Speaker Presentations
From energypedia
Monday, 4 November 2013
- Managers without Borders Social Business Workshop
- Sensor based robotic systems Seminar Institute for Agricultural Engineering
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
- Biogas Technology Basics - Katrin Pütz (Agricultural Engineering in the Tropics and Subtropics)
- How to sustainable finance and maintain biogas plants working in the field in order to achieve a critic mass for a healthy market development - M. Pino (Chile)
- Biogas as an alternative energy from processing of livestock waste - E. Susanti (Indonesia)
- Biogas technology in Vojvodina – potentials, opportunities and barriers - D. Datkov (Serbia)
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
- Workshop in Solar Thermal Energy - P. Kofler (University of Stuttgart)
- Economic Viability of Solar PV Applications - Dr. Odeh (Jordan)
- Tanweer el Heiz - A Solar Rural Electrification Project - L. Kenawy (Egypt)
- Rural Electrification Strategies and Challenges - M. Tebusabwa (Uganda)
- Batteryless Refrigerator and Solar PV Based Heating System - D. Boruah (India)
- Solar Tunnel Dryer: Development and Technology Transfer Examples - Dr. Esper(Innotech)
- Parabolic Solar Greenhouse Dryer: Development and Technology Transfer Examples - Prof. Dr. Janjay (Thailand)
- Solar Bubble Dryer for Grain Crops - Dr. Nagle (Agricultural Engineering in the Tropics and Subtropics) *Polycarbonate Materials for Solar Drying - Dr. Ralf Busch
- Solar Dryers Prototypes at University of Hohenheim - Dr. Nagle (Agricultural Engineering in the Tropics and Subtropics)
- Air collectors and air collection systems, Modeling , Simulation and Optimization - Christian Welz (Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg)
Thursday, 7 November 2013
- Postharvest processing techniques of maize residues K. Intan(Thailand)
- Sustainable farm model for small farmers in Kerala P. Kanatt (India)
- Status of new energy crop planting in China Prof. Dr. He(China)
- Studies of some physical-mechanical and chemical property in organic waste to use for biogas production in Cuba Dr. Martinez (Cuba)
- Solar drying in the Philippines Dr. Martinez (Philippines)
- Plant Oil – Basics S. Romali(Agricultural Engineering in the Tropics and Subtropics)
Friday, 8 November 2013 (Fraunhofer ISE - Freiburg)
Saturday, 9 November 2013 (Freiburg - Innovation Academy e.V - Visit to farmers and Vauban Distric)
Sunday, 10 November 2013 - Rural Business Workshop with Nancy Wimmer
Ms. Nancy Wimmer
DAAD Farewell Presentation