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Micro Perspectives for Decentralized Energy Supply - Documentation
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​​► Thursday, 23 April 2015

​​► Friday, 24 April 2015

​​► Saturday, 25 April 2015

Thursday, 23 April 2015

​​► For presentations please click on the respective session highlighted in blue.


Inauguration Ceremony & Introductory Remarks
Dr.K. Mallikharjuna Babu (BMS), Prof. Daniel Kammen (University of California, Berkeley),Prof. Martina Schäfer (TU Berlin) and Daniel Philipp (MEI)


Keynote Speech
Dr. Leena Srivastava (TERI)


Logistics Introduction
Suresh Ramaswwamyreddy (BMS) and Liisa Andersson (MEI)


Pathways for Sustainable Energy For All
Jain A., Hodges T.& Nagpal D.: Energizing One Million Rural Households in India: A Reality Check
Adelmann P. & Adelmann C.: Replacement of Dry-Cell Batteries via Solar Charged Batteries
Mundkur V, Varghese F. & Gajarales A.: An Analysis of Suitability of Micro Grids and Solar Home Systems

Minigrids - Implementation
Canizares FE., Gomis-Bellmunt O., Ranaboldo M. & Kirchhoff H.: Development of a Heuristic Algorithm to Design Stand-Alone Microgrids for Rural Electrification Projects Considering Distributed Generation
Karnataki RK., Kumar T., Shodhan S. Mitavachan H., Shankar G. & Srinivasan J.: AC Solar Photo-voltaic Micro-Grid in Indian Reserve Forest Areas- Experimenting the Implementation Challenges
Palit D. & Malhotra S.: Energizing Rural India Using Micro Grids: The Case of Solar DC Micro-Grids in Uttar Pradesh State, India


Implementation and Business Models
Palit D., Malhotra S., Pandey MK. & Bankoti N.: Solar Lighting for Rural Households: A Case of Innovative Model in Bihar, India
Garimella A., Palit D., Effah R. & Assefa E.: An Inclusive Strategy to Trigger Solar Technology Market: Case Studies of Rural Distribution Models from Ethiopia
Ahlgren E.: A Post-Kyoto CDM Bioenergy Business Model Built on Systems Expansion
Sawamur H & Amiraly A.: Diffusion of Alternative Electricity Supply Solutions in Bangalore: The Emergence of a Market of Middle-Income Customers with New Aspirations Case Studies of SELCO and BCIL Promoting Photovoltaic Systems

Sebastian G., Taylor H.: The Role of Microfinance in Energy Access Changing Roles, Changing Paradigms and Future Potential
Dumitrescu R., Carrillo N. & Kahlen L.: Implementing a Green Microfinance Strategy- The Case of CONTACTAR
Bhatnagar A.: SEWA's Hariyali Initiative - Special Presentation

Technologies for Agriculture
Elrehim H., Kirchhoff H.: Techno-Economic Feasibility of PV Irrigation in Egypt
Pillarisetti, S.: Microfinancing Decentralized Solar Energy Systems in India: The Stage set for Diversification to Irrigation


Local Grid Access
Ibrahim M., Chowdhury A.: Development of a Compact DC-DC Converter with Solar Charge Controller for Solar DV Nano Grid System
Kirchhoff H, Schmid M., Adelmann P. & Strunz K: Passive Droop Control in a Decentralized 12 DC Energy Access Microgrid With Lead Acid Batteries
Ramadhan B., Pfanner N., Schreiber F. & Jantsch M.: Development of a Test Framework for Evaluating USB Charging Ports of Pico PV Systems and Solar Home Systems

Linking Energy Acces and Development
Holmes J. & Gevelt T.: Smart Villages: Energy Access as a Catalyst for Development
Esteves G.: Decentralized Energy Generation, Rural Electrification and Smart Grid Solutions at the Brazilian Power Sector: An Overview of the Improvements, Bottle neck and Incentives Established through New Regulatory Framework 2009/2011
Onasanya M. & Wright A.: Improving the Performance of Solar PV Installation in Rural Locations in Nigeria: A Case Study


Welcome Speeches and Keynote
Sebastian Groh (MES), Suresh Ramaswwamyreddy (BMS)
Sophie Wiesner (ADA)
Special Presentation


Panel Discussion
Prof. Saifur Rahmen (Virgina Tech), Prof. Peter Adelmann ( University of Applied Sciences ULm) and Sampath Dechu (IBM, India Research Laboratory): The Road to SE4All: Are Smart Minigirds an Answer?


Cultural Program and Conference Dinner

Friday, 24 April 2015

​​► For presentations please click on the respective session highlighted in blue.


Panel Discussion
Mitra Ardron (Lumeter Networks), Dimitry Gershenson (Berkeley Rural Energy Group), Charles Cole Navarro (ADB-Energy For All) and Anurag Bhatnagar (SEWA, Hariyali): Financing Sustainable Energy for All


Evaluation and Assessment
Rao N., Agarwal A. & Wood D.: A Comparative Study of Electricity Supply and Benefits from Microgirds, Solar Home Systems and the Grid in Rural South
Rao N. & Da Silva I.: Multi Criteria Selection of RETs Sites Using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)
Groh S., Pachauri S & Rao N.: You are What You Measure! But are We Measuring it Right? An Empirical Analysis of Energy Access metrics Based on a Mutli-tier Approach in Bangladesht
Yarime M., Peters J. & Kiru S.: Introducing Solar LED Lanterns To Rural Kenya: Sustainability Assessment of Environmental, Economic and Social Impacts

Political Economy of Distributed Electricity Generation
Straeten J.: Electrification in Tanzania from a Historical Perspective - Discourses of Development and the marginalization of the Rural Poor
Cader C.: Is a Grid Connection the Best Solution? Frequently over-looked Arguments Assessing Centralized Electrification Pathways

Indian Case Studies
Garimella A., Shardul M., Chaudhury S. & Palit D.: Institution as the Catalyst for Productive Use of Electricity in livelihood Cluster: Case for Energy plus Approach from Andhra Pradesh, India
Harnmeijer A., Bhopal V., Cross J., Palit D., Biswal P., Mahapatra S. & Harnmeijer J.: Urjaa Samadhan - Towards Self-Sustaining Solar Economies in Orissa , India
Sarangi G. & Mishra A.: Decentralized Renewable Energy Interventions in India as Eco-Innovations: Forms and Drivers


Key Take-Aways - Minigrid Workshop
Debajit Palit (TERI), Sebastian Groh (MEI) & Dominic Fernando (Schneider Electric): Identifying the Missing Link: Enabling Low-Income Markets through Clean Minigrid Solutions


Botttom-up Microgirds Reaching Scale
Nordman B.: DC Technology as a Smart and Efficient Distribution Platform
Pascaöe F.:Energy Access with DC Microgirds and Remote Monitoring - Experiences from East Africa
Walsh T.:Solar DC Nanogrids - A Promising Low-cost Approach to Village Electrification
Chowdhury S.:Solar DC Grids for Rural Electrification: An Overview

RETs in Energy Access and Application
Wafula J. & Silva I.: Mitigating the Effects of Spot Shading on the Power Output of a Solar Module
Hanashikatti P., Prathima B., Kalmath M. & Suresh K.: Treating of Reverse Osmosis Rejected Water Using Solar Energy - A Case Study
Batteiger A. & Dhananjaya N.: Green Economy via Decentralized Energy Generation and Waste Management being Achieved by a 60 kg /day Kitchen Waste Biogas Plant at Postal Training Center, Mysore, India


Poster Session
Nalubega T., da Silva I. & Suzan M.: An Induction Generator Controller for Mihunga Picohydropower Scheme in Kasese, Western Ugand
Ngowi J., Bängens L. & Ahlgren E.: Benefits and Challenges of Offgrid Rural Electrification: Case of Minihydropower in Bulongwa- Tanzania
Baumgartl J., Kolmsee K. & Belloni C.: Technical Solutions and Case Study
Kishore K,: Decentralized Energy Systems via State Funding for Roof-Top Solar Power on Govt. Buildings for Green Government Initiative & Personal Solar Power Via State Support for social and National Securiry
Rameshaiah G.: Micro Energy Harvesting


Panel Discussion

Shah R., Hande H., Gottschalk T. & Ahmed S.: Business Models for SE4ALL


Closing Keynote

Dr.H.Harish Hande (SELCO)


Fairwell of the Organizers : Jonas van der Straeten (MES) and Suresh Ramaswwamyreddy (BMS)

Saturday, 25 April 2015