Renewable Energy Project Resource Center

From energypedia
Revision as of 14:45, 11 November 2013 by ***** (***** | *****)
Welcome to the Project Resource Center BETA




The Project Resource Center offers project-relevant renewable energy (RE) documents to the global energy community. It is designed to assist in making RE project planning and implementation more efficient and sustainable as well as to facilitate knowledge exchange across organizations and regions.

There is value in building on prior experience and knowledge and for this reason the platform contains a broad set of technical information and specific tools to help incorporate best practices and lessons learned in past and ongoing energy projects. Information you can find include Terms of Reference, Economic and Financial Analysis Methodology, Sample Contracts, Case Studies with analysis of success factors and lessons learned, and more.

The Project Resource Center is a living repository and its success depends on contributions from the global energy community. We look forward to your contributions! Learn more on how you can contribute here.

If you have any questions, please see the Help Section or contact the energypedia team.

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