Hanoi Air Quality Monitoring

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Overview: Hanoi Air Quality Monitoring

Since 2016, Hanoi became the first city in Vietnam to measure in real-time its air quality. Thus, Environnement S.A Group has provided the city’s pollution monitoring network with data generated by the 10 AQMS stations installed, being centralized and published online on the Government’s website http://moitruongthudo.vn/The page provides AQI (Air Quality Index) over the last 24 hour period as well as pollutant concentration for each station.[1]

Find here the relevant data for different locations in Vietnam. You can select a location to get the AQI and the concentration:[2]

Air Quality Monitoring Network Hanoi

About Hanoi Air Quality Monitoring

AQI range explanation:

AQI value Result Description Colors
0-50 EXCELLENT No health implications.


51-100 GOOD Few hypersensitive individuals should reduce outdoor exercise. YELLOW
101-200 POLLUTED Few hypersensitive individuals need reduce outdoor exercise. ORANGE
201-300 UNHEALTHY Healthy people will be noticeably affected. People with breathing or heart problems will experience reduced endurance in activities. These individuals and elders should remain indoors and restrict activities. RED
301 HAZARDOUS Everyone shoud avoid outdoor activities BROWN
  • QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT – National technical standards for ambient air quality is issued with Circular 32/2013/TT-BTNMT dated October 25, 2013 by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment.[2]
  • Air quality index (AQI): Calculated according to the guidance in Decision 878/QĐ-TCMT dated July 1, 2011 of Vietnam Environment Administration on issuing manual for calculating air quality index (AQI).[2]

Concentration index by air's components

  • PM2.5
  • PM10
  • NO2
  • SO2
  • CO
  • O3

Further Information
