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Welcome to the Mini-grid Portal

The mini-grid portal provides an overview of the information on energypedia related to mini-grids. Look for specific topics, latest articles or uploaded documents and announce upcoming events.

General Information on Mini-grids

Planning, Management and Operation of Mini-grids

Policy and Regulatory Frameworks for Mini-grids

Business Model Case Studies

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Monitoring and Evaluation of Mini-grids

Country Case Studies on Mini-grids

Web-based Mini-grid Tool

Mini-grid Resources (Catalogues, Lists, Contacts)

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Have a query? Discuss it with the mini-grid experts on energypedia here!

Latest Mini-grid Articles

06 Sep 2024
06 Sep 2024
10 Jun 2024

Latest Mini-grid Documents

Mini-grid Events

14 October 2024
InfraTrain 2024 Autumn School: SDG 7 to 2030 and Beyond: Economics, Modelling, and Policies for Affordable and Renewable Energy

16 October 2024
Energy Storage 2024

18 November 2024
Electricity Economics in Changing Electricity Markets 2024

25 June 2025
Renewable Energy Conference 2025

Mini-grid Opportunities

