Turkey- Energy Efficiency in Buildings

From energypedia

Overview [1]

Buildings sector is among the most energy intensive sectors and it shall be considered as a priority area for all policies and programs dealing with increasing energy efficiency and combating climate change. Therefore, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization- General Directorate of Renewable Energy, Building Energy Performance Department, Energy Efficiency Coordination Board and Associations continue their studies. Buildings are handled in line with this perspective in the EU members and in all developed countries in order to take action to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the building count carried out by the TURKSTAT, the total number of buildings in Turkey in 1984 was 4.3 million and it increased by 78% and reached 7.8 million in 2000. Also, according to the same timeframe, the total number of dwellings has reached 16.2 million after a 129% increase. Construction permits issued between 2000 and 2008 indicate an increase of 56% in the total area of land covered by residential, commercial and public buildings, reaching to 1,524 million m2. Also, the total number of such buildings has increased by 7%. With these indicators following an upward trend of demands, there is a need to employ energy efficiency measures in buildings. Building sector in Turkey generated 53.4 Mt of CO2 emissions in 2009. Sector’s energy consumption in the same year was 29.5 million TOE and it is estimated to reach 47.5 million TOE in 2020 (MENR, 2010) meaning that the CO2 emission figures will double in 2009.

More than one third of energy consumed in Turkey is used for heating and cooling. 90 % of the buildings in Turkey don’t have sufficient heat insulation. Heat insulation reaches 9 Million cubic meters in Turkey. Implementing company number in the sector is more than 1.000 and more than 100 companies are active in the field. Heat isolation is implemented in 200.000 new buildings and 200.000 existing buildings every year. However, there are some problems such as unrecorded production which effects isolation sector. [2]

According to the data from the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, amount of coal and natural gas used in the building sector are quite similar (27% and 24% respectively - MENR, 2011).

20% of the total energy consumed by the building sector comes from electricity and 21% from other renewable resources such as solar, geothermal, wood, animal and vegetative wastes.

General Directorate of Renewable Energy (formal name- General Directorate of Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration) has foreseen that heat isolation will be done in 10 million building until 2023 and thus, it is expected to save 2400 GWh infrigidation and 2, 3 million TEP gasoline.

Regulations and Laws

  • The heat insulation rules for reduction of heating and cooling energy consumption in terms of heat insulation in buildings implemented on housing and commercial buildings that are new or renovated is regulated with the standard TS 825 Thermal Insulation Regulations for Buildings. The Ministry ensures that this standard is obligatory for all new buildings to be built after June 14th 2000. [1]
  • With the new introduced provisions, the Regulation on Energy performance in Buildings (Published on December 5th 2008, effective on December 5th 2009 and amanded on 1 April 2010) has been an important step towards increased energy efficiency in buildings. This regulation provides that buildings with more than 2000 m² of usable space will be equipped with a central heating system and especially for buildings with more than 20.000 m² ways to use renewable energy and cogeneration facilities is defined. [1]
  • Energy Efficiency Law of 2007 and the Regulation on Increasing Efficiency in the Use of Energy Sources and Energy of 2008 were entered into force. Circular No. 2008/2 dated 15/02/2008 from the Office of the Prime Minister defines measures for the effective and efficient use of energy within public bodies and institutions.
  • The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization- National Climate Change Action Plan [1]
  • 2012-2023 Energy Efficiency Strategy Document- Administrative sanction will be applied to the buildings having amount of carbondioxide on the Energy Identification Certificate, arranged according to the procedures defined in SA-02/SH-01/E-01, exceeding the defined minimum value with the revision of related legislation by the year 2015. Moreover, on the subject of the buildings which received certificates before the effective date of the Energy Efficiency Law, the deadline stated in the law will be put back from 2017 to 2015. [3]
  • With the revision of the Prime Ministry Circular No. 2008/2; the efficiency projects will be prepared by making energy audits in the buildings and facilities of the public enterprises; the budget allowances of the maintenance will be used for these projects with priority. [3]
  • Arrangements will be made which would provide to make long term, performance guaranteed Energy Performance Agreements with Energy Efficiency Consultancy Companies for applications related to efficiency improvement projects of public enterprises and establishments. [4]
  • The authorization process, in increasing the number of Energy Efficiency Consultancy Companies to display activity in the buildings, will be rearranged and training programs for the staff of construction supervisory companies and local authorities will be made.[4]
  • To classify and grade authorization certificates given to the Energy Efficiency Consultancy Companies; to prepare and develop the minimum standards directed to the energy efficiency services of the Energy Efficiency Consultancy Companies. The Energy Efficiency Consultancy Companies will be specialized in the base of sector and/or sub-sector, the authorization certificates given to the Energy Efficiency Consultancy Companies will be classified and graded; to reach the upper classes and grades will be encouraged, the minimum requirements in the subjects of related to the energy efficiency services about training, audit, project and consultancy will be determined and the studies of training and certification will be activated and promoted.[4]

Competent Authorities

Department of the Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Main Duties and Activities [5]

  • Preparation and Implementation of the Second Legislation (Regulations) within the scope of the Law No. 5627 Energy Efficiency Law
  • Studies on Climate Change in Building Sector and Reducing Greenhouse Effect of Waste Gases
  • Studies on National and International Projects on Energy Efficiency in Buildings

The Energy Efficiency Coordination Board

Energy Efficiency Coordination Board is established to carry out energy efficiency studies within all relevant organizations all over the country, monitor its results and coordinate efforts. The General Directorate monitor the implementation of decisions made by the Board, and secretariat services. The Board will ordinarily convene four times a year in March, June, September and December. [6]

The Board will have the following functions, authorities and responsibilities:[7]

  • Prepare national energy efficiency strategies, plans and programs, assess their effectiveness, coordinate their revision as necessary, taking and implementing new measures.
  • Steer energy efficiency studies carried out by the General Directorate, approve the authorization certificates issued by General Directorate to chambers of profession and universities in promoting energy efficiency services.
  • Set the agenda of, and identify the participants, the advisory committee meetings organized by the General Directorate every November by the participation of authorized institutions, companies, chambers of profession in the nature of public institutions and civil society organizations, and approve proposals for measures.
  • Set and publish the fees for authorization certificates and energy manager certificates every January.

Members of the Energy Efficiency Coordination Board [8]

  1. Yusuf YAZAR – President, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
  2. Adnan YILMAZ, Ministry of Interior Affairs
  3. Ayşe Berrin DİKMELİK, Ministry of Finance
  4. Hüseyin ACIR, Ministry of National Education
  5. Levent TÜZÜN, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization
  6. Mecit DUYMUŞ, Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications
  7. Zühtü BAKIR, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology
  8. Hayati ÇETİN, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
  9. Ömer Özdemir, Ministry of Forest and Water Managament
  10. Murad GÜRMERİÇ, Ministry of Development- Undersecretariat of Treasury
  11. Ahmet OCAK, Energy Market Regulatory Authority
  12. Coşkun ŞENTÜRK, Turkish Standarts Institution
  13. Mustafa TIRIS, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
  14. Mahmut YILMAZ, The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey
  15. Hüseyin YEŞİL, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects
  16. Ayşe ÜNAL, Union of Municipalities of Turkey

Completed Projects

Very School Project [9]

The project aims not only to raise awareness for the needs of energy saving but also to provide procedural guidance to obtain energy services and to raise conscious level for energy efficiency in schools. The project partnership is constituted of 13 institutions from Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Portugal, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Serbia, Belgium and Turkey. The project budget is 1.430.000 €. The project is granted an award by the Ministry of Development and seen value to be supported within Information and Communication Technology Policy Support Programme(ICT PSP).

EU Build Energy Efficiency [10]

Project Leader:

IMSAD, Association of Turkish Building Material Producers
Project Partners:
Albania- EEC, EU Energy Efficiency Center
Belgium- CEPMC, Council of European Producers of Material for Construction
Bosnia and Herzegovina- CESC, Chamber of Economy of Sarajevo Canto
Montenegro- MEF, Montenegrin Employers’ Federation
Macedonia- MACEF, Macedonian Center for Energy Efficiency
Serbia- BCC, Belgrade Chamber of Commerce Center for Development, Technology Transfer and Ecology

Promotion of Energy Efficiency in the Buildings Project [11]

“Promotion of Energy Efficiency in the Buildings in the Erzurum Municipality” was started in February 2002 within the scope of technical cooperation agreement between Turkish and German Governments. The project conducted by Electric Power Resources Survey and Development Administration (EIE)/ National Energy Conservation Centre (NECC), the German Technical Cooperation(GTZ) and the Greater Municipality of Erzurum comprised various activities such as building surveys, training programmes, determination of the needs for legal regulation and establishing consultancy centers.

Energy Consumption in Buildings and in Transport Sector Project [12]

State Institute of Statistics (DIE) with the cooperation of EIE initiated a countrywide study themed “ Energy Consumption in Building and Transport Sector” by the end of 1997. The project was financed by DIE, EIE and State Planning Organization. Within the project, structural features, isolation conditions, heating systems and energy consumption analyses of buildings were determined by making countrywide representative sampling and the statistical evoluation was made by DIE.

Increasing Public Awareness on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (enverIPAB) [13]

In parallel to the ENVER project conducted by EIE and implemented with financial assistance from the EU, the “Increasing Public Awareness on Energy Efficiency in Buildings” Project aimed to reduce energy consumption in buildings by informing the public on ways of saving energy. The project also has the name “enverIPAB”, which is a combination of the abbreviations of the words “enerji verimliliği” (energy efficiency) and “Increasing Public Awareness in Buildings”. The targets groups of the project include EIE staff, pupils of elementary, secondary and high schools, university students and housewives.Seminars, conferences and workshops were held to inform the target groups. Moreover, various media channels such as television, radio, magazine and newspaper were used during the implementation of the project.

ENERTEACH,” Development Of Further Training Modules In The Fields Of Energy Efficient Construction And Renewable Energy Applications In Buildings”, Leonardo Da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project [14]

The Project aimed to train technical teachers in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy applications in which qualified technicians and workers will be needed, in the near future. Main outcomes of the Project are “Training Modules” developed in five different national versions: Turkish, English, Romanian, Spanish, Italian.
The modules are supported by an e-learning programme, which enables learners to study on electronic environment.
Project partners:

Turkey- Ankara Directorate of National Education, EIE, IZOCAM, Vaillant

Germany- Schul und Kultusreferat der LH München, Zukunftsbau GmbH,

Romania- Fundatia Romano Germana Timisoara,

Spain- Navarra Departamento de Educacion

Italy; Zeropetrolio S.R.L.

Current Projects

The Project of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization [15]

“The Green Building” period which will start from public buildings will save energy in 14 million buildings.

227 public buildings in total were evaluated within the scope of the project. It was determined that 158 out of 227 had already a project, whereas 69 out of 227 had no project. The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization revealed that modifications on the buildings which had a project and the projects did not reflect the current situation. The ministry will primarily reduce the number of the buildings to 100 and it aims that public buildings will be an example for the society.

The Buildings that will be overhauled for energy saving:
Constitutional Court, Turkish Court of Accounts, Ministry of Food, Agrictulture and Livestock, Social Security Institution , Turkey Supreme Court, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, Capital Markets Board of Turkey, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior, The Council of Higher Education, Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Forest and Water Managament, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Development, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Turkish Radio and Television Corporation and service buildings, outbuildings and some lodging buildings.

Promoting Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Turkey - UNDP and Global Environment Facility

The project is implemented by UNDP. The project will be executed by General Directorate of Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration (EIE). The Ministry of Public Works and Settlements, Housing Development Administration (TOKİ) and Ministry of National Education are other partners of the project. The project will last between 2011-2015 and the budget of the project is 17.580.000. The overall objective of the project is to assist the Republic of Turkey in implementation of obligations under UNFCCC by preparing its Second National Communication (SNC) as well as to strengthen its technical and institutional capacities to help the government fulfill its commitments to the Convention. [16]

Further Information


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 National Climate Change Action Plan: http://iklim.cob.gov.tr/iklim/Files/IDEP/%C4%B0DEPENG.pdf
  2. Assosiation for Energy Efficiency: http://www.enver.org.tr/modules/mastop_publish/?tac=17
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 General Directorate of Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration: http://www.eie.gov.tr/verimlilik/v_mevzuat.aspx
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 The Department of Energy Performance in Buildings: http://www.bep.gov.tr/mevzuat.php
  5. Presentation of the Department of Energy Performance in Building: http://www.bep.gov.tr/sunumlar/BEV%20%C5%9EUBES%C4%B0%20G%C3%96REVLER%C4%B0.pdf
  6. Energy Efficiency Board:http://www.eie.gov.tr/verimlilik/EVKK.aspx
  7. State Planning Organization: http://mevzuat.dpt.gov.tr/kanun/5627.htm
  8. Establishment of Commision: General Directorate of Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration http://www.eie.gov.tr/verimlilik/document/Karar_komisyon_olusturma_2009-02.pdf
  9. Very School Project: http://enerjienstitusu.com/tag/very-school-projesi/
  10. 3rd National Energy Efficiency Forum and Fair- Overview of the Energy Efficiency Strategies Presentation, Aygen Erkal, Association of Turkish Building Materials, 13 January 2012: http://uevf.com.tr/uevf3/2012sunumlar/O5_Aygen_Erkal.pdf
  11. Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Buildings Projects: http://www.eie.gov.tr/eie-web/turkce/en_tasarrufu/konut_ulas/bina_ulas.html
  12. Energy Consumption in Buildings and Transport Sector: http://www.eie.gov.tr/eie-web/turkce/en_tasarrufu/konut_ulas/bina_ulas.html
  13. enverIPAB Project: http://www.eie.gov.tr/eie-web/enverIPAB/proje/Proje_ozeti.pdf
  14. ENERTECH: www.enerteach.com/
  15. Ministry of Environment and Urbanization: http://www.csb.gov.tr/turkce/index.php
  16. http://www.undp.org.tr/Gozlem3.aspx?WebSayfaNo=2231