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Welcome to the Solar Portal

Solar energy is the energy, the earth receives from the sun, primarily as visible light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. The solar portal provides an overview of the information on energypedia related to solar energy.

Overview on Solar Energy

Technological Aspects of Solar Energy

Financing, Business & Operation Models of Solar Energy

Policy Framework for Solar Energy

Use of Solar Energy

Monitoring & Impacts of Solar Energy

Climate Change and Solar Energy

Case Studies on Solar Energy

Solar Energy Resources

PicoPV Database


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Latest Solar Articles

25 September 2024
Publication - From Sun to Roof to Grid: The Economics and Policy of Distributed PV
6 September 2024
Publication - White Paper: Leveraging Energy Access and Off-Grid Technologies to Realize National Social and Economic Development Priorities
6 September 2024
Publication - Productive Use of Renewable Energy in the Agriculture Value Chain: Market Assessment India

Latest Solar Documents

Solar Events