Systemes agroalimentaires respectueux du climat : Publications
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Systèmes agroalimentaires respectueux du climat : Publications
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Énergie durable pour l'alimentation
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development (2014). Co-optimizing Solutions: Water and Energy for Food, Feed and Fiber.
- IRENA (2015). Renewable Energy in the Water, Energy & Food Nexus
- Powering Agriculture (2015). Opportunities for Agri-Food Chains to become Energy-Smart.
- GIZ (2016). Sustainable Energy for Food - Massive Open Online Course - Reader.
- IRENA (2016). Renewable Energy Benefits - Decentralised Solutions in Agri Food-Chains.
- FAO (2016). How Access to Energy can Influence Food Losses: A Brief Overview
- FAO (2019).Climate-smart agriculture and the Sustainable Development Goals: Mapping interlinkages, synergies and trade-offs and guidelines for integrated implementation.
- World Bank (2019). The Market Opportunity for Productive Use Leveraging Solar Energy (PULSE) in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Powering Agriculture (2020). Technology Case Study: Clean Energy Agro-Processing
- USAID Power Africa (2020). Agricultural productive use stimulation in Nigeria: Value chain & mini-grid feasibility study
Aspects de genre
Utilisation de l'eau en agriculture
- FAO. The World is Thirsty ...
- IGRAC (2019). Groundwater in a Changing World.
- FAO. Irrigation Management.
- Strzepek, K., & Boehlert, B. (2010). Competition for water for the food system. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 365(1554).
- David Molden and IWMI (2007). Water for Food, Water for Life. Earthscan.
- Gruère, G. and H. Le Boëdec (2019). Navigating pathways to reform water policies in agriculture. OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers, No. 128, OECD Publishing, Paris.
- FAO and World Water Council (2015). Towards a Water and Food Secure Future – Critical Perspectives for Policy-Makers.
- Field Guide to Improve Water use Efficiency in Small-Scale-Agriculture: The case of Burkina Faso, Morocco and Uganda.
Pompage et irrigation
- Country Case Study Ongata-Rongai (Kenya): Hydroponics
- Country Case Study Chile – La Tirana
- Country Case Study India –Lalpura
- Country Case Study Holgojo Farm (Kenya)
- Country Case Study Alaoui (Morocco)
- IRENA (2016). Solar Pumping for Irrigation: Improving Livelihoods and Sustainability.
- FAO and GIZ (2018). The Benefits and Risks of Solar-Powered Irrigation: An Overview.
- FAO (2018). Costs and Benefits of Solar Irrigation Systems in Senegal
- GIZ (2019). Investigation de l’impact des installations de pompage solaire sur la consommation d’eau et la situation socio- économique d’un agriculteur dans 3 zones pilotes au Maroc.
- UNICEF (2019). Le Pompage Solaire. Appliqué aux Adductions d’Eau Potable en milieu rural. Manuel de Formation.
- World Bank (2018).Solar Pumping: The Basics
- GIZ (2018). Implications of natural refrigerants for cooling technologies.
- REEEP (2017). Clean Energy Solutions for Milk Cooling in India and Kenya.
Autre type de transformation alimentaire
Source d'énergie
L'énergie solaire
- Solar Powered Irrigation Country Case Study Chile – La Tirana.
- Country Case Study India –Lalpura.
- Country Case Study Holgojo Farm (Kenya).
- Country Case Study Alaoui (Morocco).
- IRENA (2016). Solar Pumping for Irrigation: Improving Livelihoods and Sustainability.
- FAO and GIZ (2018). The Benefits and Risks of Solar-Powered Irrigation: An Overview.
- GIZ (2019). Investigation de l’impact des installations de pompage solaire sur la consommation d’eau et la situation socio- économique d’un agriculteur dans 3 zones pilotes au Maroc.
- UNICEF (2019). Le Pompage Solaire. Appliqué aux Adductions d’Eau Potable en milieu rural. Manuel de Formation.
- Solar Water Pump Outlook 2019: Global Trends and Market Opportunities
Refroidissement par énergie solaire
- Costs and Benefits of Clean-Energy-Technologies in the Milk Value Chain:
- Costs and Benefits of Clean Energy Technologies in Tanzania’s Milk Value Chain
- Costs and Benefits of Clean Energy Technologies in Kenya's Milk Value Chain
- [[Media:Costs and Benefits of Clean Energy Technologies in Tunisia’s Milk Value Chain.pdf
|Costs and Benefits of Clean Energy Technologies in Tunisia’s Milk Value Chain]]
Séchage solaire
- Solar Rice Dryer
- Coffee Processing with Solar Dryers in Peru
- Drying Peaches with Solar Dryers in Bolivia
Autres applications de l'énergie solaire
Biomasse / Biogaz
- World Bank Group (2019). Have Improved Cookstoves Benefitted Rural Kenyans?
- Bioenergy for Agricultural Production.
Énergie éolienne et hydroélectrique
Chaînes de valeur
- ICFN and FAO (2010). Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative. Status and Prospects for Smallholder Milk Production: A Global Perspective.
- Costs and Benefits of Clean-Energy-Technologies in the Milk Value Chain:
- FAO (2015). The Rice Value Chain in Tanzania. A Report from the Southern Highlands Food Systems Programme.
- Winrock International (2012). Rice Value Chain Analysis – Sokoto State Nigeria.
- Nidagundi, A. and Mulimani, R. (2017). Design and Fabrication of Solar Paddy Threshing Machine for Agriculture Purpose. International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering, 4(10).
- FAO (2018). Costs and Benefits of Clean Energy Technologies in the Philippines' Rice Value Chain.
Fruits et légumes
- Solar-Powered Oil Press for Sesame Seed
- F. Joosten, Y. Dijkxhoorn, Y. Sertse and R.Ruben. How Does the Fruit and Vegetable Sector contribute to Food and Nutrition Security?
- KTDA, ETP and Strathmore University (2019). Training Package Thermal.
- KTDA, ETP and Strathmore University (2019). Training Package Electrical.
Efficacité énergétique
Modèles de financement et d'entreprise
- REEEP and FAO (2014): Making the Case: How Agrifood Firms are Building New Business Cases in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus.
- INVESTA Project
- INVESTA Policy Briefs
- FAO (2018). Costs and Benefits of Clean-Energy-Technologies in the Milk Value Chain.
- FAO (2018). Costs and Benefits of Clean-Energy-Technologies in Kenya’s Vegetable Value Chain.
- FAO (2018). Costs and Benefits of Clean Energy Technologies in the Philippines’ Rice Value Chain.
- FAO (2018). Costs and Benefits of Solar Irrigation Systems in Senegal
- FAO (2018). Costs and Benefits of Clean-Energy-Technologies in the Milk Value Chain.