Waste Processing Management for Home Industry Soja Cheese (Tahu) and the Urban Livestock as an Alternative Source of Bioenergy for the Community in Sokaraja Village, Banyumas District , Central Java
Central Sokaraja village located just 10 km from the town of Purwokerto-Central Java, most of the population income are from agriculture, livestock and an home small industries Soja cheese. There are more than 80 families living as maker of Soja cheese in this village.
In 2010 Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) was build with support from the Environment Agency Banyumas District. Liquid waste are collected from each maker of Soja cheese. They are 18 points of production place Soja cheese, with the total number of production as much as 740 kg of soybean per day. The amount of liquid waste (laru) generated approximately 5000-6000 liters per day, and then flowed into the tank as well as a place-making biogas. However produced biogas of this installation is still very small capacity, it can only be used as fuel for cooking at households around the village. Some people still couldn’t feel the importance of these biogas as an alternative energy, so that in the maintenance of the waste water treatment plant has not performed optimally, is often carried over plastic trash and cloth fibers with a liquid waste which makes wastewater pumps in the digester often jammed. The installation becomes dysfunctional.
Therefore it is necessary to organized an integrated waste management as an additional supply of waste treatment from another sectors, such as waste from livestock manure: goats, cows, buffaloes, that were around the village. So that the capacity of the biogas produced can be increased.it can be used not only as a substitute fuel oil or LPG gas in cooking at home, also can as a substitute source of energy for industry Soja cheese who typically use wood. Home industry Soja cheese will be more efficient in the production cost, the benefits will be greater, raising awareness of waste installations would be a concern.
Further Information
Contact the author Djeimy Kusnaman for further information