The ICCF 2014 will bring together practitioners, project developers, investors, banks, researchers, social enterprises, government and donor agencies, as well as foundations and NGOs to discuss the next steps to tackle the challenges hindering the large-scale adoption of improved cookstoves (ICS) in India.
Practitioner Workshop – 10 November 2014
In-depth technical discussions will focus on increasing the demand and improving the supply of improved cookstoves. GIZ and its partners will engage with participants on key issues pertaining to marketing, distribution networks, financing, gender and product design.
Conference – 11 November 2014
All stakeholders relevant to the cookstove sector will come together to find ways to transform the market for clean cooking and make clean cooking technologies available in all Indian households. Eminent personalities of the Indian Industry, business, banks, the government and the cookstove sector will debate the roadmap towards large-scale adoption of improved cookstoves. The focus will be on the role that the Indian industry can play, the lessons that can be learned from successful marketing campaigns for products related to cooking and health, as well as the supportive policy ecosystem that the Indian government is establishing.
Business Model Workshop – 12 November 2014
During this workshop, early stage entrepreneurs will be supported in analyzing and improving their business models in order to make them more viable and attractive for investors.
► Press Note
► Registration List
- ►Practitioner Workshop - 10 November 2014
- ►Conference - 11 November 2014
► Impressions
► For presentations held during the forum, please click on the respective session highlighted in blue in the agenda
Practitioner Workshop - 10 November 2014
Click here for drop-down
In-depth technical discussions will focus on increasing the demand and improving the supply of improved cookstoves. GIZ and its partners will engage with participants on key issues pertaining to marketing, distribution networks, financing, gender and product design.For presentations please click on the respective session highlighted in blue in the agenda.
Registration and Tea/Coffee
Welcome Address
Financing for Improved Cookstoves Jennifer Tweddell (Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves) CDM Programme of Activities on National Programme for Improved Cookstoves in India Onkar Nath - Deutsches Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit Sandeep Kanda - South Pole Carbon Anuradha Bhavnani - Shell Foundation
Tea/Coffee Break
Gender and Improved Cookstoves Jennifer Tweddell, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
Cost-effective marketing Strategies Sohan Shat - McCann Health Dr. Harshit Jain - McCann Health Gaurav Mehta - DharmaLife
Tea/Coffee Break
Using Mainstream Distribution Networks For Improved Cookstoves Gaurav Mehta, DharmaLife
Designing an Aspirational Product Dr. Aditya Dev Sood - Center for Knowledge Societies Dr. Rajendra Prasad - Indian Institute of Technology
End of Workshop
Conference - 11 November 2014
Click here for drop-down
All stakeholders relevant to the cookstove sector will come together to find ways to transform the market for clean cooking and make clean cooking technologies available in all Indian households. Eminent personalities of the Indian Industry, business, banks, the government and the cookstove sector will debate the roadmap towards large-scale adoption of improved cookstoves. The focus will be on the role that the Indian industry can play, the lessons that can be learned from successful marketing campaigns for products related to cooking and health, as well as the supportive policy ecosystem that the Indian government is establishing.
Business Model Workshop - 12 November 2014
Click here for drop-down
During this workshop, early stage entrepreneurs will be supported in analyzing and improving their business models in order to make them more viable and attractive for investors.
►Presentation - Business Model Workshop
India Clean Cookstove Forum 2013