Category:Energy Efficiency in Buildings
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All Energy Efficiency in Buildings Articles
Here, you will find all articles categorized as 'buildings'.
Pages in category "Energy Efficiency in Buildings"
The following 39 pages are in this category, out of 39 total.
- Edificación Sustentable: Programa Energía Sustentable en México
- EEP in Mongolia Capacity Building & Finance
- EEP in Mongolia Ressources & Downloads
- EEP in Mongolia Technology and Pilots
- Energy Efficiency in Brazil
- Energy Efficiency in Buildings - Mexico
- Energy Efficiency in Humanitarian Infrastructure - A Practitioners Guideline
- Energy Efficiency in the grid-connected energy supply
- Energy Efficient Building Refurbishment in Mongolia
- Energy management systems (toolbox in French)
- Energías Renovables: Programa Energía Sustentable en México
- Event: Establishing collaboration council for sustainable green, energy-efficient construction in Mongolia
- Projet Appui à la Promotion de l'Efficacité Energétique en Tunisie (APEET)
- Publication - Business Models for Green Buildings: Real estate actors around the globe show the way
- Publication - Smart and Efficient Digital Solutions to Save Energy in Buildings
- Publication: How to Build an Energy-efficent House? A Practical Guide for Rural Masters
- Publication: Positive impacts on health, emissions to air, and budget spending through energy efficiency
- Publication: Residential Construction Handbook (English version)
- Publication: Strategies for Development of Green Energy Systems in Mongolia
Media in category "Energy Efficiency in Buildings"
The following 67 files are in this category, out of 67 total.
- 1 How to SGE.pdf 2,250 × 3,250, 5 pages; 440 KB
- 1 NAMA VIVIENDA EXISTENTE V2 INGLES.pdf 2,539 × 2,539, 111 pages; 0 bytes
- 210705 CentreInfoEnergie Tata Maroc AlessioMei.jpg 600 × 400; 0 bytes
- 210709 G08. Guide Imams FR Web.pdf 1,771 × 2,480, 40 pages; 0 bytes
- Construction Codes and Capacity Building in Sustainable Housing for Local Authorities.pdf 1,151 × 2,421, 15 pages; 0 bytes
- EDGE Certificate Sakura House.png 3,540 × 2,655; 16.39 MB
- EEP - Children in Kindergarten.jpg 720 × 600; 165 KB
- EEP - Kindergarten 127 Refurbishment.JPG 1,083 × 325; 172 KB
- EEP - Kindergarten 80 Refurbishment.JPG 1,300 × 390; 249 KB
- EEP - Kindergarten.PNG 780 × 650; 678 KB
- EEP - Ulaanbaatar Governance.JPG 720 × 600; 193 KB
- Energy Audit -Training Handbook- Nigeria 2017.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 326 pages; 0 bytes
- Energy Audit-Training Syllabus- Nigeria 2017.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 36 pages; 0 bytes
- Energy Efficient Building Design-Training Syllabus- Nigeria 2017.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 24 pages; 0 bytes
- Estimation of GHF mitigation potencial.jpg 481 × 288; 0 bytes
- GIZ Aislamiento térmico 2012.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 70 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Arquitectura bioclimática y vernácula 2013.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 68 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Benchmarking EE Centros Médicos, Escuelas, Hoteles 2015.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 45 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Benchmarking EE edificios APF 1a Fase 2012.pdf 2,479 × 3,508, 62 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Benchmarking EE edificios APF 2aFase 2012.pdf 2,479 × 3,508, 44 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Booklet Sisevive Ecocasa 2015.pdf 2,539 × 3,307, 8 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Capacitación gobiernos locales 2011.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 201 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Certificación y etiquetado UE 2016.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 47 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Diagnóstico reglamentos construcción 2010.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 33 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ EE Instalaciones eléctricas, sanitarias y Aire Acondicionado 2012.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 107 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Estudio aire acondicionado vivienda 2016.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 240 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Estudio de Optimización Viviendas 2011.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 190 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Etiquetado edificios públicos 2016.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 52 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Fachadas y azoteas verdes 2013.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 37 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Guia Reglamentos Construccion 2016.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 7 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Guía rápida NOM-020-ENER-2011.pdf 3,300 × 2,550, 28 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Introducción EE en la edificación 2012.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 49 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Lámparas Fluorescentes Compactas 2011.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 38 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Manual Operativo del Sisevive 2014.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 37 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Manual técnico NOM-020-ENER-2011.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 103 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Manuales gobiernos locales vivienda 2013.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 165 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Modelo del Sistema de Evaluación de la Vivienda Verde 2013.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 57 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Resultados del Piloto Sisevive-Ecocasa 2013.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 31 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Trayecto Técnico M1 2015.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 221 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Uso eficiente de energía en fachadas y cubiertas 2013.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 53 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Ventanas y aberturas 2013.pdf 2,538 × 3,300, 59 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ Vinculación HV-Sisevive-Ecocasa 2017.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 64 pages; 0 bytes
- Giz2014-en-infonavit-triangular-mexico-colombia-germany.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 2 pages; 0 bytes
- Governance in Ulaanbaatar.PNG 453 × 640; 651 KB
- Housing NAMA Mexico-Annex 1.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 46 pages; 0 bytes
- Housing NAMA Mexico-Annex 2.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 27 pages; 0 bytes
- Housing NAMA Mexico-Update 2017.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 193 pages; 0 bytes
- J-DesarrolloRural-Vinos-Espana.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 2 pages; 2.32 MB
- Khovd Duut.png 627 × 466; 583 KB
- Khovd KG 11.png 449 × 423; 345 KB
- Landscaping Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing Opportunities 2021.pdf 4,000 × 2,250, 27 pages; 0 bytes
- New Housing NAMA Cronology.jpg 1,217 × 200; 0 bytes
- Nigeria Energy Efficiency Building Design Training -Handbook-2017.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 118 pages; 0 bytes
- Opportunities for Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing in Humanitarian Energy - An African Perspective 2021.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 8 pages; 0 bytes
- Pilotos ProNAMA.jpg 2,277 × 513; 0 bytes
- Reporte Final PilotoE4.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 77 pages; 0 bytes
- Sakura Haus.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 8.89 MB
- Sakura House 6 5.jpg 720 × 600; 258 KB
- Sisevive Ecocasa.jpg 816 × 363; 0 bytes
- Sisevive-Ecocasa description (Spanish).pdf 1,151 × 2,421, 18 pages; 0 bytes
- Social cost study Factsheet EN.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 2 pages; 1.26 MB
- Untitled.png 1,166 × 416; 951 KB
- View-on-Ulaanbaatar.jpg 800 × 1,200; 393 KB
- VIVIENDA NUEVA INGLES.pdf 2,539 × 2,539, 195 pages; 0 bytes
- Za Kg 5.png 819 × 252; 404 KB