Passive Droop Control in a Decentralized 12 DC Energy Access Microgrid With Lead Acid Batteries

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Micro Perspectives for Decentralized Energy Supply - Documentation
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Passive Droop Control in a Decentralized 12 DC Energy Access Microgrid With Lead Acid Batteries

Presenter: Hannes Kirchhoff, Michael Schmid, Peter Adelmann and Kai Strunz


In this paper, a passive droop controlled 12 V DC energy access microgrid that utilizes natural droop control features is analyzed. The reliability of this control approach is investigated upon in a 23 simulation with eight houses. Four SHS feed into this microgrid and four household systems with batteries but without panels take energy out of the system. The control of the 12 V DC grid can be achieved without any central control elements which represent a technology option for the implementation of bottom-up microgrid development path. Passive Droop Control in a Decentralized 12 DC Energy Access Microgrid With Lead Acid Batteries.pdf


Hannes Kirchhoff, Michael Schmid, Peter Adelmann and Kai Strunz: Micro Perspective for Decentralized Energy (MES) 2015, Bangalore, India.