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Welcome to the Regulation Portal

Regulation entails the set-up of a regulatory body, their mandates and challenges, and its role on the road to energy transition. The Regulation portal provides an overview of the information on energypedia related to Regulation and Energy Access. Look for specific topics, latest articles or uploaded documents and announce upcoming events.

Overview: Basic Principles for Regulating Electrification

Tasks of a Regulator

  • Tasks of a Regulator

Economic Regulation


Quality Regulation

  • Setting minimum quality-of-service standards (reliability)
  • Technology neutral
  • Setting and using international standards
  • Design and compatibility across mini grids and with main grid
  • Quality control and after-sales care

Process Regulation

  • The process of regulation
  • Coordinating public actors
  • Harmonizing & enforcing regulatory procedures and principles
  • Rural Electrification Planning
  • Policy Challenges in the Woodfuel Sector

Requirements of a good regulatory institution

  • Requirements of a good regulatory institution
  • Institutional Framework

Monitoring & Evaluation of Regulation

Regulation and Technology

  • Examples of Regulations to Lift Import Duties for PV Products
  • Typical Regulations for Small Hydropower Plants
  • Biomass Energy Sector Planning Guide (BEST)
  • Legal Aspects - Wind Energy
  • Mini-Grid Policies: Resource Collection
  • Grid - Legal Framework for Feeding Renewable Energy / Feed-in Tariffs (FIT)

Case Studies on Regulation

  • stories WAME
  • Tool: National Approaches to Electrification
  • South African Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff
  • Net Metering in Brazil and Net-Metering in Chile
  • Policies and Regulations for the Energy-Agriculture Nexus
  • Decentralized Energy Generation, Rural Electrification and Smart Grid Solutions at the Brazilian Power Sector


  • Glossary of energy regulatory terminology

Regulation Resources

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06 Sep 2024
06 Sep 2024
02 Jul 2024

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Regulation Events

21 October 2024
International Conference on Sustainable Energy 2024

22 October 2024
Power Purchase Agreement 2024

18 November 2024
Electricity Economics in Changing Electricity Markets 2024