The Role of Gender in the Energy and Agriculture Nexus

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Modern energy services are not only vital for economic development they also play a large role in the empowerment of women.  Access to improved energy services can alter women’s social, economic and political status — reducing the time and effort involved in household activities, providing better health and educational conditions, enhancing income-generating opportunities, and facilitating their participation in public affairs.  The integration of gender issues is thus vital for energy projects in developing and emerging countries. With view to the agriculture and energy nexus, the role gender plays is rather complex, as it concerns (1) the role of gender in energy poverty (access to energy services), (2) the role of gender in energy projects, and (3) the role of gender in agriculture/agricultural value chains (especially in the food processing stage). This implies that the role gender plays in the agriculture and energy nexus cannot be restricted to a single sustainable energy technology, a single value chain or region. This article attempts to analyse the role of gender in the nexus, but will remain at an abstract level.


 Energy and Rural Development

 In rural areas, expanded energy sources are necessary to provide: mechanical power for agriculture, food processing, water pumping and irrigation; modern fuels for cooking and heating; electricity for lighting, refrigeration, communications, commercial enterprises and community services. Without access to efficient and affordable energy sources, rural communities have very limited opportunities for economic and social development.[1] According to the estimates of the International Energy Agency (IEA), 2.6 billion people around the world currently rely on traditional uses of energy to cover their basic energy needs. This figure is expected to rise to 2.7 billion by 2030.[2] Over 80 % of these people live in rural areas in developing countries, particularly in Africa and Asia.


Gender and Energy

This lack of access to energy is experienced very differently by men and women in developing countries. The energy sector continues to be dominated by men, especially at decision making levels. Households headed by women are particularly disadvantaged, which constrains women’s energy access as well.[3]  Poor women in rural areas generally have a more difficult time compared to men, due to their traditional socio-cultural roles. They often spend long hours collecting fuel wood and the time and labour spent in this way limits their ability to engage in other productive and income-generating activities. Their health suffers from hauling heavy loads of fuel and water, and from cooking over smoky fires. Their opportunities for education and income generation are limited by lack of modern energy services, and as a result their families and communities are likely to remain trapped in poverty.[4]  

Women in rural areas also face particular obstacles in accessing renewable energy technologies due to their relatively high poverty levels, lower access to credit (due to low access to land and other resources that could serve as collateral), lower literacy rates and less access to information.[5] Yet, it has also been demonstrated that integrating women’s needs as a key variable in energy projects makes it more likely that energy will have a substantial impact on household and community poverty and on gender equality. Thus where energy interventions address women’s equal participation, the potential for benefits is much higher for all.[6]


 Gender and Food Processing Entreprises

 The majority of informal sector enterprises in developing countries are owned and operated by women, with women making up the largest proportion of the work force. Their enterprises tend to be concentrated in a relatively narrow range of activities, are often very energy intensive and rely on biomass fuels.  Often women’s enterprises have disproportionately low rates of return compared to the activities undertaken by men. Also men dominate those activities that are more value adding and require more advanced equipment. In food processing enterprises it has been estimated that energy costs are 20 - 25% of the total inputs, which would suggest that technological interventions could increase the scale and profitability of these businesses.[7]

Gender and Agriculture

Furthermore, up to 70 % of the labor force in developing countries works in agriculture, and women make up the majority of agricultural laborers.[8]  Gender inequalities are widespread, especially with view to land distribution, access to credits and access to agricultural inputs such as seeds and fertilizer, and reduce agricultural productivity and efficiency.[9] Women also fare worse in the adoption of agricultural technologies.[10]  According to the International Center for Research on Women, enhancing women’s access to vital agricultural inputs such as irrigation technologies can substantially boost their agricultural productivity and incomes. Engaging women in the development and distribution of a technology, which in turn enables their access and use of the technology, generates a positive chain reaction with extensive outcomes. This process unlocks two key pathways to economic progress for women by; 1) enhancing women’s productivity in existing economic activities, and 2) by creating new economic opportunities for women. For example, technology that irrigates arable land (e.g. Solar Powered Irrigation Systems) can improve crop yield and reduce the amount of time women must spend collecting water. To this end, female-headed households in Ethiopia increased their net incomes on average by US$268, or about 18 % by using treadle irrigation pumps.[11]


Further Information

For more information see:


The International Center for Research on Women 2012: Energy and Agricultural Technologies for Women’s Economic Advancement's-economic-advancement_0.pdf


Gender Briefing Notes. Supporting active inclusion of women in energy and development projects: PDF Gender Briefing Notes pdf, 1,2 MB, EN_web.pdf PDF Gender Briefing Notes pdf, 1,2 MB, EN_web.pdf


IUCN, ENERGIA and HIVOS, 2012. Guidelines on renewable energy technologies for women in rural and informal urban areas.


ENERGIA 2011. Mainstreaming gender in energy projects: A practical handbook, Elizabeth Cecelski and Soma Dutta.


ENERGIA 2012. Empowering women in developing countries through energy for entrepreneurship, Gail Karlsson paper.pdf paper.pdf


A Presentation on the Role of Gender Concerns in the Planning of Small Scale Energy Projects


Gender & Energy for Sustainable Development: A Toolkit and Resource Guide, UNDP (2004).


Gender in Agriculture: Sourcebook. World Bank. 2008.

[1] ENERGY AND GENDER ISSUESIN RURAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Yianna Lambrou and Grazia Piana. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2006.

[7] Clancy, J. S., Skutsch, M., & Batchelor, S. (2002). The Gender-Energy-Poverty Nexus: Finding the energy to address gender concerns in development.

[8] World Bank, FAO and IFAD. (2009). Gender in agriculture sourcebook. The World Bank: Washington, D.C.

[9] World Bank, FAO and IFAD. (2009). Gender in agriculture sourcebook. The World Bank: Washington, D.C.

[10] Peterman, A., Quisumbing, A., Behrman, J. and Nkonya, E. (2010). Understanding gender differences in agricultural

productivity in Uganda and Nigeria. IFPRI Discussion Paper 01003.

[11] The International Center for Research on Women 2012: Energy and Agricultural Technologies for Women’s Economic Advancement