Webinar on Cooking Energy in Displacement Settings

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Webinar Series on Market-based Approaches for Promoting Clean Cooking Solutions in Displacement Settings

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Traditionally, humanitarian energy responses have focused on a free distribution approach for meeting the energy needs of the displacement population. However, in recent years, other energy delivery models such as the market-based approach has been gaining traction. Markets are usually the principal means to access goods, services and income in any context and are very complex with multiple stakeholders involved in different stages of the value chain. In displacement settings, market-based approach is used to capitalize the private sector to meet the energy needs of the displaced population.

This series of two webinars aims to provide a holistic overview of market-based approaches for promoting clean cooking solutions in displacement settings. While the first webinar will set the scene by discussing the pre-conditions for a market-based approach, the second webinar will dive deeper and look at support mechanisms needed for a market to flourish.

This webinar series is organized jointly by GIZ Energy Solutions for Displacement Settings program, GPA Coordination Unit and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to promote learning and knowledge exchange among humanitarian energy practitioners to advance the clean cooking sector.

Demand and supply side support mechanisms for a market-based approach

Webinar Presentation


Understanding market-based approaches for promoting clean cooking solutions in displacement settings

This webinar, the first in the series, will introduce market-based approaches for delivery of clean cooking solutions in displacement settings. It aims to provide a common understanding of the market-based approach, highlighting pitfalls as well as opportunities to scale up. Presentations from Chatham House, GIZ, and UNHCR will introduce the topic, showcase a case study from Uganda and provide insights into Cash-Based Interventions respectively.


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Millions of refugees and other displaced people, whether internally displaced or asylum seekers, still cook with polluting and inadequate cooking fuels and technologies today. Between July and November 2021, GIZ ESDS, EnDev, GPA Coordination Unit, UNHCR, Clean Cooking Alliance and Modern Energy Cooking Services programme (MECS) organised a series of three webinars on Cooking energy in displacement settings. Over 300 attendees from across the humanitarian sector, academia and other research organisations, development partners, the private sector and the donor community participated in sessions, which covered: an overview of the different actors in the humanitarian cooking energy space (webinar 1); the different technologies that have been deployed in displacement settings in the past and the new trends that are currently emerging (webinar 2); and the range of delivery models for energy access solutions for cooking that are the most prevalent in the sector, depending on the context, the location, the existing needs and capacities of the households, businesses and institutions (webinar 3). The webinar series also allowed for the identification of some of the key challenges and opportunities for the facilitation of clean cooking transitions in displacement settings.

There have been several dispersed attempts to address energy needs of displaced populations. While poor energy access has major implications on the local environment, wellbeing, and social cohesion in displacement areas, it is not systematically part of the humanitarian response. There has, however, been an increased interest from the wider development community and humanitarian organisations to combine efforts to fill in the energy access gaps in displacement settings. Cooking energy in humanitarian settings is particularly challenging as food preparation is a basic need and for many displaced people firewood is often the only available fuel option. As humanitarian emergencies often turn from sudden onset to protracted crisis, new ways of working and securing energy services for the displaced are needed, with sustainability issues addressed from the start. This is not only critical to ensure lasting impact, but it also aligns with the principles laid out in the Global Compact on Refugees that promotes sustainable solutions and international collaboration.

Webinar 1: Landscaping

This webinar aims to provide an overview of the stakeholder landscape of the humanitarian cooking sector and to improve mutual understanding as a base for successful cooperation. It will shed light on their approaches and what are their advocating for; success factors as well as common challenges in existing cooking energy interventions.

Webinar 2: All Relevant Cooking Systems in a Word

  • The opinions shared in this webinar are those of the presenters. For questions, please contact the presenters directly.

This webinar, second in the series provides a brief snapshot of relevant cooking energy systems such as processed biomass, firewood, e-cooking, LPG, ethanol and biogas. The first part of the webinar will feature short presentations highlighting the applicability, availability, affordability, health and safety as well as environmental aspects of each cooking system. In the second part, the audience can dive deeper into break-out sessions and engage directly with the presenters. This webinar will feature six break-out sessions on the above-mentioned cooking systems.

Webinar 3: Delivery Models

This webinar outlines the different delivery models for providing access to clean cooking solutions in the humanitarian context. The first half features an overview presentation on three main delivery models i.e Free distribution, Cash-based transfer and Private sector business models. The second half then showcases examples of the different delivery models and how they can be combined in humanitarian responses. This webinar is organised jointly by GIZ (ESDS and EnDev), GPA and MECS and is part of a webinar series on Cooking Energy in Displacement Settings.

Financed by

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Organised by

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Co-organised by

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