Case Studies on Energy Access Projects in Mozambique

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Welcome to the infopage for case studies on energy access projects in Mozambique.

In energypedia we are aware that off-grid renewable solutions have the potential to bridge the energy access gap and achieve country-wide electrification and access to clean cooking. Against this background, energypedia is collectiong case studies from different companies and organizations running energy access projects in Mozambique on selected RE technologies, such as solar home systems, improved cookstoves, mini/nano grid, and solar powered irrigation.

This space has all the information on how to share the accomplishments and lessons learned of your project with our community in energypedia's Mozambique Off-grid Knowledge Hub.

Do you have a case study?

Are you involved in the energy sector in Mozambique and want to share your knowledge and expertise? You can share a case study with us by:

  • Downloading the template corresponding to the type of technology and fill in the information about your project.
  • Entering your organization's or company's information in our Stakeholder Database.
  • Sending us your case study template to, let us know if you would like to present your case study in a webinar or event
  • Creating a case study entry in energypedia.

If you need help creating and editing your case study page, visit our Help Portal.

What are the benefits for your organisation/company?

Your case study will be:

  • a valuable part of the joint momentum in shaping the RE sector in Mozambique.
  • featured prominently on the the Mozambique Solar Hub / Mozambique Clean Cooking Hub / Mozmabique Productive Uses of Energy Hub / Mozambique Mini-grid Hub
  • promoted via energypedia’s social network
  • promoted to over 6000 energy experts via energypedia newsletter
  • shared in different energypedia webinars.

Download Templates

Improved Cookstoves (ICS) English Portuguese
Template for Companies Download Download
Template for Organisations Download Download
Solar Home Systems (SHS) English Portuguese
Template for Companies Download Download
Template for Organisations Download Download
Productive Uses of Energy (PUE, SPIS, etc.) English Portuguese
Template for Companies Download Download
Template for Organisations Download Download
Mini Grids English Portuguese
Template for Companies Download Download
Template for Organisations Download Download

Case Study List

  1. Solar Giraffe in Mozambique


Funded and developed in collaboration with the GIZ programme Green People’s Energy for Africa to enhance knowledge exchange and sharing among the energy practitioners in Mozambique.

GIZ-BMZ logo.png