Impacts Environmental

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All energy sources (fossil fuels as well as renewable energies) have some effect on our environment. Even though renewables are considered environmentally preferable to conventional sources (and, when replacing fossil fuels, have significant potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions) it is still important to understand the impacts linked to the prodution of power from renewable sources.

The type and intensity of environmental impacts always varies depending on the specific technology used, the geographic location, and a number of other factors.

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The sun provides a tremendous resource for generating clean and sustainable electricity without toxic pollution or global warming emissions. The potential environmental impacts associated with solar power can vary greatly depending on the technology[1]:


Although hydropower has no air quality impacts, construction and operation of hydropower dams can significantly affect natural river systems as well as fish and wildlife populations. Assessment of the environmental impacts of a specific hydropower facility requires case-by-case review.[2]



In the view of the current food versus fuel debate, smallholder farmers have to make decisions on the use of their resources.


In many regions of the world, the consumption of firewood exceeds natural regrowth. This leads to deforestation and degradation of forests and woodlands with adverse effects on climate, water budget, soil fertility and natural products supply. Biogas is one of the solutions to this problem, because it substitutes firewood as a fuel and helps sustaining favourable soil conditions. It is also an important contribution to the mitigation of the global greenhouse effect.

Solid Biomass:


Although wind power plants have relatively little impact on the environment compared to fossil fuel power plants, concerns have been raised over the noise produced by the rotor blades, visual impacts, and deaths of birds and bats that fly into the rotors (avian/bat mortality)[3].

Energy Use

Improved Cooking

Although none of the eight Millennium Development Goals specifically address cooking energy, its importance was acknowledged in later documents[4]. Efficient cooking energy provision is having an environmental impact and supports Goal 7: ENSURE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY.


Transport is one of the key sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In order to effectively reduce global GHG emissions, developing cities with dramatically increasing populations and emissions will have to address climate change issues and contribute to its mitigation.

Cross Cutting Issues



Battery Charging Systems

Further Information
