RE-ACTIVATE- Work Package 1

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Promoting Employment through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the MENA Region

Work Package 1

Work Package 1: Knowledge and Strategy Building

The activities conducted in the framework of this work package help the partners to better understand the socio-economic implications and impacts of RE/EE, to evaluate correctly the associated tradeoffs and goal conflicts, to draw the right policy conclusions and to direct them toward local socio-economic development. Enhanced awareness of decision makers leads to an improved quality of policy choices which in turn translate into improved framework conditions for local markets. The multiple linkages and synergies between energy and development promotion policies can be leveraged for local value and job creation.

The activities conducted within this work package consist of the following main items:

► Assessing worldwide good practices and success factor for RE/EE employment creation in developing and emerging countries (SE4JOBS)

► Assessing RE/EE employment effects and potentials in MENA countries

► Providing RE/EE guidance documents and tools for policy makers, investors, and technical experts

Work Package 2

Work Package 2: Support and Promotion Measures

The activities conducted in the framework of this work package help the partners to develop and implement specific, adapted support and promotion policies and measures in favor of labor- and value-intensive RE/EE markets in their countries.

Special emphasis is placed on markets segments which already exist or are currently emerging, are accessible for local actors in terms of financial affordability and technological sophistication, generate over-average effects in terms of local jobs and income creation, and do not require any more comprehensive financial or political support by governments.

On the basis of the assessment and guidance documents, dialogue platforms and cooperation mechanisms created in the framework of work package 1, conceptual and operational advice and support is provided for local stakeholders and user groups to use and deepen the identified market segments, while at the same promoting or enhancing their participation in them.

In general, this consists of awareness raising, demonstration projects, and capacity building for local suppliers, users, investors, and administrators. Special importance is given to those actors who offer a multiplier and leverage potential and therefore allow for later replication and upscaling of the achieved results and lessons learnt on a national and/or regional level.

The activities conducted within this work package focus on the following priority areas:

► Promoting RE/EE in the Building and Industry Sector

► Promoting RE/EE in the Agricultural and Agri-Business Sector

► Promoting RE/EE Deployment at the Municipal Level

► Promoting New Market Opportunities for Private RE/EE Service Providers

► Providing Policy Advice and Technical Support for RE/EE Strategy Processes

► Facilitating Euro-Arab RE/EE Cluster Cooperation

Work Package 3

Work Package 3: Capacity and Quality Building

The activities conducted in the framework of this work package help the partners to build up and strengthen their technical and organizational competencies and capacities at both individual and institutional levels, which they need to effectively implement the decisions they have taken with regard to the promotion of labor- and value-intensive RE/EE markets.

Special emphasis is placed on developing the necessary quality infrastructure and quality assurance mechanisms in the field of education and training, which will enable them to create a highly skilled workforce able to deliver quality RE/EE systems, components and services, which is a key requirement for their envisaged participation in the identified markets.

Capacity and quality building under work package 3 therefore serve to simultaneously accompany, deepen and bolster the activities undertaken under work package 1 and 2.

The activities conducted within this work package consist of the following work strands:

► Training Sector Mapping for the 3 RE-ACTIVATE Focus Countries

► Capacity Building for Local Key Stakeholders in the Selected Priority Areas (Link)

► Quality Standards for Human Capacity Building in the Selected Priority Areas (Link)

► Regional Cooperation for Quality Standards in the Technology Field (Link)

Work Package 4

Work Package 4: Regional Network Building and Knowhow Transfer

The activities conducted in the framework of this work package allow the partners to engage in a mutually beneficial exchange and to learn from relevant experience elsewhere. This supports the reinforcement and intensification of cross-border cooperation and potentially also the interlinking and harmonization of energy policies and systems, paving the way for the emergence of (more) attractive and dynamic regional markets for RE/EE products and services. Where applicable, relevant experience inside and outside the MENA region is mobilized and put at the disposal of participants: always with a view to how to maximize and leverage the socio-economic benefits of RE/EE technologies.

Activities within this work package are mostly organized in the framework of or back-to-back with large international gatherings, such as the UNFCCC Conferences of the Parties (COPs), the World Future Energy Summit (WFES) in Abu Dhabi, the Beirut Energy Forum (BEF), the Arab Forum for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (AFREEE) and the Arab EE Day, the latter two organized by the League of Arab States (LAS). This approach helps to mobilize additional synergies and reduce transaction (and travel) costs.

The main cooperation partners for this work package are the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) in Cairo, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in Abu Dhabi and Bonn, the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC, organizer of the BEF), and last but not least the League of Arab States (LAS).

It must, however, be noted that the meetings organized under the work packages 1-3, too, often deliberately involve participants from other countries. Therefore, they, too, support cross-border knowhow exchange and network building, albeit in way that is more focused on a specific issue area which does not necessarily concern all the countries of the region.

The sector- and region-specific knowhow exchange within GIZ also plays an important role in this respect: RE-ACTIVATE co-coordinates the Employment Promotion Task Force of the Regional Sector Network MENREM (which encompasses all GIZ projects in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean working in the field of sustainable infrastructure - climate, energy, and water). Further, it participates in the Employment Promotion Work Group of the Regional Sector Network MINO (which encompasses all GIZ projects in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean working in the field of sustainable economic development). Finally, it is also involved in GIZ’s Global Community of Practice (CoP) Work Group ‘Skills for Energy’. The insights and contacts which can be mobilized with their help further accompany and support the various activities conducted by RE-ACTIVATE in the pursuit of its mission.

There are three main types of cross-border exchanges:

  • The RE/EE Benefits Workshop Series jointly organized with RCREEE and/or IRENA
  • Topic-specific exchanges of a regional character which fall under the work packages 1-3 and are described there
  • Ad hoc contributions to large international energy or climate events

The following RE/EE Benefits Events have taken place to date:
► The RE/EE Benefits Workshop of 19 January 2015, organized in the framework of the WFES in Abu Dhabi

► The RE/EE Benefits Workshop of 20 January 2016, organized in the framework of the WFES in Abu Dhabi

► The RE/EE Benefits Workshop of 5 April 2016, organized in the framework of the MENAREC in Kuwait

► The RE/EE Benefits Workshop of 31 May 2016, organized back-to-back with the AFREEE in Cairo

► The RE/EE Benefits Conference on Decentralized RE Approaches of 22 May 2017, organized back-to-back with the Arab EE Day in Cairo

The following topic-specific events of a regional character have been organized so far under the respective activities of work packages 1-3:

An Inter-Regional (Euro-Arab) Meeting of Sustainable Energy Clusters on 6 May 2015 in Hamburg, organized in the framework of the Cluster Cooperation Project and presented under work package 2 (Link)

► An SE4JOBS Regional Experts Workshop on 10 September 2015, organized in the framework of the BEF and presented under work package 1

An Inter-Regional (Euro-Arab) Meeting of Sustainable Energy Clusters on 11 November 2015 in Berlin, organized in the framework of the Cluster Cooperation Project and presented under work package 2 (Link)

A Regional Experts Workshop on Quality Building for the Training Sector on 21 September 2016, organized in the framework of the BEF and presented under work package 3 (Link)

A Regional Experts Workshop on Quality Building for Consumer Confidence on 23 September 2016, organized in the framework of the BEF and presented under work package 3 (Link)

► A Regional Experts Workshop on Solar Pumping on 23 May 2017, organized back-to-back with the Arab EE Day in Cairo and presented under work package 2

A Regional Experts Workshop on RE/EE in the Agricultural Sector, to be organized in the framework of the next BEF in September 2017 and presented under work package 2 (Link)

A Regional Experts Workshop on Quality Building for the Training Sector, to be organized in the framework of the next BEF in September 2017 and presented under work package 3 (Link)

The following ad hoc contributions to large international energy or climate events have been realized to date:

To the COP 22 in Marrakech in November 2016 (Link)

To the Arab EE Day in Cairo in May 2017 (Link)



This article is part of the RE-ACTIVATE project. RE-ACTIVATE “Promoting Employment through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the MENA Region” is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).