Upload Pictures and Documents

From energypedia
Revision as of 10:25, 14 March 2023 by ***** (***** | *****)

Upload Pictures and Documents

You can upload pictures and documents to the gallery in order to link them into an article.

However, always keep in mind that energypedia is not a file sharing / storing system. Also, please make sure to quote and reference correctly in order to avoid plagiarism. Regarding file size, a single file of maximum 512 MB file can be uploaded on energypedia. Also the file you are uploading should not begin with "IMG.


1. Click on the option Upload file in the "wrench" icon on the bottom right corner

Capture d’écran 2021-09-15 à 15.38.09.png

2. Please read these given rules and click on "Next" at the bottom!

Upload wizard.jpg

3. Choose the file you want to upload by clicking on "Select media files to share".

Instructions for Uploading Files 1.png

4. Add the appropriate source and author, as well as the license.

Instructions for uploading file 2.png

4. Add a meaningful title (see below for instructions), add description, date, and categories, and click on "Publish".

To see a list of categories used on energypedia, click here.

Instructions for uploading files 3.png

6. The uploaded file can now be put into any article: Insert Pictures or Documents

Find the Uploaded Document

  • To find the uploaded file, type File:Name of the File in the search bar.

Name the Document

Please follow the following standard for naming the uploaded document:

  • Titel_ (author/organisation)_Year  (It is optional to add the name of the author, however the author has to be mentioned in the description box)

For example:

  • A Discussion of Solar Home Systems in Developing Countries_Kristjansdottir_2003

Categorize the Document

Files should be categorized to make them better searchable and accessible. For example, technology, country, would be helpful categories.

To see a list of categories used on energypedia, click here.

Upload a New Version of the File

You can upload a new version of the file without uploading it from scratch. To upload a new version, please follow the following instructions:

  • Go to the old file and under File history, click on "Upload a new version of this file".

Upload a new version.png

  • Follow the instructions to upload a new version. The new version will automatically appear in all places where the old file was linked.