Environmental Aspects of Grid Interconnection

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Construction and operation of transmission grid interconnections, and the power plants that feed them, have impacts (both positive and negative) on the local, and sometimes regional and global environments. In addition, transmission grid interconnections will affect the generation of electricity in the receiving country, and also, possibly, the production and use of other fuels.

Evaluating and Accounting Impacts

Evaluating and accounting the full-fuel-cycle environmental impacts of grid interconnections is an important element of the overall process of evaluating grid interconnection opportunities. Impacts and benefits may occur at any or all points in the fuel chain, from extraction of fuels for electricity generation, to construction and operation of plants and construction and operation of transmission facilities. Environmental considerations have sometimes received less emphasis in energy planning in general than technical, economic, and (often) political issues. In the case of grid interconnections in developing regions, however, the early consideration of environmental impacts in evaluating interconnection options will help to identify key potential problems (including sensitive ecosystems to be traversed by the power lines) as well as potential opportunities that could enhance the interconnection project - including credits for avoided air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions.

Further Information


This Article is originally from "Environmental Aspects of Grid Interconnection"

  1. Much of the text in this Chapter was adapted from D. F. Von Hippel and J. H. Williams (2003), Environmental Issues for Regional Power Systems in Northeast Asia. Prepared for the Third Workshop on Northeast Asia Power Grid Interconnections, September 30 - October 3, 2003, Vladivostok, Russian Federation , and dated 12/2003. Available as http://nautilus.org/archives/energy/grid/2003Workshop/Env_Issues_DVH_JW_final_pdf.PDF.