Micro Perspectives for Decentralized Energy Supply - Conference 2013 Friday, March 1

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Conference Documentation - Friday, March 1st

Block III: Parallel Research Presentation Sessions

9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Micro Gasifiers

E-PSS: Turning Good Ideas Into Sustainable Energy Solutions

Hybrid Systems

Block IV: Parallel Research Presentation Sessions

11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

The Impacts of Electricity

Facing the Operational Challenges of Mini-grids

Teaching Technology Tools: Building a Global Energy Laboratory

Business Models for Solar-Based Rural Electrification

Block V: Parallel Research Presentation Sessions

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Energy SME Financing

In cooperation with SBI


  • SBI & MEI: Exploring Energy SME Financing in Developing and Emerging Countries (Download)
  • New Ventures: Energy SME Financing Challenges and Innovative Financing Instruments (Download)
  • Invested Development: Short Fund Overview (Download)

The Complexity of Cleaner Cookstoves: Challenges ranging from Improving Livelihoods to Managing Carbon Credits

Swarm Electricity


  • Kirchhoff: MES Swarm Electricity Concept for MES2013 (Download)

Knowledge Management and Transfer for Microenergy Systems – Crossing Borders Worldwide

In cooperation with energypedia


  • energypedia: Energypedia connecting knowledge for a sustainable future (Download)

Closing Session "Rethinking Power: Designing an Energy System for Peace and Sustainability"

5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

End note

5:30 p.m.: Prof. Dr. Dr. Franz Josef Radermacher

(Expert in the field of socio-ecological market economy, one of the co-founder of the Global Marshall Plan Initiative and Professor for Informatics at Ulm University)

Closing Panel Discussion

6:00 p.m.
in cooperation with NaturwissenschaftlerInnen-Initiative - Verantwortung für Frieden und Zukunftsfähigkeit e.V. (NatWiss)


  • Christine Wörlen, Expert in the field of renewable energy policies and energy systems integration in the global south and north
  • Diarra Mahamadou Karamoko, Mali Folkecenter, Mali, and Expert in development and financing of renewable energy enterprises in Mali
  • Reiner Braun, Executive Board at the German Scientists Association for Peace and Sustainability (NatWiss) and the Managing Director of the Federation of German Scientists (FGS)

Moderation: Noara Kebir, Managing Director at MicroEnergy International

Farewell Note

7:30 p.m.: Prof. Dr. Martina Schäfer and Students of the Postgraduate Program Microenergy Systems

Further Information

MES 2013 Program