Impacts Social

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The increased use of renewable energy will have significant social impacts. For example, the widespread use of renewable energy systems may lead to increasing or decreasing employment rates in certain regions, depending on their industrial base and whether they are completely reliant on fossil fuels. Other social impacts could include increased consumer choice regarding a household's energy supplier; changing political relations internationally as certain nations end their reliance on others for energy; and expected improvements in health, as more and more citizens are no longer exposed to hazardous wastes and emissions associated with fossil fuels[1].

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Solar Home Systems (SHSs) contribute to sustainable development mainly through the improvement of social aspects of rural life (e.g. education, health, information, communication, etc.)[2].


Hydro projects can have both positive and negative social and environmental impacts. However, if anticipated and tackled early in the planning stage of a project with the required resources, the negative impacts can be addressed in a positive manner[3].



Energy Use

Improved Cooking

Social impacts of improved cooking stoves are for example money and time saving in acquiring fuel as well as skill development and job creation in the community[4].

Facts on Cooking Energy

Productive Use


Cross Cutting Issues



Battery Charging Systems

Further Information


  1. eHow: Social, Economic & Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energy Systems,
  2. Electricity and Sustainable Development: Impacts of Solar Home Systems in Rural Bangladesh,
  3. Water World Today:
  4. HEDON: and Barnes et al, 1993, RWEDP No:44