TUEWAS Toolbox - Connection Agreement Solutions

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Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)

ID Number Year Title Author Type of Entry Main Category Country Location within Country File Reference project name Journal or conference name URL Active management of distribution grid Enabling distributing technologies Market-based and Tariff-based solutions Connection agreement solutions Distribution planning Operation and maintenance Information exchange
7 2021 Study on Project to Grid and Project to Project Interconnection of Micro Hydro Practical Action Consulting Private Limited Study Report Distribution planning 007_Study on Project to Grid and Project to Project Interconnection of Micro Hydro.pdf Renewable Energy for Rural Areas II (RERA-II) project
  • Distributed generation (small hydro)
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
9 2021 Detailed Feasibility Study of Mini/Micro Hydropower Interconnected Mini Grid in Jumla NEA Engineering Company Limited Study Report Distribution planning Jumla 009_Detailed Feasibility Study of MiniMicro Hydropower Interconnected Mini Grid in Jumla .pdf Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihood (RERL)
  • Distributed generation (small hydro)
  • Mini/micro-grids (when interconnected)
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
14 2019 Revision of Grid Code and Distribution Code for facilitating Variable Renewable Energy Integration – Final Report Moeller & Poeller Engineering GmbH; VietnamMW Co., Ltd Study Report Connection agreement solutions 013_SGREEE-AA1 Revision of Viet Nam’s Smart Grids Roadmap. Smart Grid Index Evaluation.pdf Smart Grids for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
16 2022 Workshop Slides: Grid Integration of Grid-Connected Photovoltaics Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG Training Material Enabling distributed technologies 016_Workshop Slides Grid Integration of Grid-Connected Photovoltaics.zip
  • Forecasting
  • Distributed generation (solar)
  • Inverter-specific aspects
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
20 2018 International Review of Residential PV Feed-in Management Electric Power Research Institute Study Report Active management of distribution grid 020_International Review of Residential PV Feed-in Management.pdf https://aemo.com.au/-/media/Files/Electricity/NEM/DER/2019/Standards-Protocols/EPRI-PV-Feed-in-Management-Report.pdf
  • Control Solutions
  • Distributed generation (solar)
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interoperability and communication
  • Cybersecurity
22 2018 Common Smart Inverter 8 Profile 9 IEEE 2030.5 Implementation Guide for Smart Inverters Sunspec Common Smart Inverter Profile Working Group Guidelines Information exchange 022_Common Smart Inverter 8 Profile 9 IEEE 2030.5 Implementation Guide for Smart Inverters.pdf SunSpec IEEE 2030.5 Conformance Profiles Work Group https://sunspec.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/CSIPImplementationGuidev2.103-15-2018.pdf
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interoperability and communication
39 2022 Grid codes for renewable powered systems International Renewable Energy Agency, Energynautics Study Report Connection agreement solutions 039_Grid codes for renewable powered systems.pdf https://www.irena.org/publications/2022/Apr/Grid-codes-for-renewable-powered-systems
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Compliance mechanisms
40 2019 Highlights of IEEE Standard 1547-2018 Narang, David (NREL) Other Connection agreement solutions 040_Highlights of IEEE Standard 1547-2018.pdf https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy20osti/75436.pdf
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
41 2019 An Overview of Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Interconnection: Current Practices and Emerging Solutions National Renewable Energy Laboratory Study Report Connection agreement solutions 041_An Overview of Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Interconnection Current Practices and Eme.pdf https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy19osti/72102.pdf
  • Inverter-specific aspects
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
  • Cybersecurity
42 n/a Rule 21 Interconnection State of California Web Page Connection agreement solutions California No file uploaded. https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/rule21/
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
45 2020 PV Generation Hosting Capacity in Dominican Distribution Grids Energynautics Study Report Distribution planning 045_PV Generation Hosting Capacity in Dominican Distribution Grids.pdf https://transicionenergetica.do/2021/07/29/pv-generation-hosting-capacity-in-dominican-distribution-grids-full-study-available-in-english-now/
  • Control Solutions
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
  • Protection coordination and adjustments
46 2017 Do It Locally: Local Voltage Support by Distributed Generation – A Management Summary Fraunhofer IWES Study Report Distribution planning 046_Do It Locally Local Voltage Support by Distributed Generation – A Management Summary.pdf IEA Task 14 Subtask 2 https://iea-pvps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Task_14_Report__Do_It_Locally_IEA_Final_T14.08.pdf
  • Control Solutions
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Grid simulation studies
62 2021 Informative Background on the Interoperability Requirements in IEEE Std 1547-2018 Ingram, Michael; Rasel Mahmud; David Narang; NREL Study Report Information exchange 062_Informative Background on the Interoperability Requirements in IEEE Std 1547-2018.pdf https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy21osti/77959.pdf
  • Monitoring Solutions
  • Control Solutions
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interoperability and communication
88 2017 Simulation of Hawaiian Electric Companies Feeder Operations with Advanced Inverters and Analysis of Annual Photovoltaic Energy Curtailment National Renewable Energy Laboratory Study Report Enabling distributed technologies Hawaii 088_Simulation_of_Hawaiian_Electric_Companies_Feeder_Operations_with_Advanced_Inverters_and.pdf Task No. WRHV.1000 https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy17osti/68681.pdf
  • Distributed generation (solar)
  • Inverter-specific aspects
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Grid simulation studies

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Interconnection application procedures

ID Number Year Title Author Type of Entry Main Category Country Location within Country File Reference project name Journal or conference name URL Active management of distribution grid Enabling distributing technologies Market-based and Tariff-based solutions Connection agreement solutions Distribution planning Operation and maintenance Information exchange
7 2021 Study on Project to Grid and Project to Project Interconnection of Micro Hydro Practical Action Consulting Private Limited Study Report Distribution planning 007_Study on Project to Grid and Project to Project Interconnection of Micro Hydro.pdf Renewable Energy for Rural Areas II (RERA-II) project
  • Distributed generation (small hydro)
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
9 2021 Detailed Feasibility Study of Mini/Micro Hydropower Interconnected Mini Grid in Jumla NEA Engineering Company Limited Study Report Distribution planning Jumla 009_Detailed Feasibility Study of MiniMicro Hydropower Interconnected Mini Grid in Jumla .pdf Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihood (RERL)
  • Distributed generation (small hydro)
  • Mini/micro-grids (when interconnected)
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
41 2019 An Overview of Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Interconnection: Current Practices and Emerging Solutions National Renewable Energy Laboratory Study Report Connection agreement solutions 041_An Overview of Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Interconnection Current Practices and Eme.pdf https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy19osti/72102.pdf
  • Inverter-specific aspects
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
  • Cybersecurity
42 n/a Rule 21 Interconnection State of California Web Page Connection agreement solutions California No file uploaded. https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/rule21/
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
45 2020 PV Generation Hosting Capacity in Dominican Distribution Grids Energynautics Study Report Distribution planning 045_PV Generation Hosting Capacity in Dominican Distribution Grids.pdf https://transicionenergetica.do/2021/07/29/pv-generation-hosting-capacity-in-dominican-distribution-grids-full-study-available-in-english-now/
  • Control Solutions
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies
  • Protection coordination and adjustments
49 2017 Optimizing the Grid: Regulator’s Guide to Hosting Capacity Analyses Interstate Renewable Energy Council Guidelines Distribution planning No file uploaded. https://irecusa.org/resources/optimizing-the-grid-regulators-guide-to-hosting-capacity-analyses/
  • Battery Energy Storage Systems
  • Distributed generation (solar)
  • Interconnection application procedures
  • Grid simulation studies

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Compliance mechanisms

ID Number Year Title Author Type of Entry Main Category Country Location within Country File Reference project name Journal or conference name URL Active management of distribution grid Enabling distributing technologies Market-based and Tariff-based solutions Connection agreement solutions Distribution planning Operation and maintenance Information exchange
39 2022 Grid codes for renewable powered systems International Renewable Energy Agency, Energynautics Study Report Connection agreement solutions 039_Grid codes for renewable powered systems.pdf https://www.irena.org/publications/2022/Apr/Grid-codes-for-renewable-powered-systems
  • Technical requirements for connection (grid codes, standards)
  • Compliance mechanisms
43 2021 Introduction to the Compliance Process NG Electricity System Operator Guidelines Connection agreement solutions 043_Introduction to the Compliance Process.pdf https://www.nationalgrideso.com/document/190686/download
  • Compliance mechanisms
83 n/a Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme inspections Clean Energy Regulator of Australia Web Page Connection agreement solutions No file uploaded. https://www.cleanenergyregulator.gov.au/RET/Scheme-participants-and-industry/Agents-and-installers/Small-scale-Renewable-Energy-Scheme-inspections#Smallscale-Renewable-Energy-Scheme-inspection-results
  • Distributed generation (solar)
  • Distributed generation (small hydro)
  • Distributed generation (others)
  • Compliance mechanisms

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