Bush-to-Electricity in Namibia

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The national power utility of Namibia, NamPower, is currently exploring options of utilizing encroacher bush (an estimated renewable resource of currently 200-300 mio tonnes) for power production.

Study on Namibian Biomass Processing for Energy Production

A study conducted in 2013 has shown positive results, confirming the general feasibility of biomass to electricity projects in the country (STEAG 2013).[1] To access the publication, click here

A pre-feasibility study for a biomass power plant has been conducted for NamPower. It can be accessed on the utility's website.

NamPower is currently conducting a feasibility study for the construction and operation of several decentralised biomass power plants with a combined capacity of 60 MW. Study results and an investment decision are expected in the last quarter of 2017.[2]

Further Information


  1. STEAG (2013), Study on Namibian Biomass Processing for Energy Production, Windhoek
  2. Economist Namibia - NamPower plans for biomass power plants https://www.google.com/search?q=economist+namibia+nampower+bush&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab