes for renewable powered systems International Renewable Energy Agency, Energynautics Study Report Connection agreement solutions No file uploaded. https://www.irena.org/publications/2022/Apr/Grid-codes-for-renewable-powered-systems
  • This report contains the latest developments and good practices to develop grid connection codes for power systems with high shares of variable renewable energy – solar photovoltaic and wind. The analysis is an update of the 2016 IRENA report Scaling up variable renewable power: The role of grid codes. This report elaborates on the latest developments and experiences related to technical requirements for connecting variable renewable energy generators and enabling technologies such as storage, electric vehicles or flexible demand.
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Compliance mechanisms
40 2019 Highlights of IEEE Standard 1547-2018 Narang, David (NREL) Other Connection agreement solutions No file uploaded. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy20osti/75436.pdf
  • Slides from webinar Presented to Arkansas DER Interconnection Stakeholders.
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
41 2019 An Overview of Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Interconnection: Current Practices and Emerging Solutions National Renewable Energy Laboratory Study Report Connection agreement solutions No file uploaded. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy19osti/72102.pdf
  • A comprehensive report. Includes sections: Interconnection Application Procedures and Management, Technical Screens for DER Interconnection, Advanced Inverters, IEEE 1547 (2003-2018), Strategies and Upgrades for Mitigating the Distribution System Impacts of DERs, Cost Allocation, Predicting Future DER Growth, Cybersecurity, and Storage and Solar + Storage Interconnection.
  • Inverter-specific aspects
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
42 n/a Rule 21 Interconnection State of California Web Page Connection agreement solutions California No file uploaded. https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/rule21/
  • Information about California’s Rule 21. Rule 21 describes the interconnection, operating and metering requirements for generation facilities to be connected to a utility’s distribution system.
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
45 2020 PV Generation Hosting Capacity in Dominican Distribution Grids Energynautics Study Report Distribution planning No file uploaded. https://transicionenergetica.do/2021/07/29/pv-generation-hosting-capacity-in-dominican-distribution-grids-full-study-available-in-english-now/
  • this study analyses the maximum PV penetration levels on a number of representative, real distribution feeders in the Dominican Republic and provides recommendations to improve the current regulatory landscape for distributed generation.
  • Control Solutions
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
  • Protection coordination and adjustments
46 2017 Do It Locally: Local Voltage Support by Distributed Generation – A Management Summary Fraunhofer IWES Study Report Distribution planning No file uploaded. IEA Task 14 Subtask 2 https://iea-pvps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Task_14_Report__Do_It_Locally_IEA_Final_T14.08.pdf
  • Recommendations based on research and field experience on local voltage support by distributed generation, including impact on grid operation and planning, and advantages and disadvantages for the different reactive power and active power control strategies, which can assist decision-making for the application of local voltage support by DG.
  • Control Solutions
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Grid simulation studies
62 2021 Informative Background on the Interoperability Requirements in IEEE Std 1547-2018 Ingram, Michael; Rasel Mahmud; David Narang; NREL Study Report Information exchange No file uploaded. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy21osti/77959.pdf
  • The revised Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1547-2018, Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces, was published in April 2018. This standard is one of the foundational documents in the United States needed for integrating distributed energy resources (DERs), including solar energy systems, with the electric distribution grid. This document provides supplementary information to help stakeholders apply the interoperability requirements specified in Clause 10 of the revised standard.
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
88 2017 Simulation of Hawaiian Electric Companies Feeder Operations with Advanced Inverters and Analysis of Annual Photovoltaic Energy Curtailment National Renewable Energy Laboratory Study Report Enabling distributed technologies Hawaii No file uploaded. Task No. WRHV.1000 https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy17osti/68681.pdf
  • Distributed generation (solar)
  • Inverter-specific aspects
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Grid simulation studies

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Interconnection application procedures

ID Number Year Title Author Type of Entry Main Category Country Location within Country File Reference project name Journal or conference name URL Active management of distribution grid Enabling distributing technologies Market-based and Tariff-based solutions Connection agreement solutions Distribution planning Operation and maintenance Information exchange
7 2021 Study on Project to Grid and Project to Project Interconnection of Micro Hydro Practical Action Consulting Private Limited Study Report Distribution planning No file uploaded. Renewable Energy for Rural Areas II (RERA-II) project
  • Distributed generation (small hydro)
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
9 2021 Detailed Feasibility Study of Mini/Micro Hydropower Interconnected Mini Grid in Jumla NEA Engineering Company Limited Study Report Distribution planning Jumla No file uploaded. Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihood (RERL)
  • The project is focused on creating a mini grid by interconnecting several micro/mini hydropower in the vicinity of Jumla Bazar. Till date, Jumla Bazar is deprived of grid electricity. The expansion of electrical grid in Karnali Province is ongoing. National grid has been extended till Manma bazar. Karnali Provincial Office, Surkhet is extending the 33 kV lines under Dailekh Chilkha Jumla 33 kV Transmission Line and Substation Project. Jumla is expected to be connected to the central grid within next Fiscal Year. However, the mini grid would be a suitable solution for the present time. The mini grid should be able to connect to national gird in the future.
  • Distributed generation (small hydro)
  • Mini/micro-grids (when interconnected)
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
41 2019 An Overview of Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Interconnection: Current Practices and Emerging Solutions National Renewable Energy Laboratory Study Report Connection agreement solutions No file uploaded. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy19osti/72102.pdf
  • A comprehensive report. Includes sections: Interconnection Application Procedures and Management, Technical Screens for DER Interconnection, Advanced Inverters, IEEE 1547 (2003-2018), Strategies and Upgrades for Mitigating the Distribution System Impacts of DERs, Cost Allocation, Predicting Future DER Growth, Cybersecurity, and Storage and Solar + Storage Interconnection.
  • Inverter-specific aspects
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
42 n/a Rule 21 Interconnection State of California Web Page Connection agreement solutions California No file uploaded. https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/rule21/
  • Information about California’s Rule 21. Rule 21 describes the interconnection, operating and metering requirements for generation facilities to be connected to a utility’s distribution system.
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
45 2020 PV Generation Hosting Capacity in Dominican Distribution Grids Energynautics Study Report Distribution planning No file uploaded. https://transicionenergetica.do/2021/07/29/pv-generation-hosting-capacity-in-dominican-distribution-grids-full-study-available-in-english-now/
  • this study analyses the maximum PV penetration levels on a number of representative, real distribution feeders in the Dominican Republic and provides recommendations to improve the current regulatory landscape for distributed generation.
  • Control Solutions
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
  • Protection coordination and adjustments
49 2017 Optimizing the Grid: Regulator’s Guide to Hosting Capacity Analyses Interstate Renewable Energy Council Guidelines Distribution planning No file uploaded. https://irecusa.org/resources/optimizing-the-grid-regulators-guide-to-hosting-capacity-analyses/
  • Utility regulators play a key role in ensuring hosting capacity analyses are deployed strategically, prudently and for the benefit of all energy customers. This guide will assist state regulators in guiding and overseeing utilities as they conduct hosting capacity analyses on their distribution circuits, as part of a broader grid modernization or distribution planning efforts and/or in support of their state’s near- and long-term energy policy goals.
  • Please donwload file in the URL provided. User email required.
  • Battery Energy Storage Systems
  • Distributed generation (solar)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies

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Compliance mechanisms

ID Number Year Title Author Type of Entry Main Category Country Location within Country File Reference project name Journal or conference name URL Active management of distribution grid Enabling distributing technologies Market-based and Tariff-based solutions Connection agreement solutions Distribution planning Operation and maintenance Information exchange
39 2022 Grid codes for renewable powered systems International Renewable Energy Agency, Energynautics Study Report Connection agreement solutions No file uploaded. https://www.irena.org/publications/2022/Apr/Grid-codes-for-renewable-powered-systems
  • This report contains the latest developments and good practices to develop grid connection codes for power systems with high shares of variable renewable energy – solar photovoltaic and wind. The analysis is an update of the 2016 IRENA report Scaling up variable renewable power: The role of grid codes. This report elaborates on the latest developments and experiences related to technical requirements for connecting variable renewable energy generators and enabling technologies such as storage, electric vehicles or flexible demand.
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Compliance mechanisms
43 2021 Introduction to the Compliance Process NG Electricity System Operator Guidelines Connection agreement solutions No file uploaded. https://www.nationalgrideso.com/document/190686/download
  • This document summarises the Operational Notification and Compliance Process (ONCP) facilitated by National Grid ESO in respect of new generation connections.
  • Compliance mechanisms
83 n/a Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme inspections Clean Energy Regulator of Australia Web Page Connection agreement solutions No file uploaded. https://www.cleanenergyregulator.gov.au/RET/Scheme-participants-and-industry/Agents-and-installers/Small-scale-Renewable-Energy-Scheme-inspections#Smallscale-Renewable-Energy-Scheme-inspection-results
  • AEMO has been collaborating with the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) and the Clean Energy Council (CEC) to incorporate inverter settings checks into the CER’s existing inspection program as part of its Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme. It was identified that as much as 40% of grid-connected inverters installed with rooftop solar PV systems since 2016 may not comply with some of the mandatory settings prescribed in AS/NZS 4777.2:2015 and the relevant Distribution Network Service Provider (DNSP) connection agreements. This is causing issues for grid reliability and security that without rectification will limit consumers’ choice to invest in DER. The information collected through the inverter settings checks in the CER inspection program will provide insights to better understand reasons for non-compliance to AS/NZS4777.2 and assist in improving processes to minimise this.
  • Distributed generation (solar)
  • Distributed generation (small hydro)
  • Distributed generation (others)
  • Compliance mechanisms

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